
Chapter Title: (121) You're Finally Worn Out-01

Marley watched Aiden casually pick the lock of the back entrance of the building of their towns' Aquaventure Water Park, her back pressed against the brick wall and her heart pounding in her ears. He paused to raise an eyebrow at her position, and the spooked expression on her face. "This was your idea, spitfire. Backing out already?" He had a teasing glint in his eyes. Her dignity was at stake here, so she straightened as best as she could. Her hazel eyes were still scanning frantically though, ears perked for sirens that never came, "No. Just hurry," she hissed. Aiden chuckled, shaking his head before going back to his lock picking, "For someone so determined to be dangerous and spontaneous and fun, you sure look worried about the consequences."