
"Since the Day we Met"

Jack would have stayed indoors if it meant hiding from Alfred. He had called a few times and even texted but Jack didn't answer. He wanted to talk about what happened the night between them but Jack seemed reluctant to listen.

He wanted to hide till his boss returned so he could go back to work. But Ray had called him out for some fun since he was bored saying he missed his drinking buddy.

He could not turn him down, but he was avoiding alcohol for now.

He arrived at their usual club, Ray was already at his spot, laughing and drinking with some girls. He walked over and took a seat.

"Hello there Mr.lock myself in the house " Ray smiled. He told the girls to leave for a while. He moved closer to Jack.

"How are you, sir," Jack said coldly.

"Hi, don't be like that, you know when we are away from work I am Ray, and your Jack no tittle here " Ray hit his chest.

"Sorry," Jack said.

Ray passed him a glass of liquor but Jack didn't take it.

"Am off this for a while " he said.

Ray laughed placing the glass in front of him and sitting back.

"I consider you my close friend but you didn't even tell me about what happened between you and Alfred " he smirked.

Jack's cold blue fierce eyes turned to Ray, "I suppose the boss told you " he said.

"You know we don't have secrets between me and Camilla but she wasn't the one who told me. Haven't you wondered how Alfred knew your home address that night " Ray took a sip of his drink?

"He called you that night?" Jack asked and Ray nodded.

"He was worried you would feel weird if you woke up at his place since you guys are not that close and since he could not call Camilla and he decided to call me instead "

"Ohh..." was all Jack said.

"So what happened," he asked

"Nothing, he dropped me home then left, " Jack said.

"Hmmm, then why did he tell Camilla that you are avoiding his calls and not replying to his text?"

Jack felt his lips twitch, he grabbed the glass in front of him and took its contents in one gulp. he felt the burning sensation move down his throat but he didn't mind and poured himself more taking another.

"Just been busy that's all " he lied.

"With what exactly, Chris is away so what is keeping you busy?" Ray asked again.

Jack knew Ray always wanted to dig into other's peoples business and since he knew something about Jack he would not let go till he found out. And it seemed Camilla hadn't told him about what exactly happened.

He was silent, and Ray seemed to give up seeing him quiet.

"Okay, I will let you go because I called you out to have fun not make you angry. He called back the girls and ordered more drinks.

Jack who had decided not to drink was now drinking with a grimace on his face. Ray was busy with the girls when he noticed Jack's face.

" It's alright if none suit your taste, I called someone over to keep you company, his late but he assured me he was on the way," he said.

"Who?" Jack's blue stares turned to Ray.

"Me," a deep voice said.

Ray laughed, "You finally got here, I thought you weren't coming anymore. take a seat the more the merrier "

Alfred stood still as his green eyes stared at Jack. Jack moved and pulled away the arms of the girl around him. Those eyes seemed angry seeing him in her arms. Why was he doing that he thought to be moved aside to create space for Alfred to sit.

Alfred walked over pushing the girl away further to Ray's side.

"Then I guess more girls for me " Ray laughed calling all the girls over to his side.

"Are you okay?" Alfred asked.

"Why do you ask " Jack answered avoiding his gaze. If he knew this guy was coming he would not have drunk that much. Now his head felt dizzy, would he always be like this with Alfred.

"You have been so quiet not picking up my calls or texts I thought you had fallen ill," said Alfred.

"No, I was just occupied with other things " Jack took more of his drink. He might be drunk but this situation was making him tenser.

Ray got up going with all the girls to dance, he was more wasted than he. Jack smirked at his weird moves as he danced.

"I thought you were avoiding me," Alfred said.

"Why would I do that?" Jack said, and he regretted asking since he knew the answer.

"Cause we kissed.I think it made you feel uncomfortable to see me again " Alfred said.

Jack was silent and kept drinking. Alfred watched him and continued, "You're disgusted by my face right now I reckon".

"No am not " Jack whispered.

"You don't have to lie I know you are and am sorry I kissed you back cause to you it was a drunk mistake. Alfred sound like he was holding back his sadness, " And to me, I wanted it since the day I met you " he muttered.

Jack choked on his drink cause no matter how Alfred had whispered the last line he could still hear it even with the loud noise.

Alfred passed him a napkin, "Sorry, are you okay " he sounded worried.

"A..am okay," he said. Alfred's warm hand didn't leave his back as Jack coughed. He was so close Jack could smell his body scent the same as last time.

He looked up, Alfred's face was so near their nose tips hit each other. Their eyes gazed into each other for a second before Alfred pulled away and Jack sat back in his seat.

"You wanted to kiss me since the day we met?" he finally asked.

Alfred turned to him but his eyes don't look up, "You heard?"

"I have good ears " Jack tried to smile.

"I didn't mean to say it loud," Alfred said.

Jack watched him he was different today, was it because he thought Jack hated him now. But it wasn't his fault in the first place cause Jack had begun the kiss and Alfred just flowed.

But now he was saying he had wanted to kiss him from the day they met.

"I don't find you disgusting and that kiss was my fault cause I started it. I found it weird after but I still won't deny that I enjoy every bit of it "

Alfred finally looked up and Jack felt his face blush under his gaze. He turned away, why was he blushing did he turn soft after kissing a fellow man.

"You did enjoy it since you said you still wanted to kiss me but were sleepy " Alfred had a slight smile.

Jack smirked and turned away continuing to drink.

Ray returned singing to the song playing. He sat down, "Are you two sorted, I can see some smiles "

Alfred nodded and Jack ignored him.

Ray and Jack kept drinking till they were fully wasted leaving Alfred as the sober one.

"Guys, I think you're done for the night," he said calling the waiter to pay the bill.

"No need to pay sir, he has an account here " he pointed to Ray.

Alfred nodded and called Ray's driver who took care of his boss while Alfred held up Jack and walked out.

He placed Jack in the car and took his in the driver's seat.

"Deja vu" he said before driving off.