
Chapter Title: Extra 3: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip-01

It's been less than a month since I've ended Cabin Fever and since then I've been in such a rollercoaster mood...sad at the end of an era but excited as to what the new one, what book three holds

Release date will be revealed on June 11th. I'm hoping until the release date I'll be able to get some serious editing done. I feel like after CF I've crossed over a new level of my writing, coming closer and closer to finding my 'final' voice.

That voice which isn't the same as it was in June of 2018 — a whole year ago. I was younger, less literate, and understood my vision behind my series wayyy less. Now that I do understand more, I'm hoping to do some revamping of the unedited rough drafts of CWTHAW and CF.