
New Girlfriend

"You changed " Ray turned around to see Rachel watch him. He had finally ended their partnership after months of working together.

"Am sorry I have no time for cheating I have another meeting to get to " he smiled and walked out.

She watched him and frowned, she had thought he was like the rumors, a useless playboy. At first, it had seemed so but with the time of working together, she had discovered he wasn't. And now seeing him leave after their final deal closed she felt empty. Would she ever see him again?.

She sighed. Getting up to leave, her assistant walked in with her phone.

"A call from Camilla," she said.

"Ahhh " she took her phone. How did she get her phone and why was she calling?

hi, Rachel"

Hi, Mrs.Smith "

"Can you join me for lunch?" Camilla asked.


She heard Camilla giggle, "Okay, my restaurant in ten minutes "

Rachel hang up and turned to her assistant, "Lunch with the future Mrs.Hunstman, did I do anything to offend her?"

When she arrived, Camilla was busy preparing an evening event at the restaurant. She turned to Rachel and waved back at her with a smile.

The waiter lead her to the balcony area, Camilla walked over holding a serving tray with two glasses of juice.

Rachel got up and helped up, her belly might not show yet but she was still pregnant.

"Sorry I was still handling something she bent down and hugged Rachel.

" It's okay, your working I understand "

"So what do you want for lunch?" Camilla asked.

Rachel looked up from her glass, "Oh! anything is fine, am not a picky eater "

Soon their food was bought in, different dishes. The table was filled.

"I enjoy eating but I don't think we can finish all this " Rachel laughed

Camilla laughed, "My appetite has grown recently & you said you love eating so let's dig in " she grabbed her fork.

Rachel looked shocked. But followed Camilla's and they started eating.

"Actually I called you here to help me with something "

Rachel smiled.."Tell me am all ears " she was enjoying the food.

Camilla hesitated and Rachel frowned.

"What is it, did something bad happen?" she asked.

Camilla shook her head, "You know my wedding is coming up and everyone is busy helping so that we can hold it on time . So basically everyone has a role they are playing, and me as the bride I was given this " she pointed out the food on the table.

"You to choose the dishes for the wedding?"

"Mmm," Camilla answered.

"You're an expert in that so what exactly is giving you trouble?" Rachel asked.

"I am an expert but with so many ideas am getting confused cause it's my wedding. I don't have much of close female friends to ask for opinions. Ritah is busy and mom is even busier than me the bride " she sighed putting down her fork.

Rachel smiled "So you asked me here for my opinion?"

Camilla nodded then sat up, "I know we are not that close but Ray seems to treat you different which means your special, and I met you once or twice.. maybe...and I liked you too. So I thought of you when I got stuck with choosing "

Rachel was quiet watching the anxiously pretty face in front of her.

"I hope you don't think am taking advantage of you just because I can....or because you owe me cause of the free lunch...I just need a new girlfriend and you matched the criteria " she stopped trying to read Rachel's expression but could not.

"And maybe still help with this " she finished.

"Hhahahaha " Rachel laughed. Camilla sighed laughing too.

"You really who they said you are, sweet, kind, and beautiful mostly. Am glad you even considered me and please I don't feel like you are taking advantage of me but it's the other way round...she pointed around the table.." I got a chance to taste all your special dishes and even shared a table with a great person like you "

"Is it that great?" Camilla asked confused.

Rachel nodded, "You're a famous chef, respected and well-known for your delicious different dishes but on top of that you are the future Mrs.Hunstman "

Camilla laughed," I don't mind that I even forget am one. But the part of being sweet is true "

They both laughed.

"You forgot the part of beautiful, some women are considering following what that crazy psycho did and look like you " Rachel let out

"Oh geez, they better not, Chris now made it illegal for anyone to do that even if slight having a resemblance to me is a crime now " she sighed "He really is a crazy man "

"Well he loved you and I don't think he would enjoy seeing copycats of your face. I do agree with him on that " Rachel laughed.

"I like you more already " Camilla chuckled.

They finished their lunch as they chatted. Rachel gave her opinion and soon they decided on what Camilla would have for her wedding.

She walked Rachel out. She stopped and held Camilla's hand.

"Can I ask you something, it's going to sound weird but I need to "

Camilla smiled, "It's about Ray?" she said.

Rachel nodded."Has he ever been in a serious relationship "

"He had never considered too, cause he claimed it was bothersome which made him a spoilt playboy, and then things changed when he saw you ".

Camilla whispered in Rachel's ear "And am saying this as someone who has known him for half our lives, he likes you "

Rachel's face blushed as she smiled. "I wanted to talk to him today but he shut me out "

"He's just angry... you made him cry for a whole week, I had to cheer him up. But he still likes you that am sure of " Camilla assured.

"I didn't mean to do that, I was just afraid he was just playing me like he always does others "

"I know dear and understand, that his bad reputation destroyed his chances of getting any decent girl. But the Gods are pitiful and brought you along. So I suggested you dont wait till he returned to his old ways and go secure your territory " Camilla smirked pushing her to the door.

Rachel giggled, "But I don't know where he is right now "

Camilla waved her hand and grabbed her phone calling Ray.

"Dummy, where are you?" she said.

"Leaving work, am exhausted and have a headache. I think am running a fever" Ray answered.

"Ohh. then head home..am sending someone to bring you some medicine and food to eat " Camilla smiled at the puzzled Rachel.

"Mmmm, that's why I love you bestie. Thanks for caring about me " Ray whined.

"Okay get home safe, love you "

"Love you too," Ray said and then hung up.

Camilla turned to Ben who was moving something to the kitchen, "Ben dear, tell Ritah to pack some of the food that remained for lunch and bring it to Rachel " she said then returned to Rachel.

"You broke my baby, his even running a fever " she cunningly said.

Rachel became worried, "He's sick, how come. When he left he was fine "

"Ray is good at hiding his pain, he only shows or tells me cause he knows I will kill him if I find out myself " Camilla smiled.

They moved back to the table to wait for the packed food.

Ritah walked out holding two packages, "Well since she enjoyed all the dishes, I packed some of everything " she laughed passing it to Rachel.

Camilla pushed her up and moved, "Now don't forget to buy the medicine on your way and make sure he eats after he takes it. His cranky when his sick so be patient and please take care of him," she said.

Rachel wanted to say something but Camilla frowned.

"Remember that's its kinda sort of your fault since you harshly broke his heart. So go show him some love so he returns to my lovely bubbly best friend "

They watched as the half confused and half determined Rachel got into her car, safely keeping the food in the back seat, and then drove off.

"Ray you will have to thank me for this " Camilla giggled and returned to work.