

After the devastation of World War 3, a new VRMMO called Callixtus was released offering players a chance to earn real-world credits for exploration, grand battles, and navigating its complex social hierarchy. Upon Reina's arrival at the esteemed Seyapporon Academy, the VRMMO became a part of the school's learning core, categorizing students' leadership potential based on their actions and influence in-game. In a world of war, politics, developing magic and mythical weapons, a prophecy of ‘Holy Knights’ emerges to battle a new enemy and their monstrous creations. Reina plans to challenge it all and push the game's realism to its limits, no matter the consequences. -- Release Schedule: 5 Chapters on Release; 2 Chapters from 2/6 - 2/10 at 10:00 AM/PM; Then every Mon. & Fri. @ 10 PM If you want to support me and gain access to advanced chapters, please consider visiting my Patreon page. -- Some clarifications and notes: - While this is a School Life/SoL Novel, it contains dark and traumatic content. I advise you to be aware, as I won't put warnings to spoil avid horror readers. - Multiple characters with some exploration, town-building, and politics. There's something for everyone and I never write a perspective without you knowing something new afterwards. - The Game World of Callixtus has an entire map, along with special ranking, magic systems, races, classes, and commands/spells. I'll make a list once enough information is given. - This book contains Drama and Romance aspects, though they'll be naturally occurring and won't be the focus of the story. - There are a lot of characters both in Callixtus and in the real world. At some point, I'll create a fandom/wiki so you'll be able to visualize them all with art, along with a ranking chart of the different academy brackets.

WinterTimeCrime · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Upon stepping outside, a long hallway with velvet checkered flooring, white sandy walls, and elegant pillars greeted us. The glistening windows caused sprays and dashes of sunlight to spew onto the floor, lighting the trail to the seemingly endless corridor.

Agnelov glanced outside the window at the garden with a smile. She noticed us and turned around with a bow.

「Lady Yokalen, Lady Evonika… I'm sorry for my daydreaming. Should we go to your father's study to retrieve your «Bokhita»?」

She took a step back and guided with her hand.

「Ah, yes. Of course. But… why don't you lead the way, Agnelov?」 I asked.

「Very well. Please follow me.」

Her short silky locks swayed like a hula dress as she turned, revealing the orange tint hiding behind her blonde hair.

Didn't Tiger talk about different «Races» and «Classes» in this game? I wonder what hers' is to get such a distinct hair color.

「Uh, Agnelov. May I ask you a rather… personal question?」

She shook her head, looking back with a smile. 「You can ask me anything in the world, Lady Yokalen.」

Her words and tone were pleasant and endearing. It was honestly the type of voice I wouldn't mind listen to babble about anything.

「Ah, yes. Well, I was wondering where you were born. And if you had a certain… «Class»?」

Evonika walked to my side and glared at me.

「What do you think you're doing?」 She whispered.

Agnelov raised a finger to her chin while glancing at the ceiling, molded with stern-faced monarchs and ravaging beasts.

「Well… I was born in Inascovia and traveled around Phoenia before working for your family… I think… But a «Class»… I'm not sure what you mean by that.」

I exchanged glances with Evonika.

「And what do you know about our home country, Inascovia? Do you remember what specific town you were born in? Any remaining relatives?」 Evonika inquired.

Agnelov timidly looked back and shook her head. 「Uh, I… I don't think I can answer any of those questions for them to be helpful. I apologize…」

I could understand why Evonika was hesitant about engaging in conversation with her. It's hard to conduct yourself without knowing if the person you're talking to is real or not… and it's seeming to be hard to distinguish between the two.

If she really is a player, her uncertainty about her origins may be genuine, or she may just be a forgetful bot… or whatever they're called.

Evonika doesn't want to give information about ourselves until she knows who we're speaking to. Considering she's a veteran player, she makes gathering intelligence a priority. I'll remember that.

Agnelov stopped in front of a wide, black wooden door at the end of the hall. A tinge of smoke wafted in the air as she reached for the doorknob. The inside was dimly lit, but grooves of smoke fluttered throughout the enclosure. A single desk, while bookcases stretched to the ceiling along the walls, occupied the middle of the room.

The walls resembled papier mâché, covered with research notes, book pages, and several gray sheets of constellations. The floor wasn't any better, with bowls of white ash and crumbled-up parchments barely giving any room to walk.

「Lord Ramazayunov is away on business in Vytoria, so unfortunately, he can't be here for your special day. I'm terribly sorry, Lady Yokalen.」 Agnelov said.

It's not like I wanted to see him, anyway. One virtual parent is plenty enough to deal with. And judging by the way he lives… I'd rather we never meet at all. This place is disgusting.

A crumble of papers echoed through the room, with a stack of papers falling from the desk as a loud thump followed. Evonika jumped in front of me, shielding me with her forearm, followed by Agnelov, who drew fists close to her chest.

「Oh, masunt… I overslept again, didn't I?」 A man's voice said past the desk.

Agnelov ran over and crouched down with a giggle. 「Lord Ramazayunov! I thought you were to leave for Vytoria early this morning? Don't tell me you went back to sleep after Lady Cheykina and I woke you!」

「Ah, yes… Well… I suppose I did… Let's just, um… Keep this a secret between you and me, okay?」

Agnelov nodded with a smile and extended her hand. An older man in his forties sat up from the floor. His long black hair was curled to the back of his scalp, with earthy-brown eyes that gleamed in the darkness. His white shirt and overalls were wrinkled from his sleep, but the style seemed to suit him.

He pointed to the side of his desk, and Agnelov rushed over and handed him an oak-colored tobacco pipe. He leaned down, allowing Agnelov to cover one side of his pipe while hovering over the chamber.

「«Flaritis»」 Agnelov whispered, causing a spark to light his pipe.

Lord Ramazayunov then leaned onto his desk as several clouds of smog oozed from his nose. 「 Today's a big day for you. I'm assuming you're excited. Yoka, Evonika. 」

「If you were really concerned, you wouldn't have tried to leave the morning of my event.」 I said.

「Yes, well… I'm here now, aren't I?」

「And that's your rebuttal? Why don't you just leave already? I don't need you here; apparently, Mother doesn't need you either.」

His eyes widened as he let his pipe sit loosely at the side of his mouth.

「L-Lady Yokalen…!」 Agnelov said with a gasp.

Lord Ramazayunov removed the pipe and placed it on his desk. The tack sound it made, despite it being subtle, was enough to make me uneasy as he walked toward me.

Evonika sighed and stepped over to my side. 「Thanks a lot, newbie. Now we're going to be banished from our family home or worse, all because you couldn't keep your daddy issues offline.」

「Shut… the hell up. It's not like you had anything to say in this situation. And what could be worse than being stripped of my noble title? I might as well die at that point… not that you'd know anything thing about class.」 I whispered back.

「Unbelievable.」 Evonika said.

Lord Ramazayunov loomed over me. I couldn't bring myself to look up at his face, so I just studied his white collar and three-bowed tie. His arm raised from his side, and I squinted my eyes shut.

Gah! Why am I acting like this? He isn't real! He isn't real! He — isn't — real!

Two fingers gently caressed my chin and lifted my head. I opened my eyes and gazed into his. They were warm and soft, like a churning bowl of chocolate, while his dimpled smile and chiseled features wouldn't let me blink. His long eyelashes fluttered closed, then relinquished his eyes back onto me, to which I stumbled back with a gasp.

「Let go of me! What do you think you're doing?」 I said.

Lord Ramazayunov chuckled and returned to his desk, picking up his smoldering pipe. 「You would never talk back to me that way when you were younger, Yokalen. You've really grown up to be something.」

What the hell is this old man talking about? And… and how dare you do that to me! Aren't I supposed to be his daughter? Stupid game!

「Whatever! We're here to get a «Bokhita» and then leave. So just give it up!」

「Ha! I like this side of you. So vocal!」 Lord Ramazayunov said with a grin, then reached into his pocket.

He took out a small container laced with royal blue fabric and glistening iceberg-colored gems. It had the shape of a ring box, but it was longer.

「Do you remember what I told you about this when you were younger?」 Lord Ramazayunov asked.

I shook my head.

「I suppose not. You were a lot younger before I traveled. Do you perhaps remember this talk, Evonika?」

Evonika lowered her head. 「No, sir. I'm afraid not.」

「And you were always so respectful. Well, being the oldest instills some things in children, I suppose.」

He walked over, held up my hand, and then put the box in my palm with a smile.

「I used to tell you that once you'd find a suitable partner and bring them home, I would prepare a certain gift. That gift would be your wedding present, and it would help you accomplish all you seek to do, as long as you're willing to give something in exchange.」

His hands then trailed up my arm, and his eyebrows lowered with a sigh. 「Though it seems someone has already given you something similar. But no matter, as they'll work finely together.

「A «Bokhita» is a family heirloom given to the youngest when they decide to leave the house and make a name for themselves. It's an artifact crafted using only the land's resources by your mother and me, and will only react to you. Though most countries have stopped the ritual, our homeland takes tradition seriously… or that's what your mother says anyway.」

Lord Ramazayunov closed my hand atop the box and rubbed my head down to my cheek. 「I hope this will make up for my absence throughout the years. But now it's your time to create something new.」

I clenched my teeth, holding back something similar to a primal growl in my chest, and took a step back.

Does he think that saying all of this will mean anything? What am I supposed to say? `Thank you so much, Daddy! I'll be sure to make you proud!`

All of this talking for what? God, this guy really pisses me off.

I threw the box on the ground and raised my hand as it sliced through the air. Before I could reach his face, Agnelov lunged onto my arm and held me back.

「Let… Let go of me! How dare you put your hands on me! You're beneath me!」

「Please stop, Lady Yokalen, please…」 Agnelov said, her eyes beading with tears.

I snatched my hand away with a scoff. 「I don't need you or your stupid heirloom. If I'm going to do something in this world, it won't be because you gave me a handout. I'm doing it because of my own strength. And no one's going to stop me.」

「I believe you. Really.」 Lord Ramazayunov said.

He then took a satchel from one shelf and shoved some books inside. The last tome had a white cover with the title «Gala al Dame» scribbled along its spine. Lord Ramazayunov walked over, picked up the «Bokhita» from the floor, and handed it over to Evonika.

She nodded and cupped it in both her hands. 「I won't let anything happen to her, father.」

「Good girl. I'll be off now.」

His boots clamped across the floor until they were out of earshot with the creak of the shutting door.

I could still feel my heart pulsing through all parts of my body. My hands were the most irritating, stung from me gripping my nails deep into my palms.