
Chapter Title: (162) You're Always A Babe Magnet-02

Marley winced, remembering that their entire senior class and then some knows she's a virgin. Not exactly something she wanted broadcasted. She's never been ashamed of it until she feels as though she should be. "I'm not angry at her anymore. No more drama, remember? Giving her the time of day would be stooping to her level. I want to be the bigger person, Aiden. Besides, that video is more embarrassing for her than it is for me, isn't it?"

Aiden's eyes narrowed. His arms tightened around her. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Remember how you stood up to her on Halloween, and made it clear to me that you deserve respect? That you wouldn't be...I think your words were..."

"Another notch in your bedpost," she whispered, "I do."

"You know that'll never be what you are to me, right?" He told her seriously, his eyes boring into her own.