
Called To Another World

Ron is living a completely normal life with his friends until they're all summoned to another world as its heroes. It's good that death isn't permanent for them, but these high school students were given a really big responsibility! But that's not all, it seems that this is something bigger than simply being summoned to another world... Read the next part here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/called-to-another-world-the-final-act_27101389506646205 (This is a series that I started writing in high school. This web version makes some improvements here and there but because of when it started, it may be a bit rough.) A few sections were written by my friend LOTWarrior117 and the original four stories were edited by him. Some parts of the story were written based on suggestions by ChromeDeer, another friend of mine. Also, the glossary (https://www.scribblehub.com/series/195239/called-to-another-world/glossary/) contains spoilers.

Conor_Hehr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs

Jon's Mission

-Jon's POV-

I rushed inside Dragon Fortress. I probably could have died instantly from the intense heat, but I somehow lived. All I did was move forward, without looking back. There was something that I knew I had to do.

-3 Years Ago-

It was a day like any other day in Dovacath at the time. The streets were silent and few people were outside. No crime anywhere as I was on my way to Dovacath's best shop to buy a gift. When I got there, nobody was inside.

Since nobody was there, I waited for the shopkeeper to return. Fortunately, I only had to wait a few minutes. I went inside and talked to him. The gift I wanted to buy was a bracelet for my girlfriend.

"The item you've requested has been prepared." he said.

"Thank you." I responded.

"That will be seventeen gold coins." said the shopkeeper.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out seventeen gold coins.

"Here's exactly seventeen." I said, handing him all seventeen of them.

After that, ran outside of the store and rushed toward my girlfriend's house. I knocked on the door as soon as I got there, but nothing happened.

"Lilith!" I yelled, but nothing happened.

I grabbed the doorknob and I managed to open the door. I ran inside and realized that the house was empty. I ran outside and went into the forest. I couldn't find Lilith. Then I remembered I could use my whistle. About a year ago, she taught me how to play a certain song.

I got my whistle out and I started to play that song. After I played the song, I appeared in a strange room. The walls were made of stone and the room was lit by torches. There was somebody else in the room as well.

"Lilith…" I said.

"Get out." she responded.

"But…why?" I asked.

"This does not concern you," she answered, "so stay away from Dragon Fortress!"

"Dragon what?" I responded.

"Go," replied Lilith, "I can't let you interfere."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Something that hasn't been done in fifty years," she answered, "You must leave now!"

"Why? What caused you to want to do this?" I asked.

"You do not need to know." she answered, "Now leave!"



I ran out of the fortress and headed straight for Dovacath. This is when I ended up fighting the dragon in town. I had a feeling that I would be released again some time. At present, I am searching Dragon Fortress, hoping to save my girlfriend.

-Present Day-

I dashed through the fire-filled hallways as I searched for Lilith. I eventually found her.

"GO!" she yelled.

"I'm not going without you!" I exclaimed.

"Are you an idiot!?" she exclaimed, "Hurry and get out or you'll die!"

"I'm not leaving without you…even if it means I'll end up dying!" I answered.

"GO!" she replied.

"Come with me." I requested, "My life isn't the same without you."


"Come with me if you want to live."

I grabbed her hand and we went straight for the door. We kept running, not looking back.

-Lilith's POV-

Jon was squeezing my hand. It was too tight for me to try to run away from him. I really wanted to run off and die after all of the things that I had done. But, I had to let him old my hand as we ran toward the exit. On our way out, Jon let go and fell to the ground, where I saw him burn to death. This picture was stuck in my mind.