
Chapter 19: A New Thing Part 1

Cal would have shut up the house and moved into rooms in the city, except it would have left Beth and Hans with nowhere to go.

"Surely somewhere there are people who need a place to stay." Cal sat in the kitchen while Beth kneaded bread. "I rattle around here, it's ridiculous."

"I understand there are usually University students looking for a residence. My sister works there as a cleaner. She would ask if you'd like."

"I would like that. A few students would bring some life here, and maybe they could help with organizing father's papers."

"Then I will ask."

Within the week the first student arrived. He looked shocked to have a bedroom to himself with a desk and chair. When Cal went to check on him before she went to bed, he'd covered every flat surface with paper. He flitted from one to another.

"Oh, hello, Miss Shillingsworth. Pray, pardon the disarray," he waved distractedly at the piles. "I have an upcoming exam and all my notes were mixed up in the move."