
Calling Void

A void that called for a particular lonely boy into a dangerous yet beautiful new world. Ignill, who is transmigrated into a new body. He sets out to explore the entity that brought him there and solve the mystery’s that repel him from his path. The world that lacks technology but makes up for it in place of a supernatural power disturbance. Just what will Ignill find in this world abandoned by the heavens?

headsrottails · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Strange Fortune

*The very next morning*

I dread the fact I got no sleep through the few hours I was awake. The one time I did get sleep, I was dragged into a wide space with lots of chairs and a long metallic black table with special carvings. OH and a blade through my abdomen!!!

Dreading indeed.

As much as I wanted answers, I was too scared to think about any of it right now. I just wanted to assess where I was. In a way, I was looking for a distraction. Swinging my legs over the edge of my bed, I got up and swiftly dressed myself before appearing in the kitchen.

Kriveria had already began preparing a small meal that she deemed 'bread'. I walked over and pulled a chair out, I sat down and watched kriveria set the plates down with sliced bread and some heated up butter to go with it.

I guess this'll have to do for now huh.

After we both sat down to eat, the food was finished quite quickly. "I must head to the academy later today, as you know my classes start next month. So I won't be able to grab any of the groceries today...If you would?"

Asked Kriveria in a polite tone

"Of course! and, by the way, what do you need for your classes? any requirements or additional books?"

So she does attend school then? Though I wanted to ask more on it, instead I innately shrugged my shoulders and decided on taking it easy for now.

"Yes, currently the academy provides such things thanks to my scholarship. For now I need my books and my Id. The books I have to grab are my books on history and arial engineering"

Arial engineering?! What type of academy are you attending….? That class sounds much more accustomed to an elective. In any case I should prioritize figuring out this worlds technological development. If cars aren't a thing here then I can already see what differs so much from the two worlds.

"Arial engineering sounds like quite the future haha"

"It is! It requires a lot of patience and knowledge about the system in which we use our mechanical prospects!"

Kriveria excitedly stated I had no idea she could even make such a face, or even have an excited tone. haha! After we both finished the food and chatted for a little, Kriveria headed off to the academy and left me with the chore of shopping for groceries. She left a note behind stating all the groceries I needed to pick up and that I could use the money in 3rd drawer far left of the kitchen counter.

I found out a few different things about this world while speaking at the table and whilst grabbing the money. The capital we reside in is called 'Lokindell' and the city we're currently in is called 'Lyndell'. The currency used here is called UL, it stands for Ultarian Locke which is the current name of a union of sorts that happens to have various compartments. Unfortunately without sounding off and inconspicuous that was the limit of my knowledge on the matter.

I walked over to the drawer and gave it a light tug…..it was stuck. Giving the drawer a harder tug, it eased up and came out with a slant. In the drawer resided 20 UL, The note stated I only needed around 6 leu and 4 franc to get everything we needed.

The way money works here is very similar to my world aside from the name differences. It's rather English! 20 UL is similar to pounds or also known as Quid. So the number gives you the difference. 6 leu makes 1 UL where as 4 franc is like 4 pennie's, you need 100 of them to make 1 UL.

After grabbing the black washed up overcoat that hung on the back of the door with a nailed in hook. I quickly slid my arms through and stuffed the cash in my coat pocket. Opening the door I was led to a very depressing slum area. There were only two directions you could go on this street….the note did not state which direction to head in unfortunately. And so, I decided i'd ask around. Stepping out the door completely, I used the half rusted key Kriveria gave me to lock both the top and bottom lock of the door before taking my stroll.

The first person I walked up to was one of the, i'm assuming, local of the area, anyone could tell the people here suffered immensely for many different reasons I'm sure. I couldn't help but pity them. whether it was lack of food, water, proper housing, or any medical treatment. The main issue no doubt stemmed to money.

As I walked left, fortunately, it managed to be the closest shop near the apartment. Before walking out the door I decided to ask whatever shop was closer where I could find 'Avery greens and loaf' which would be my first stop.

The shop I arrived at in but 5 minutes felt dark and gloomy, as if no one had come by in ages. The outside of the shop had the color of redwood, however it was very run down. The wood itself was snapping all along the sides of the shop with broken glass surrounding where the door resided.

The man inside had a dirty face, like he just got done working in an oil rig. He had a well rounded face and round glasses, he wore a tuxedo and plane white shirt tucked in under. As I walked in, not even a glance my way.

"Good morning good sir" I said with a welcoming voice.


There's no way in hell you didn't hear me!

I walked closer and instead of repeating myself I simply set the note down in front of him and asked "Excuse me, from here how do I get to this shop?"

"The left path, straight for a few 100 feet until you see a left path. At that first corner will be what your looking for."

He responded in a rather gruff voice.

"Thank you"

So what? everyone in this alley is just a bunch of asshats??! how hard could it possibly be to simply acknowledge my existence!

Kuro lampooned before taking his steps out of the dirty hardwood floor shop.

I started with steps towards the door. As I walked out of the shop I quickly quelled my anger and continued with my errands.

So to the left then.

The street was narrow with just enough space to fit two cars like a neighborhood street…..just…. much more filthy. As the stares from many homeless people went from none to non stop. As well as the occasional run down apartments and glass windows that looked as if even the slightest wind could take it out. I wonder if thefts are common in an area such as this. With all these type of people and broken glass.

As I continued to make my way straight I couldn't help but think, last night, there was something else wasn't there? A sudden blade I couldn't even understand. But, I could've swore I heard a voice as well. Closing my eyes with enough power to go unconscious I calmed myself down a little. stepping to the side of the street I began breathing in and out routinely.

I opened my eyes and continued forward. Eventually I reached a four way path, there I took a left and at that corner…..was not the shop I was looking for….. What in the f*ck happened?

Did I miss a turn? Was I given the wrong directions??

Just as more questions came to me, A lady to my left shouted. "You! Yes you! looking at me with a crazed expression, come here!"

"Me?" I'm busy, please don't let it be me.

"Hey! why are you looking away now? your the only person on this side of the street who is standing in front of my shop!"


I cursed under my breathe. Well, what do I have to lose now? I willingly turned to look at the shop lady obnoxiously calling me over.

"After repeatedly calling for you, would've thought you were deaf."

"haha, my apologies. I'm not accustomed to this area"

"who wouldn't be able to tell that much."

The lady who spoke gave a very vibrant feeling. She was at most in her 20's. She had a beautiful violet Mascaraed mask on. What caught my attention was her eyes, they glowed like a vibrant purple.

Her mask…and those carvings, I've seen them before.

"And who might you be?" I asked curiously

"I'm an attendant, not the store owner unfortunately. You look like you have time to spare haha, so I couldn't help calling you over."

And how very wrong you are miss.

I'm currently grocery hunting for lil sis!

"hahahaaaa….. I see, however I am indeed in quite a rush so you'll have to excuse me. Good day!"

Just as I began to walk off I felt a powerful grip wrapped around my upper arm. The strength she exerted alone left me flabbergasted.



I turned around with a heavy sigh.

Anything goes at this point, I let out a long sigh then asked "what is it you need from me?"

"Need? I don't need anything from you. However, I do desire something out of you."

From my personal experience, no matter who you hear words of expectations or desire they never meant something good, in many different aspects.

"And what would that be?"

"We'll first things first, let's go ahead and take a seat"

She led me around the her vending areas and into an area a little further back. There was a small round table with two chairs opposite from one another. As she and I sat down she spoke.

"Ah- my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is beretta! and you are?"

"Ak- ahem, Kuro"

"I see, the reason I called you over here is because I have a very…..special eye for people, Kuro."

Soon after she stated that my mouth opened to reply but she cut me off with her hand.

She picked her hand up and steadied it to mach where her eyes were. Her hands horizontal she started at the left and waved her hand over to the right in a smooth motion over the table. As she waved her hand a set of cards appeared before us.

It was a set of Tarot cards that appeared on the table. As I looked in astonishment, I honestly couldn't grasp what she had done. I was right in front of her and yet, I couldn't see any of it. It literally just appeared out of thin air.

Once Beretta was done she looked in my direction with an amused smile and spoke, "Hmm….hehe, now, shall we begin?"

Begin? I was filled with questions but only one managed to come out.

"Begin what exactly?"

She giggled as she spoke "The reading of course."

This time I didn't reject or refute, since, technically I do have the extra time to do such things. The readings shouldn't take long and it takes Kriveria 2 hours to walk from here to the academy so, along with the time it takes to get there, get her stuff and come back. I should be finished with my errands...and yes, I know full well this isn't an errand.

As I was deep in thought an exaggerated voice spoke, "Let's start now shall we."

Just as she said that she began shuffling. She laid out three different sections of cards and and mixed them together. Once the cards were organized and flat on each other, she laid them out in a fan position.

"Now, before you ask a question, avoid any 'Will I….' as they run the risk of locking you into a passive role in your own future."

Nodding my head slightly I responded


As I looked at the fanned out cards in front of me and the amused smile she kept on her face, I began to think. What did I want to ask? Is there something I should ask about? I was never one to pay much attention to the tarot card phenomenon to begin with but I at least knew an idea of how to read them. The tarot cards were viewed as a 'new age' religion, many practitioners would use the tarot cards to gain insight to something, or sometimes someone.

Having this in mind I couldn't think of the question I wanted to ask. I knew it though, the question I should ask. The entity. What do I need to know about my future. What did i need to know about the entity. However only one question could be used, I had to somehow put those two together into a single question. That's why I was having trouble deciding what I wanted to ask.

The reason why I wanted to limit myself to one question was due to the fact I didn't want to be here…..however, that may not be an option I should take. For every question there's a card you pull. Utilizing that I decided on the two questions I had previously mentioned.

Wait…. Why am I taking this so seriously? I never even believed in the cards to begin with and all of a sudden it's now a life or death thing??

Shaking my head I gave into my curiosity. My first time doing a reading happens to be in a world i'm unfamiliar with! with a deadpan look on my face I innately said 'exciting'

Before I asked my questions I didn't want to be vague as that may give Beretta a harder time.

"Yes, please take your time"

Hey! you pulled me in here!!


After a huge sigh Beretta spoke

"You need not ask the questions then, instead pick 6 cards from the selection here."

With Berettas amused smile turned upside down I closely looked and picked out 6 cards.

"From here I will inform you how you feel about yourself, what you want most right now, your fears, what is going for you, what is going against you, and the likely outcome. Understood?"

Nodding my head, just wanting to get this over with so I quickly replied


As I looked at the cards Beretta took out a pendant that hung from her wrist. The pendant was in the shape of a star, it was a vibrant purple that complimented her eyes. Looking at it I couldn't help but open my eyes wide and frown. The star, this looks like... no it couldn't be…

After choosing my 6 cards Beretta began to flip the cards over starting from my left to my right. She flipped the first card and started-

"How you feel about yourself- 'Wheel Of Fortune' The Wheel of Fortune is a card of destiny. Perhaps you may be experiencing a wave of good luck or you may feel it in due time."

Wave of good luck doesn't align with how my life is faring!! Even if I had no family left or made no friends, I was fine living on a low end life. I had no qualms with how I was living and suddenly things changed?

As a slight frown appeared on my face and my brows twitched. I nodded for her to flip the next card. Flipping the next card she began "What you want most right now- 'The Fool'. The Fool suggests that what you most want at this time is just to be happy, and you are searching for the one thing that will bring happiness. You desire a new start but feel unsure of what you want or where you want to go."

As she stated that I couldn't help but stare at the card, The Fool…. The man on the card was on a rocky cliff, with a leg up, a foot hung over the cliff as if a step was being taken. And if i'm not mistaken, The Fool also happens to be the most powerful card. Originally it signified new beginnings and infinite potential. However for me the approach was apparently different.

"The meaning I've told you is simply what was destined towards your future, your being. Although Just because my reading signified happiness, that happiness may not come to you without the proper hardships or challenges. So shall we continue then?" With a solemn look on my face I agreed and she flipped the next card

"Your fears- You are fearful of lacking the willpower and strength to deal with someone or something that concerns you."

Thats...that would be the void then. In truth I did fear it. I wanted to push it away but without confronting the void once again I would have no way to return to my world. That I confidently felt sure of, of course, if these so called 'gods' genuinely existed then maybe a proper prayer from a soul that never originally belonged would catch attention, but that was so far fetched it sounded like something from a novel. If this world was shiny and filled with riches for me from the start then perhaps I wouldn't bother trying to go back. My values didn't exist here so I didn't feel a reason to linger here.

"Now for your 4th card, What is going for you- 'Death'…." As she said that the look on my face became deadpan. Death is going for me? Well that sucks….. I couldn't help but think in the beginning, All of this had nothing to do with my current position. Aside from 'The Fool' and 'Strength' none of it was even relatively close.

Just as my innate complain was happening, Beretta frowned and her eyes gave a heavy look of fear and pity. She pitied him, The cards set out are made to destine one's life course. Although there are still cards left to turn, the boy in front of her looks weaker than a new born child and less knowledgeable than a mushroom. Not to mention if his next card is something of a downfall then the only remaining upbringing could be the 6th card.

Not giving him time to speak Beretta turned the 5th card "What's going against you…..'Temperance' hmmm, Life will seem hectic and full of challenges and you will find it hard to have the right perspective on things."

Temperance was something everyone faced in their daily lives so I couldn't be too concerned with it.

Beretta noticed my expression and flipped the 6th card.

"The likely outcome- 'The Moon'- Whilst you are confused and fearful and allowing your anxieties to hold you back, trust that all will turn out well in the end."

"Thank you for telling my….fortune? Anyways thank you for showing me this, I will be sure to take care in the future!"

And that ends my reading! anywho I've been here for at least 30 minutes. So with that, it's about time I leave. Not paying much attention to the cards Kuro stuck his hand out and gave his thanks.

Beretta responded to Ignill with her amused smile back up and her eyes glistening. "But of course! Take care and thank you for expending the time."

Kuro stood up and gave a slight bow before he headed the way he came in. Just as I was about to leave, once again…..just like before, felt the gorilla like tug. I turned around exhausted enough to not even sigh and asked "yes?"

Beretta with her smile turning to a frown for a moment then a light smile appeared on her face again as she said these words to me, "Things may seem tough or confusing but stick with it, it's right for you. The Moon is a good omen if you are in a clandestine affair it will help guide you to open your mind to new and unexpected possibilities. So, take care Kuro."

Opening my eyes wide, This had to be the last thing I expected from her. Her words, as she patted my back I felt warm inside. Those words were very much needed at that moment, not because my fortune gave me any other feelings aside from being exhausted but simply because I had begun to feel overwhelmed in this world.

With a smile on my face I thanked her once again and suddenly a thought appeared in my head as I faced her. I asked if she could lend me a map and show me the way to the shops I had been looking for.

Thankfully with the map Beretta had shown me, she had marked the spot where the main shopping district started. That was all I needed and it seemed true to word. as I was in deep thought I passed right by the corner before the shopping district.

So now with my next destination in mind I began walking the way I came.

Now to get to the destined errands!