
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Chapter 6

I sat in the back of the school bus. I had my new backpack on my knees. I reached down and ran my fingers over the smooth leather. It was so soft.

I looked out the window at the trees passing by. I watched the squirrels scampering up and down the branches. I watched the birds in the sky.

I sighed.

I pulled out my homework. I didn't even know what any of it was. I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

I looked at the clock. It was already three thirty. I hadn't even arrived at school yet.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out my textbook.

Oh, great.

My hands were covered with blue ink.

I sighed. I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes.

Maybe I should just turn in my homework right away. Maybe if I did that, I wouldn't be so tired.

But then I'd get a bad grade. Everyone would be disappointed in me.

I should have done my homework earlier.

I should have just turned in my homework right away.

I opened my eyes. I scanned the bus.

Where was Aaron?

He was sitting somewhere in the middle of the bus, but I couldn't see him.

The bus was pretty crowded.

I looked out the window again.

I couldn't see Aaron.

I looked back at my homework.

I started to do my math problems.

I got all the way to the second problem before I fell asleep.

The bus rode along the highway for a long time.

I had no idea where we were.

I think we passed a sign that said something about New Jersey.

I yawned and stretched in my seat.

I was going to miss this bus.

I leaned forward and rubbed my eyes.

I tried to open my backpack, but it was really heavy.

I got out of my backpack and put it on the floor.

The bus was really warm.

I closed my eyes.

I was really tired.

I opened my eyes and looked around.

I couldn't see Aaron.

Where was he?

I looked at the ceiling.

I looked at the floor.

I scanned the aisle.

Was he lost?

No. I was sure he was sitting somewhere.

I glanced at the driver.

He was looking back at me.