
Chapter Title: (9) Less Talking. More Petting.-01

In the middle of Jason, Bree, Aiden and Marley's game of darts, the rest of the group filtered in. Tristan and Brendan came back - both showing physical signs of what they had been doing before arriving, they're worse than her and Aiden - as well as Sarah with Kelly and Ryan. The two of them have been a little strained lately, Kelly's only explanation being that they butt heads on silly issues. Whatever that means.

Gabby and Ethan, too, who seems to get along with Ryan well, and is absolutely intimidated by being anywhere near Aiden. While Bree took her turn, Marley nudged Aiden with her elbow. He had his arm around her and was talking to Jason, but this was a deserving interruption. "Did you threaten Ethan, Aiden?"

Jason snorted, earning a sharp glare from Aiden before he was running a hand through his hair. Marley watched his arm muscles move involuntarily, and was glad he was avoiding her gaze right now. "I would-why would I do that, spitfire?"