

Jack drove Camilla to their home the next day, it was already evening. She had informed Chris's father who was delighted to have her.

He was at the door waiting for them, "Camilla" he said moving to the car to hug her.

Camilla smiled and hugged him.

"Dad," Jack said.

"Jack it's been long since you come to visit, come in," he said.

They all walked in, it was a beautiful home, Camilla noticed a portrait of Chris's parents, then Chris's and Jack's.

"Thank you to bringing back one of my lost sons, we haven't had him here since the day he left. Chris's father whispered in her ear.

she giggled, "Welcome "

They moved to the dining room where his wife was waiting,

"Your late," she said.

"Traffic was terrible " Jack murmured bending down to kiss her cheek.

"Your hair has grown," she said seeing Jack take his seat.

"Chris said I look better with it," he said.

"Mmmm," she said then motioned the servants to serve the food.

Camilla was spotted next to Chris's father and was silent. He made sure they took care of her needs then they started eating.

"So, I heard my son is dating now " Mr, huntsman smiled.

Jack frowned eyeing Camilla who avoided his gaze. She must have told him.

"So what brings you here?" Mrs.Hunstman asked.

"Brother's birthday is coming up and we are planning a party. We wanted you and Dad to come too " Jack answered.

"It's a surprise so he doesn't know anything " Camilla added.

"I will be there, I have never missed his birthday celebration" Chris's father smiled.

His wife's face had turned cold the moment Camilla had spoken.

"Is she going?" She pointed to Camilla

Jack and his father's face frowned

"It's all her plan and his fiancee, she has to be there " her husband answered.

Mrs.Huntsman placed down her fork and turned to Camilla. "Then one of us will have to miss & I suppose the mother who gave birth to him is more important than a mere woman"

Camilla sighed, this woman was stone cold.

"None of you will miss, Camilla will be there and so will you " Chris's father let out.

"I can't stand to be in the same room as this girl, right now am only doing it for the both of you. So if you still want me to be at my son's birthday she will have to miss it " her voice was cold and full of hatred.

"She has every right to be there, mother. brother is soon marrying her which makes her part of our family " Jack muttered.

"And in case you have forgotten, this girl right here is carrying our grandchild. That makes her more important to us " Chris's father turned to his wife with angry eyes.

"This is why I don't like you, every time I see you something bad happens. The last time I saw you, my son left home. And now that you are back in our lives everything I had built is crumbling down. Chris is marrying you with a young monster on the way ". she pointed at Camilla's belly.

She got up making the others do the same, she moved to where Camilla was standing with a disgusting look on her face. Jack moved closer to Camilla.

" Look you even turned these two against me too, you forced my husband to preparing your wedding while turning my only remaining son gay. Do you see that all you touch is manipulated by you? You a deadly which that needs to be burned " she yelled shoving Camilla back

Camilla lost her balance and before Jack could react she fell onto the table, hitting her belly. She cried in pain.

"WINNE " Chris's father shouted grabbing his wife.

"How the hell did you survive that accident, you were supposed to die but NOO...you lived on and came back to haunt me " Winne pulled away from her husband's grip and jumped on Camilla.

Jack held her back but she had already grabbed Camilla's hair, pulling with all her strength.

"Mom, stop she's pregnant " Jack begged pulling his mother who still had her claws in Camilla's hair who was screaming in pain.

"Pregnant?! so what it, I killed the first one I can still kill this one too " she was yelling so loud everyone in the mansion heard.

Her husband got up from where he had dropped and rushed to their side. He slapped his wife so hard that she staggering letting go of Camilla's hair, she dropped to the floor.

"Jack help Camilla I will take care of your mom," he said.

Jack moved to Camilla's side to examine her condition.

"You slapped me for her " she looked up at her husband.

He nodded, "Your evil," he said.

"Dad, she's bleeding " Jack turned to his father.

"What " he turned rushing to their side.

Camilla was moaning in pain clutching her belly, "Jack get me out of her now, we need to save my baby " she cried.

"She's right get her out of her, look she's bleeding on my carpet " Winne shouted laughing

They looked at her in horror.

"Jack get her to the car, we need to leave now " his father ordered.

Jack took his coat off and wrapped it around her waist then carried her out.

They drove off in a hurry.