
Chapter 12-2

"Oh yeah. I've been part of every rumour mill under the sun, spitfire. I've been part of a seven female teacher orgy. I've had sex in every classroom on the first floor. My so-called assistant has been to the abortion clinic so many times to pay for abortions, that they know her by her first name. I have a red room straight out of fifty shades in my basement. I've had three different JV teams in my shower...at the same time. I'm a gang leader. I own an underground dog fighting ring. I'm secretly blonde but girls couldn't tell Leo and I apart when we were naked so I dyed my hair brown for threesomes. All through junior year everyone believed that I paid girls to hype up my sex game and my dick size because of yet more rumours. Girls used to come out and say they've hooked up with me when they hadn't pretty much every other day. And that's just scratching the surface to all the shit talk about me at Kingston."