
Employees Account

Vivian's POV:

As I drove towards one of Diego's colleagues, I quickly glanced through the files, noting the names of Laurence Nelson, Edna Trafelski, Barrett Roberts, Stella Watson, and Grace Moore, who were at the lab yesterday. The animal testing facility likely accounted for a substantial number of people. While driving through the suburbs, I mentally organized my thoughts, preparing the questions I would ask during the interviews, hoping they would shed light on this perplexing case.

Stella Watson was my first choice on my first visit. After all, she was the one who was closest to the lab. I turned left around the corner, and within minutes, I spotted her house, which was only a block away.

My car came to a stop, and I turned off the ignition, stepping out of the vehicle while shutting off the headlights. According to her documents, Stella Watson was not only a fellow scientist at the lab but also a close friend of Mr. Martinez. As I stood on the sidewalk, I mustered the courage to ring her doorbell, even though it was already dawn. The question of why Mr. Martinez remained in the lab after everyone else had left continued to gnaw at the back of my mind, leaving me eager to find answers in this interview.

As I waited on the porch, I couldn't help but entertain my assumptions about what might have happened at the lab. However, without concrete evidence, I could only rely on the testimonies of those involved. The sound of my tapping boots added to the anticipation as I eagerly waited for someone to come to the door, hoping Stella Watson could provide some much-needed insight into the case.

A middle-aged woman emerged at the front door, making her way towards the gate with a mix of curiosity and concern in her eyes. "Hello, uhm, who are you? It's so late," she questioned, clearly puzzled by my unexpected visit. "Hello, Miss. My name is Vivian Claymore, and I work at the LAPD. May I speak with Dr. Stella Watson?" I responded, presenting my detective badge to assure her of my identity. As she leaned closer to examine the badge, her eyes widened in recognition, realizing that I was indeed a legitimate detective from the police department.

She chuckled warmly, "Oh, I am Stella Watson. It would be better to come inside instead," she suggested, opening the gate to invite me in. Grateful for her hospitality, I thanked her and stepped through the gate, maintaining my poise as I entered her house. My detective instincts kicked in as I observed the well-kept interior, impressed by the tidiness and order, which spoke volumes about her character. As I waited for her to join me inside, I prepared myself for the conversation that might bring us closer to solving this intricate puzzle.

"Please, take a seat, Detective," Stella politely offered, gesturing towards the sofa. I nodded in acknowledgment, making my way around the sofa and settling down. "Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee? Snacks?" she kindly offered, her warm smile reaching her eyes. I returned the smile, declining her offer with a shake of my head. Instead, I brought out a folder from my coat and clicked the button on my pen, preparing to delve into the serious matter at hand.

"Don't worry, I won't take up much of your time," I assured her, keeping a close eye on her reactions. Stella sat across from me, her hands resting on her lap. I glanced through the information in my folder, ready to take notes while we sat there in silence. Taking a deep breath, I gathered my resolve and began, "I was wondering if you knew anything about the recent homicide of your colleague, Diego Martinez." I broke the news gently, watching her closely for any emotional cues. My gaze remained fixed on hers, not even flinching. Establishing eye contact was crucial in these delicate conversations.

Her eyes widened in shock, and she struggled to find her words, "W-what? But I just saw him yesterday! You must be joking, right, Detective?" she asked, hoping my response would be different. Regrettably, I shook my head, confirming the tragic truth, "I am not joking, Dr. Watson." My voice remained steady as I observed her reaction, noting the glassiness in her eyes. Taking notes of her behavior, I found it challenging to determine if she was telling the truth. Her reactions seemed genuine.

I pressed on with my questioning, tapping my pen on the folder to maintain a sense of authority. "Do you know why Dr. Martinez decided to stay late in the lab that night?" I asked, keeping a close eye on her reactions. Stella attempted to gather her composure before answering, "Well, he did say he wanted to stay longer to experiment with Amphetamine on a lab rat. He wasn't satisfied with the results of our previous tests." As she spoke, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes in an attempt to hold back tears. So, according to her, Diego voluntarily chose to stay in the lab for further experimentation.

As Stella's explanation unfolded, the possibility of an overdose became more apparent, potentially explaining the numerous syringes scattered near the crime scene. However, I couldn't jump to conclusions just yet. To confirm the cause of death, I would have to wait for the forensics department to complete their autopsy report. With this new information in mind, I stored it in my head, ready to explore further questions and leads that could shed more light on the case. Patience and thoroughness were essential in this intricate investigation, and I was determined to uncover the truth, one piece at a time.

As Stella's explanation unfolded, the possibility of an overdose became more apparent, potentially explaining the numerous syringes scattered near the crime scene. However, I couldn't jump to conclusions just yet. To confirm the cause of death, I would have to wait for the forensics department to complete their autopsy report. With this new information in mind, I stored it in the back of my head, ready to explore further questions and leads that could shed more light on the case. Patience and thoroughness were essential in this intricate investigation, and I was determined to uncover the truth, one piece at a time.

As I asked if Diego had mentioned anything else to her, Stella shook her head, indicating that she had no further details to provide. I sighed, feeling exasperated by the lack of additional information, and closed my folder before standing up. I adjusted my coat and returned my pen to its pocket, glancing at her as I did so. Offering a wry smile, I extended my hand for a handshake, thanking her for her time. Seeing me stand, she followed suit and shook my hand as a gesture of respect.

As I prepared to leave, I handed Stella my business card, urging her to contact me if she came across any additional information. She accepted the card, examining it with curiosity, and a smile graced her lips as she bowed in appreciation. "Of course I will, Detective. Thank you," she responded politely. I nodded in acknowledgment, maintaining a composed demeanor, and exited her house the same way I had entered.

With the interview concluded, I left Stella's house, my mind still swirling with unanswered questions. The investigation was far from over, and I knew there were more leads to pursue and secrets to uncover.

Settling into the driver's seat, I closed the car door behind me. The early morning sun was already starting to rise, casting its light upon the horizon. Without wasting any time, I opened my folder and reviewed the information I had gathered from my meeting with Dr. Watson. Her insights proved to be helpful, yet they also left me with more questions that demanded answers.

With one interview completed and four more to go, I hoped each subsequent meeting would shed new light on the case. I turned the car key in the ignition, and the engine roared to life. Pressing my foot on the gas pedal, I left the suburbs behind, heading towards the city where Dr. Moore's apartment was located.

As I drove, I mentally prepared myself for the next interview, ready to gather more information that could bring me closer to the truth. The city's hustle and bustle awaited me, and I knew that navigating the urban environment might present its challenges. However, I was determined to leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of justice for Diego Martinez.