

After the devastation of World War 3, a new VRMMO called Callixtus was released offering players a chance to earn real-world credits for exploration, grand battles, and navigating its complex social hierarchy. Upon Reina's arrival at the esteemed Seyapporon Academy, the VRMMO became a part of the school's learning core, categorizing students' leadership potential based on their actions and influence in-game. In a world of war, politics, developing magic and mythical weapons, a prophecy of ‘Holy Knights’ emerges to battle a new enemy and their monstrous creations. Reina plans to challenge it all and push the game's realism to its limits, no matter the consequences. -- Release Schedule: 5 Chapters on Release; 2 Chapters from 2/6 - 2/10 at 10:00 AM/PM; Then every Mon. & Fri. @ 10 PM If you want to support me and gain access to advanced chapters, please consider visiting my Patreon page. -- Some clarifications and notes: - While this is a School Life/SoL Novel, it contains dark and traumatic content. I advise you to be aware, as I won't put warnings to spoil avid horror readers. - Multiple characters with some exploration, town-building, and politics. There's something for everyone and I never write a perspective without you knowing something new afterwards. - The Game World of Callixtus has an entire map, along with special ranking, magic systems, races, classes, and commands/spells. I'll make a list once enough information is given. - This book contains Drama and Romance aspects, though they'll be naturally occurring and won't be the focus of the story. - There are a lot of characters both in Callixtus and in the real world. At some point, I'll create a fandom/wiki so you'll be able to visualize them all with art, along with a ranking chart of the different academy brackets.

WinterTimeCrime · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


I sat with my hands crossed over my face, trying to ignore the «Crenaura» blowing me misty blue kisses from two tables over. A steamy vegetable broth bowl swirled itself with a golden spoon in front of me as I took a deep breath.

「So, this Nexern rig, or whatever, is sending signals directly to my brain, which is acting as my five senses… allowing me to view this video game… world?」 I said, attempting to reiterate.

Reign nodded with a slight clink of his armor. 「Exactly. And you're controlling your character using electroencephalogram, or EEG pulses from your brain as well.」

I scrunched my eyes and turned to the side.

What is he talking about? I mean, I'm here, so it's plausible, but hard to believe that this is all happening in my mind.

My hand grazed over the steam protruding from my bowl of soup, feeling its heat as I took a spoonful. I then stuck the ladle in my mouth, savoring the distinct meat and melting vegetables with a satisfying gulp.

And the food here tastes so… good. Maybe tastes even better than it does in the real world. Though, I wouldn't remember. It's been a while since I'd had a home-cooked meal like this.

「Well, this has been an eye-opening experience.」 I took another spoonful and nodded with a pleased smile. 「So, how do I leave?」

「W-what? B-but you just got here!」 The young girl that sat in front of me exclaimed.

«Vrb'br'br,» or Paige, as there's no way in hell I'm going to pronounce her in-game moniker, sighed while slumping in her chair.

Her character was a young «Sorcer Don» with long blue hair, a white conical-wide wizard's hat that was twice her size, and a matching baby-blue hemmed dress, stockings, and boots. Her round, intertwining heart-star-shaped eyes gleamed pink, with a similar hue protruding from the inside of her hat.

「What's a «Meya'she»?」 I asked, tapping the floating crystal hovering above the cap.

Two slender blue hands grew from her hat, waved then slipped back inside.

「It's my familiar, silly!」 Vrb'br enthused with a grin. 「Purple crystals are players, blue are familiars, and green are NPCs. You went through the tutorial, right?」

Tutorial? Like an introduction or whatever? I never got one of those. All I did was get sent to that weird girl who spread that mark on my arm. Speaking of…

I looked down in my soup at my reflection. It was the same from when I talked to her, chin-length black hair, pale skin, and slender gray eyes. My sleeveless black dress with side slits remained unchanged. However, the black-crystal orb earrings adorned with thorn vines was new.

A purple crystal gleamed past my eye as a young woman dressed as a ninja samurai walked past. Her lower face was covered by a black-leather face mask that oozed wisps of inscriptions and hieroglyphs, while bulky black metal ore shielded her arms, which clinked with every step she took. Silky-black cotton made up the rest of her outfit, dancing against the surrounding wind.

She sat down beside Vrb'br, who hicked as she sniffed in a hieroglyph floating towards her.

「This is «Evonika»,」 Reign introduced. 「We met during the beta stage of the game. She was once a GM for the alpha so she's been around a while.」

「Glad to meet you Evonika. I'm Vrb'br'br! You're an «Aku Gaki» aren't you? It must've taken a bunch of beta hours to grind that class out!」

Evonika bowed her head, then glanced toward me. Her eyes lacked pupils, only a hazed gradient of gold that seemed to radiate an eerie coldness.

「Well, Evonika. If you'd veil us so we can get started.」 Reign said.

Evonika raised her index and middle finger in front of her face. Her right eye slowly blackened as the world closed off to a curtain of shadows.

『«Imoutus: Raisengul», one of Evonika's «Mythical Abilities». It'll allow us to talk in private without prying eyes.』 Reign then crossed his arms. 『Now we can sort this out.』

『Get down to what? And you never answered my question. Where are we?』 I asked once more.

Evonika and Reign exchanged glances.

『So my suspicions were right. You didn't complete the tutorial, did you?』 Reign asked.

『I don't know what constitutes as a 'tutorial' in this game, but all I learned was that the players can do whatever they want without penalty.』 I answered.

Vrb'br inched forward in her seat. 『What is that supposed to mean? Details, details!』

They're taking this way too seriously. Are they trying to get me interested in the game by making a big deal about things? You got to be kidding. But whatever, I'll play along.

『Fine, if you insist. I met some girl that called herself «Demoness Xarzallon». She created this character for me, along with giving me this…』

I grabbed my arm, remembering the searing pain coursing through my body. The taunts she threw while kicking me. How pathetic she made me feel afterwards.

『That… bitch… Who the hell was she anyway?』

There was a brief silence, a sense of unease in the air. Reign and Evonika had perplexed yet thoughtful looks, while Vbr'br slumped in her seat, her familiar pulling down the hat of her glooming face.

『What is this? Well, aren't any of you going to say something? Who was she?』

Reign nervously chuckled while tapping his crossed arms. 『That's… not a straightforward thing to explain. In fact, I'm pretty sure Evonika can vouch for the both of us that Callixtus has definitely changed since the last «Adventurer's Bulletin» was released earlier today.』

『Should I act like I even care? Or are you going to explain what a «Adventurer's Bulletin» is?』 I asked.

『It's sort of like patch notes. But here in-game we use specific terminology to keep the immersion.』 Vbr'br said.

I should've known it was some lame reason like that. Though that doesn't explain why all of them are acting this way.

『Was this bulletin the thing you and Paige were watching when I walked into the clubroom?』 I asked.

Reign nodded.

『And I'm guessing that it didn't explain the phenomena that I experienced when I first entered the game.』

Reign nodded again, then put a hand up to his chin with an inquisitive stare.

God, this is getting tiring. At first, they were all excited to hear about my experience, and now all they can do was sit silently with blank stares without explaining shit. It's infuriating.

『Well, let's clear some things up first.』 Reign said. 『When a new player enters Callixtus, they're greeted by «Nex», the AI admin or «Goddess» of this world. Once they've completed the «Tutorial», they're able to create a «Character», choose a «Class», and set off in a «Starter Town» of their choosing.』

『Though, since the game is hitting full release soon, the way players enter the world of Callixtus may change. Who's to say?』 Vbr'br chimed in.

『Full release?』 I restate with confusion.

『Basically the game is coming out of testing phase. One of the main points detailed in the «Adventurer's Bulletin» was that the game was going to be drastically different from how it is now. Character resets, progression termination, a full restart.』 Reign said.

『And I'm assuming the reason you wanted to talk in this weird space was so no one else overheard our conversation about a new player's login experience.』I said.

Reign grinned. 『Very perceptive. I knew you'd get into the game eventually.』

『As if. All I'm doing is connecting the dots. It's not that hard to follow whatever you weirdos are talking about.』 I said.

『That's good to hear. We're currently in the starter town called «Lanier» at «Yucharin's Tavern,» waiting for the game to finish patching. You can check where we're and all that stuff by opening your «Gate Menu.»』 Reign said.

『And how would I do that?』 I asked.

Reign held out his palm and performed a scrolling gesture with his other hand. I did the same, however when I opened my palm a wide transparent blue rectangle appeared in my hand. There were several buttons hovered around a floating pentagon, with the names «Skills», «Treasures», «World Map», «Status» and «Area».

I tapped the «Area» icon and a white circle rippled around me, until the words «Lanier, Yucharins Tavern» appeared above my head. Next, I tapped the «Treasures» panel as it seemed the most promising, but the page was completely empty. So were my «Skills» and «World Map», only showing an outline of the tavern.

『You may wonder why the map is so limited. That's because we're about to be launched into the game as soon as they complete the update! Pretty exciting right?』 Vbr'br said with a cheer, rocking in her seat.

Ah, finally. There's the logout button.

『Wait! Wait! What are you doing?』 Vbr'br asked with a pout.

『You can see my screen? Talk about an invasion of privacy.』 I said, then turned my palm over, causing the menu to fade away.

『How long is this update or whatever going to take? It's already late and I need to get home to study.』

Reign chuckled. 『You study through the first week of classes? Talk about an overachiever!』

『And you don't? I'm assuming you're like me and have to study daily to keep your grades up.』 I said.

『No, not really. Once or twice a week is good enough for me.』

I stared at his face for a second as he continued to grin. Specifically, a clear spot on his cheek that was an easy target to punch.

〉 Adventurers, please stand by for a World-Zone Eclipse, followed by a Cycle Merge.

I glanced over to Vrb'br. She locked eyes, smiled like an idiot, then glanced to the side.

『O-oh right, the message… «World-Zone Eclipse» is a client-side check, and «Cycle Merge» is the game world being reset.』

『According to some forum leaks, beta testers should keep their «Character» but our progression will be reset. For new players, I think it's obvious you have nothing to worry about. Is that about right, Evonika?』 Reign asked.

Evonika shrugged, then closed her eyes.

Now that I think about it… She hasn't said a single word this entire time. What's her deal?

〉 Adventurers, World-Zone Eclipse is active. Preparing for Cycle Merge…

Vbr'br squealed, her hat flailing around as she jumped from her seat. 『Oh! Here it comes guys! Quick! Quick! Where are we going to meet after the Eclipse?』

Evonika opened her palm, then pulled out a crumpled-old map from a watery portal in her hand. She unraveled the parchment, revealing a three-continental map with two major oceans. She pointed to a large city in the biggest continent in the middle, named «Cleris».

『Good idea! We'll all meet in «Cleris» after the Eclipse. Don't start any «Grand Ale» missions or higher until we form a party for experience. We'll set up a guild afterward and talk about how to proceed further.』 Reign said.

『Um, I don't know where that is』 I said.

『That's why I set us up to meet here beforehand. After an Eclipse, you're sent to a random «Starter Town» and stranded. However, before major eclipses, you're given the chance to form a «Soul Bond» with one other person that keeps you close together.』 Reign said.

『It's kinda like a buddy system, but it's actually useful. I wish a lot more VRMMOs used it.』 Vbr'br said with a sigh.

『I think it'll be best if I buddy with Yoka—』

Evonika shook her head and pointed to me with an outstretched hand.

『Oh, I guess she wants to bond with you.』Reign said.

Bond with the mute? I think not. I would rather go with the awkward girl and her stupid hat, or better yet, no one at all.

Before I could protest, Reign and Vrb'br held hands over the table. They shook, and a set of blue-ghostly chains wrapped around their hands and arms.

I sighed and shook hands with Evonika, our chains being tinted black and opaque.

〉 Cycle Merge complete. Welcome adventurers to Callixtus.