
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Mido turned anxiously as the door opened once more, this time, revealing the old man known as Samus. Samus hurried to her and peered at her just as the doctor had. The men watched as the old man examined Calliope carefully. After a few minutes in hushed silence, he turned to them.

"What do you know?" the king asked him.

"Everything," he replied, meeting the king's gaze. "I was one of Scarletta's creations," he explained. "I was filled with the same magic that fills this girl. Calliope's story has traveled quickly through your kingdom, my lord. We are alike, her and I. Despite Scarletta's potions and torture, I was weak to her. I was a mistake.

"I, too, escaped her castle. I had more knowledge of the world, though, and knew I could not use my magic. I made a life here in your kingdom, my lord, blending in with your people. Scarletta tried to find me. She sent many witches searching the kingdom, but they did not find me."

The man turned to Calliope's body. "I knew Scarletta well. I studied her every move in hopes of stopping her. When I heard about Calliope, I knew Scarletta meant for her to be her strongest creation. I knew that Calliope would turn out like I did. She was weak in Scarletta's eyes. She is, in fact, Scarletta's strongest creation. She was not like the other witches, and that's what made her strong."

"Scarletta's dead," Ian told him. "And her Nequam burst to dust. Why didn't you or Calliope?"

"Scarletta did not create her witches in the same way she created her Nequam. Her Nequam were created not only with magic, but with Scarletta's own blood. Scarletta's blood flowed inside all of them, which is why they died with her. Her witches were created solely with magic. Her blood could not run in their veins, for it would only make them mortal like her. She pumped herself up with magic to keep her alive and strong. Her witches, however, do not have the same kind of blood in their veins, thus making them immortal. The magic pumps through them like blood, keeping them alive forever. The only thing that can kill a witch is burning her alive or cutting off her head, severing the magical connection in her veins, or by a powerful spell from another witch or wizard."

"Is she dead?" the king asked.

"No, she is alive, for now. The magic in her is what keeps her alive. It pulses through her like blood. Calliope, however, used all of the magic in her. We were created to run out of power for this very reason, in case any witch should betray Scarletta. Calliope strained herself, using more than her body could handle, which is why she is in this dead-like state. However, because there is no magic in her, she will eventually die."

"We can't save her?" Mido asked, afraid to hear what the answer might be.

"She can be saved," the old man said. "But only with magic. I can heal her, but it's been a very long time since I even cast a simple spell. I cannot say for sure what will happen."

"Do it," Mido said without hesitation. The king nodded and the old man turned to Calliope.

He whispered an incantation under his breath and a light surrounded them both. After a moment, the old man collapsed to the ground. Mido and the king rushed to him to find only his clothes in an empty pile.

Calliope stirred and moaned and Mido hurried to her side. Her eyes fluttered open. Mido smiled.

"Hi," he said.

Her golden eyes searched the room. "Where am I?"

"You're in King Sloan's castle."

Her eyes widened.

"It's all right," he reassured her. "He made sure you got the help you needed."

"What happened?"

"What do you think happened? You were careless with your powers, like always."

Her lips turned upwards in a small smile. "Did I die?" she asked.

"Almost, I think."

"I felt it. I felt different. I felt stuck. There was no magic left in my body, like I was empty." She hesitated. "But I didn't feel empty. Is that what it feels like?"

"I don't know. I've never died." Mido smiled.

Calliope shook her head. "Is that what it feels like? Being human? All this time I felt empty. But when my magic was gone, it was different."

"How do you feel now? With your magic back?"

She pinched her lips together in thought. "I don't know. Not as empty as I used to feel, I guess."

"You were never meant for the magic world. You belong here, with us. I've been telling you that all along."

"I don't think everyone else will see it that way."

"I think you're wrong. The people will welcome you here."

"Who says I'll stay here?" She smiled playfully.

"I say. You're not going anywhere. That's an order."

Calliope pushed herself up, sitting upright in the bed. "Scarletta?"

"She's gone." Mido's smile faded when Calliope didn't respond. She stared at her legs. "You should be happy," he said.

She turned to him and smiled. "I am."

"Are you sure?"

She sighed. "Yeah. It's just a lot to take in. For three years, she was all I knew. Everything's different now. Everything I thought I knew is different."

Mido held her hand. "But it's good. This is better for you. And I won't be going anywhere. So, you know, if you need me, I'll be around."

Calliope squeezed his hand. "Thank you," she whispered. "You know, for not killing me when you found me."

Mido chuckled. "I'm glad I didn't."

King Sloan approached Calliope's side, clearing his throat. "I believe we should be thanking you," he said to her. "I am grateful for what you have done for these people and my kingdom. You will always have a home within these walls." He bowed his head to her before turning away to talk to his messenger. Calliope swung her legs over the side of the bed.

"So, how do I still have magic? I can feel it flowing through my body."

"There was an old man that lived in the city. Apparently, he was one of Scarletta's. He had been hiding out in the kingdom for years studying magic. The king sent for him, hoping he could help you. He told us that magic was what kept you alive. Because you used too much of your power, it drained your body to a death-like state. He said if you didn't get any more magic in you, you would die. He said he could give you his, so he did. But, after, he collapsed. All that remains are his clothes. His body is just gone."

"His name was Samus," Calliope said.

"You knew him?"

"I knew of him. The other witches often gossiped about him; the wizard who escaped. I had learned to hate him. I wonder why he never tried to get rid of Scarletta."

Mido shrugged. "Maybe he knew that one day, a wonderful witch would save the kingdom, and she would need his help."

Calliope blushed and turned away. "I don't think so."

Mido stood and held his hand out, bringing Calliope to her feet.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he pulled her forward.

"You have a thankful kingdom to meet."