
Chapter Title: (14) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari-02

Aiden's hands slipped out from under her shirt, pulling it down while she quickly shoved him off of her, the two of them still panting loudly. Aiden stood and turned for the bathroom while Marley scrambled up from the floor with cheeks flaming for a different reason. A blonde haired, green eyed reason who was leaned against the door jamb and smirking deviously. Aiden turned his head to respond to Leo, "Virgin eyes. You see anything you've never seen before, I'll buy you another Ferrari." For a second Marley wondered where Aiden was going as the door clicked shut, but the realization came quickly and made her blush deepen considerably. "He'll be out in a sec, Marley," Leo said humorously as he headed for his bed on his messier side of the room, strewn with clothes and food wrappers on the dark hardwood, "he's just adju-"

"I don't want to hear it!" Marley screeched, scrambling away from him with a racing heart, "Please Leo! For once!"