
came in à minute

You came and you took my breath away Cole my other half, my love at first sight

pejuchristiana7 · Realistic
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6 Chs


Isn't the weather lovely today reaching down into my purse removing what seemed to be a pen holding a note in her hand

Dear, MIGo this is day 10 of my stay in clivelle and nothing new has happens still the same old routine I met the same old lady on the street as always and waved her as usual

I was beginning to question my descion maybe coziland might had just been the place

Well its my only chance of escaping..... LONLINESS

Yeah my name's Emma a 32 year old lady and also an ex convict yeah I went to prison spent eight years for a crime I didn't believe existed

It all happens on October 29, 3409 on a very hot day in Silza I was walking out the door boarding a taxi on a Friday night to a club

I wouldn't lie it wasn't my first time in a club it was a usual habit every Friday night

I had reached the club entered and slowly began to feel the beat I slowly joined in the fun drinking way too many bottles, I began to hallucinate

Picturing a Korean scene were I was the female lead I imagined myself putting my mouth in his slowly our tounge interlocked holding my head he refused to let go..... him Calem well that a story for another day.

Maybe I fantised to much cause I found myself wrapping my hands around strangers neck

The fool decide to play along as he kissed my neck turning me on I found myself on a bed kissing me viscously after a moment he stopped rethink his actions

Well uncunciously, I forced him pressing him to the bed slowly our body became intwined it was a hell of a night with him he kept struggling

Well little did I know that small incident was rape ... Good guess that's how I became convicted