

A secret society only known as the Chroniclers of the Dark was vent on eradicating one line of ancient vampires in hope of finding the cure. Aine and her coven became the number one target. One by one her accolades were hunted and slaughtered like animals. Her only chance of survival was to become once again the monster that she despised in order to protect her people and the reincarnation of the only man she ever love.

miles8885 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The night sky was clear, the moon was at its fullest and the stars shine brightly giving it all a wondrous spectacle. Calhun walked along the busy pedestrian. He was out of place in his plain white t-shirt and rugged jeans paired with a sneaker. Everyone around him was dressed in their Halloween costumes, kids pranced around in groups carrying pumpkin baskets in princesses, fairies and iron man.

Calhun frowned as four kids in black capes and faked fangs crossed his path. He looked down at his own clothes and wondered how in hell did the movie people came up with such a ridiculous representation of his kind.

"I had the same thought." Cohen his younger brother suddenly appeared whispering to his ear.

Calhun jumped. He was foolishly staring at the kids he did not notice Cohen sneaking from behind him. "Stop doing that." He almost snapped trying to stay cool.

Cohen laughed. His brother with all his brusque and muscular built was a total sucker for surprises.

"I said stop it." Calhun grimaced.

"Stop what exactly, brother? You have to be more specific." Cohen could not resist the urge to torment Calhun at every given opportunity he could get. It became a ritual of habit for him. He quite enjoyed the annoyance on his brother's face.

"Both." Calhun replied exasperated. "You said you wanted to celebrate. Where are we going?"

"There's a place around the next corner. Some neighborhood friendly bar I frequented lately. Come along now." Cohen disappeared in a very unnatural speed leaving Calhun behind in amazement.

Calhun smiled. He still could not get enough of his brother's uncanny ability. His speed. Their curse has somewhat not only bestowed them with immortality but a great upgrade of their ability. Cohen was considered the most agile in their tribe, even when he was still a human. He on the other hand was more into strength and emotions.

His bloody emotions. He sighed to himself. It was his downfall. He became more empathetic as years gone by. The worst part was everytime he fed, he felt the tremors of pain and fear in his victims. It haunted him. Countless faces he could still see everytime he closed his eyes.


Calhun grimaced at the rowdy scenery in front of him. Bright neon lights, loud music cramped with hormonal people desperate to have a good time. He hated this place but Cohen much appreciated the hype surrounding.

Calhun searched the crowd for Cohen. He found him pretending to be drunk with four college girls in bunny outfits. He looked like he was having the time of his life. He raised his beer mug at him and almost choke at the taste of the diluted beer.

He watched Cohen, he could never get enough of his no care about the world attitude. Sometimes he despised his outlook but most of the time he found it entertaining to the point that he somewhat got influenced in some ways.

A smile crossed his handsome face. He's frozen on his mid twenties with battle scars and blue tattoos peeking underneath his tshirt. Those scars were reminders of his conquest and fearsome skirmish skills. His deep blue eyes swept over the crowd watching, observing and silently enjoying the ridiculousness of the people. His smile froze when he saw the handsome man who just entered the bar. The man's silvery white hair and his boyish grin that made his eyes uneven was too much to be unnoticeable. He was laughing incredibly at one of his friend. Calhun shifted on his seat, his eyes never leaving the man. He knew that face too well. Gael. He was back again, in the very same town that they were in. Is this fate or coincidence? Calhun laughed at the absurdity of the situation. He was long dead but his reincarnation came back over and over again haunting him and his coven, leaving behind a string of havoc and chaos everytime he appeared in their lives. He gripped on his beer mug shattering it.

"Can't you pretend to have a good time?" Cohen whispered. Calhun shot a killing look at him.

Cohen laughed and sat beside him. "You look like you've seen a ghost." He commented nonchalantly.

"Gael. He died today." Calhun said dryly. "Strange how he kept on dying but kept on coming back as well." He looked exactly like the Gael that he knew, same mannerism and gestures. He knew this man will once again drive Aine insane. His guts churned at the thought of her hurting once more.

"So he did died today. What's the big deal?" Cohen replied. "Our parents died, the whole tribe died today. So what? Haven't you gotten over the whole crazy shit already? Cohen muttered not wanting to remember that horrible moment.

It was today, three thousand years ago when it all happened. Calhun remembered it too clearly. They were celebrating Samhain, there was a big feast at the stone circle. Gael was an apprentice druid at that time, he was at the stone table preparing the offerings to the gods, cattle, grains and produces when it all happened. Gust of wind suddenly blew out of nowhere putting out all fires, even the mammoth bonfire they had at the center of the circle was put off. The whole place was covered in icy fog, he felt the shiver run through his spine as he recollected the wild shriek of a woman. She was standing beside him, he saw it clearly as sharp claws digged into her chest and grabbed her still beating heart and squished it to pieces. Then in a flash, half the crowd dropped dead with their hearts missing. Calhun shook off the dreadful memory with another mug of beer.

"It was horrible." Cohen murmured almost to himself.

"Forget about it." Calhun smiled at Cohen suddenly seemed lift up in spirits.

"You're a very complex person. A thousand year would not be enough to get to know you any better. You opened the subject and now you want me to forget it."

"It was better forgotten than remembered don't you think?" Calhun put a hundred bucks on the counter.

" You have a point....they look ravishing." Cohen pointed at the four girls he was dancing earlier. " They were really not what I'm craving for the moment but they will do."

"I already ordered a feast." Calhun said looking back at the girls who were obviously checking them out as well. "They are feisty. I would love to have them for the night but we have to be careful. I received a letter from Alistair this afternoon."

"Not the lunatic uncle of yours." Cohen laughed. "What about him this time?"

"He was a bit too paranoid about that bloody council he told us a month ago. I think we should give him a benefit of a doubt." Calhun said without actually meaning it.

"I think we should just ignore him." Cohen grinned mischievously.

" If it was the first time I would probably considered the threat but his paranoia increased by ten folds everytime. How was Aron? Heard of him lately?" Calhun asked.

" He's somewhat a celebrity from what I gathered. He wrote a book about us."

"Is he out of his mind! How in the world did you just mentioned this to me now? Calhun blurted out.

"Don't fret. Truth or fiction it does not matter. We're nothing more but fiction from someone's brilliant imagination. One thing that bothers me though...that damn kid actually referred us as vampires...that shitty term is related to bats." Cohen grimaced at the thought.

"What do you preferred to be called anyway?" Calhun smiled somewhat his sudden outburst dissipated.

"We're far more than just mere blood sucking freaks...we're so much more than that." He answered with a grin.

"It does not matter what we are called...what in the world is this song?" Calhun frowned at the blasting music. "I never really quite understand your choice of enjoyment. Loud, noisy gathering , people acting in total abandon. I never approved of this kind...you called this music?"

"Believe me brother, they are in no need of your approval." Cohen eyed the girls again. Calhun followed his line of sight. "You're too coped up with solitude you forgot human interaction. No wonder you're alone."

Calhun ignored his remark. "We're hardly human to begin with. Why do I need to interact with them. They're sustenance, not companions. Don't even think about it." He shot a warning look at Cohen.

"It's a feast brother. I want someone appetizing not some drugged laden junkies smelling of booze and sex." Cohen winced at the thought. They've been feeding on those lowlifes, the kind of crowd the authorities will not bother with once they disappeared. They have been discreet for such a long time.

One of the girls finally approached them. She displayed her ample cleavage for Cohen to see. Cohen smiled appreciatively and reached out to touch it. She let him. "The girls and I thought that maybe you guys would like to have a night cap."

"Very tempting Mary."

"It's Marcia by the way." She corrected him a little disappointed.

"Marcia sweetheart...I'm sorry...I would love..." Cohen leaned closer whispering to her ear, his eyes turned crimson red as his finger felt the pulsing vein on her neck.

Calhun suddenly jumped out of his seat and dragged Cohen out of the bar leaving Marcia stunned looking after them.