
Chapter 6-2

Marley laid on her dorm room mattress, staring up at the ceiling. Wondering what Jacobi would think, what he would say, if he was here. He always knew of her Brown University aspirations. Would he think her being here is selfish, or would he be doing snow angels in August, too? "You ever...start thinking about him, and you can't stop? And it's been an hour?" She asked. "All the time," Max answered into her phone. "We're playing twenty questions, in my Jacobi wind-tunnel. Is his favourite colour still green? Does he still like pepperoni sausage on his pizza dipped in mustard? Is his favourite book still The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?"

"Definitely," Marley said, a tiny, reminiscent smile on her lips. "I think you were the Jim to his Huck."