
Call of War

Vapour · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The First Step Was Almost My Last Step

My body ached and my face felt like it had been hit by a five-tonne hammer.

Oh, wait. It had.

Shortly after the massacre that happened in the Practical Magic lesson, I had been dragged to the on-site paramedic house which helped me recover from the "over-excessive force" that had been displayed in that demonstration. Thankfully it allowed me to recuperate my thoughts and plan my next actions.

After what the devil Professor Higgins had done to me I was certain that I could get a place in one of the higher-level classes. Mainly because of the talent I displayed during the spar, but I also hoped he felt guilty for putting a twelve-year-old in intensive care for 3 days.

As for my fellow classmates that grew fearful of the jolly Professor, they had also paid me a visit from time to time. I wasn't acquainted with most of them but their shared pity for me helped me get to know most of the people in my lesson, although I would hopefully soon be leaving them to join the higher class.

Cedric also visited me a few times and explained what they had covered. Thanks to the ever so gentle Professor Higgins, I had skipped on a few important lessons but I was relieved to find out they didn't cover much new material in their first few lessons.

For better or worse, my name had also spread around the school.

"The boy who fought so well against a Professor that he had to beat him to a pulp."

I chuckled slightly, sparking a pain in my ribs, and regretting it instantly. I was sure the news had reached my family, but quite frankly, they either knew I would be fine… or just didn't care.

Due to my injuries, I couldn't spend my night at the dorm that was allocated to all students during their schooling. Holidays in the central academy were rare as they strived to mould the best students but there were a few across each year.

Having a friend like Cedric helped because he was capable, albeit shy. He had already found us a dorm for both of us but since dorms were for four people, we had to inevitably be with two others. Memories of me thinking of disregarding Cedric after he had fulfilled his purpose became clearer in my mind, causing me to wince at how stupid that seemed. If I carry on thinking like that, I'll be no better than those high-ranking house snobs.

"I'm one step closer to my goal. If I carry on like this it'll only take another few years before I'm able to go…" I mumbled under my breath.


After I had made a full recovery I had promptly attended the lessons I had missed and caught up on the work. Every day seemed to be a blast as I became a sponge for new information. I still had things I needed to do, but having the freedom to just enjoy myself was relieving.

I savoured every second of a peaceful life developing my knowledge but my innate urge to grow stronger was starting to overwhelm me. I had yet to see Professor Higgins after our little incident but it seemed that tomorrow would provide me with a chance.

The only thing on my mind was the last class of the day.

Guide to the Trials.

Since a young age, well younger age, I had always felt the desire to reach out and explore the unknown realms of the Trials. It was a mysterious place and was one of the sole reasons why Ephrais came to be.

The Trials was located on the west side of the continent and the mountains that surrounded it acted as a wall of defence shielding either us or The Trials. There are many challenges of The Trials as it's an amazing place to get stronger. Even though the ancient and eerie atmosphere puts most people off, it was all warded away when the council decided to build a civilization inside The Trials.

The entrance to this forsaken place was just a giant door that had remained open for as long as we existed on this land. Behind the door was just the plain land that if you followed, would eventually lead you to the borders of Ephrais that was surrounded by sea.

Many scientists suggested that the door itself was a teleportation gate that transported those who entered into an enormous cave where a temple lay wait. I had been told the temple had these spheric blue ovals that glowed a godly luminous light and allowed people to traverse into what seemed to be a tower that had a challenge on each level.

The terrain was different on each level and failure to complete it in a certain time would result in a portal breakdown. Essentially cutting you off from the outside world and leaving you to die. Every challenger knew the risks but still, the population counter for them is still booming and increasing massively as years go by.

The rewards to be reaped were too much for people to pass by and artifacts could be found in dungeons. I heard from a passing challenger that artifacts were omnipotent objects that could grant power or bless you with riches. The truthfulness in that was questionable, but because I was being sheltered from any information about The Trails I was forced to base my interpretation off passing challengers that had come to sell their treasures in the Hywell.

They would often tell me about the beautiful city that was built in the same cave that harboured the temple and the teleportation gates. Their descriptions of the city were different each time but they all shared one common feature- that it was the most majestic and stunning place that they had ever seen.

Their descriptions made me contemplate what the city actually looked like and the urge to find out for myself was always lying within me, surfacing the closer I got to reach the Trials.

The council also seemed to view the Trials as an important place as most of the funds they've accumulated went towards the funding of the city that was hidden inside as well as creating another economy and life in the cave where the temple was based.

Everything was dedicated to unravelling the secrets that it held.

The time had finally come for the long-awaited class to begin. Cedric and I made our way to the far end of the school where the classroom was. It just so happened that this same end was often used as a testing ground as it had abundant amounts of space as well as enough safety precautions that could make a coming war seem like a slight breeze.

My mind raced through the possibilities that this class had in store for me. Would we fight creatures from the Trials? Would we practice formations and roles that were needed to complete the levels in the towers? All the thinking made my heart race and my eyes gleam as I pinched myself to regain composure.

Cedric looked at me confused.

"Are you okay Valen? You're acting a bit uh, ecstatic. I've never seen you like this before."

"I'm fine Cedric, there's no need to worry." I replied, masking my excitement.

Seeing that it didn't help quell his doting personality I decided to open up a bit and let him in on what I wanted to do.

"It's just that I've always dreamed of going to the Trials and gazing upon the starlight city located in the cave."

"Really?" His eyes flung open and his cheeks flushed a little red as he continued. "Most high-ranking houses have a base inside the Trials. It's practically a goldmine for them as they can fund challengers to go venture out and bring back treasures."

"Ah, that must mean that the Cynrads have a base there too. I don't think I've been told about it though." I said, picking up the pace a little.

"I guess so." He carried on walking forward and looked like he wanted to talk about it more, but understood the meaning of me ending the conversation there.

As all the students entered the classroom and started picking their seats, we did the same, but on my way to a seat, I noticed the lady standing on the stage opposite our seats. She seemed to be around fifty but her well-maintained body made her like 20 years younger. She wore a thin velvet robe, similar to our uniforms except it contained intricate patterns and a silver lining instead of a gold one. The hat on her head masked most of her pale white hair but some still drooped downwards, covering her ears and back of her head. Wrinkles were evident on her face but her posture remained stiff and elegant at the same time.

The lady reminded me a lot of my mother, except she radiated a friendly and wise aura instead. Our gaze met for a second as I locked onto her hazel brown eyes that seemed deep with knowledge. A smile broke on her face as she walked away to the centre of the stage to formally start the class.

With my acute hearing, I could make out whispers around me but I soon realised the cause. That damn old geezer I thought remembering the brutality of Professor Higgins and his deranged assistant.

Almost as if the lady sensed what was happening, she quickly silenced the class and began the introduction.

"Welcome to this Trials class, I'm Professor Karlee from high house Slynton." She began, cupping her hands as if preparing for a speech. "The Trials is a dangerous place filled with multiple scenarios where an entire squad can be killed. Yet the number of challengers is at an extremely high amount with more appearing every year. Does anyone know what drives them to such lengths?" She asked whilst steadying her hands and focussing on the students.

A hand quickly shot up from a navy blue-haired girl around the middle aisle. The teacher looked at her inquisitively before asking for her name.

"Serah of house Carte, and the answer would be the artifacts and treasures that lie within the Trials."

"Well done, those are the two of the main reasons however, another important one would be the sponsorships and rewards for finding specific objects and useful artifacts needed for the advancement of the continent as a whole."She added."There are even quests suited to challengers who are skilled at hunting. Beasts in the Trials come in all sizes and shapes and most of the time, the drops that they leave behind after they have been slain are especially useful." She took a small break allowing the information to sink in before she carried on with her explanation.

"Since you are all humble students attending the control academy, it is safe to assume that most of you if not all will venture off into the Trials with the support of a sponsor. Raid groups usually consist of twenty or so challengers and the difficulty depends on what rune the tablet by the portal displays."

"It's fairly simple so I'll give you a quick rundown of it. Green signifies a C-tier Trial, Orange signifies a B-tier Trial, Red signifies an A-tier Trial, and Purple signifies an S-tier Trial although I wouldn't worry too much about S-tier's because they are rare to come by and are only dealt with by veterans."

"A trial may consist of twenty participants but it is a protocol that they all form groups of five, making four individual groups branded under one trial. I cannot stress this enough but the groups you decide to form in this school will be expected to accompany you along with your actual trials when the time comes. It is key that you pick a reliable and trustworthy team."

Soon after this, murmurs exploded from the packed room, all questioning when we were going to form groups and how we were going to do it.

The lady raised her hand and the class quieted as a thunderous aura filled the atmosphere.

She sure knows how to get the attention of a bunch of rampant gossip frenzied teens.

"Do not fret, you will have plenty of time to decide your teams but if you wish to, you may form them now as all of our topics for this year will be revolving around it," she explained, reassuring many students.

Noticing that everyone was still tensed from her aura, she gave the go-ahead to converse between ourselves and sat down by her desk where she expected the finalised groups to register.

Not wasting any time I got up frighteningly quick and imbued a fiery essence into my eyes to heighten my senses. My eyes darted across the room as I identified anyone who stood out as being strong or useful. My condescending gaze fell on a few people who returned the glare but I was yet to find anyone worthwhile.

Cedric rose up from his seat beside me and we both locked eyes. Knowing what I was going to do he quickly pointed out students with special abilities. His attentiveness to the situation and adaptability was excellent, but what stood out was his almost scary research.

"The girl over there by the corner possesses a primary aspect of healing, she's sought out by some houses because her ability is quite rare and her future seems promising as she attends Ashburn Academy," he said, pointing at the girl who was chatting with her friends.

"Thanks Cedric, look for people who are well versed in defence and ranged attacks whilst I'll try and convince her into our group."

He shot me a puzzled expression. "How do you even plan to convince her when even high houses couldn't?"

Giving him a cheeky wink I darted over to where the girl was sitting with her friends.

"Hey, my name is Valen and I'm from house Cynrad. Would you mind forming a group with me?" I said, trying to give off a friendly image.

Usually, I wouldn't flaunt the standing of my house but this was an exception, I needed all the advantages I had to secure the best team.

The girl herself was dressed up in the female counterpart of our uniform that was identical except the dress that came with it. Thick black hair lined her neck and flowed freely down her shoulders with two thin groups of tidy hair falling in front of her shoulders. Her bangs were long and hung over her eyebrows, but didn't dare hide the soft, light blue eyes that she had.

She stared at me back before coming up with a response.

"Hi, I'm Alice from house Croft." stretching out her hand before I took it with a firm grip. Her face was cold and unwavering.

Her actions screamed confidence and rehearsal, of course, instilled into her at a young age by her high-ranking house that dominates the disciplinary committee of the army.

Her friends were blown back by what they were seeing and broke into a fury of giggling whispers. The practised face that Alice wore started to slowly shatter as she put her hand to her forehead and sighed before shooting them a disappointed look.

She shook her head softly. "I'm sorry to say but I'm not overly confident in making a decision this early on especially when certain rumours are going around."

I clicked my tongue and thought of how many inconveniences the Professor caused before going straight to the point.

"Are you questioning my strength?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I'm sure you are quite powerful but there could be stronger candidates that I would be better off pairing with thanks to my abilities." she laughed, moving a hand to cover it.

She definitely knew her standing in all of these group building exercises. Having a supporting healer on top of a good mage was a two-in-one package deal for anyone that wanted to rise to the top. Alice's usefulness in The Trials was definitely unrivalled, but that was even more of a reason to bring her to my side.

Cedric, already being a brilliant analyser and tactician, filled the first criteria of building my group regardless of his affinity, which I blamed myself for not asking what it was. With me filling in the role of vanguard because of my aggressive attack style, all we needed was a long-range caster capable of shooting from safe spots created by a talented protector and useful support to heal our injuries or help cover areas if needed. Support wasn't really needed if I was going to make a perfect team but it would make life easier.

Five people were the minimum but groups were usually large because it was reassuring to have extra vanguards and supports.

In Trials, however, there would be four groups of five, meaning that there would be five per position for each Trial. That was the usual protocol but well organised and talented groups created more intricate roles such as scouts and stunners. Either way, everyone needed to stick together and function efficiently if they were to make it out the other side.

Admitting defeat, I bowed slightly.

"Thank you for the consideration, but if you don't find a suitable group, just remember that you are always welcome with us." I chimed, tilting my head slightly as a sign of friendliness.

She stared at me with understanding eyes and a tinge of regret before she thanked me back for allowing her an option.

I may have failed this time, but I didn't plan on giving up just yet.

Leaning back into my seat I saw Cedric jog towards me with an energetic smile liberating his usual plain face.

"I think I've found the people you've been looking for." his eyes widened open as he encouraged me to take a seat with him. "They're all perfect and I found multiple so we can have backup options to fall onto as well."

"On with it then we don't have the time to be dawdling." I snapped.

"Okay, okay." He repeated before opening his book at a frantic speed. "Our first candidate is Leon from high house Grayliff. He's a skilled protector and is the second son of the Grayliffs. His brother is a top-class mage but his whole family suspects that one day Leon can rise above him." Turning a few pages and tracing his fingers along it until he found what he was looking for. "He's described as being charismatic, level-headed and reliable, his only fault is that he can be secluded and prioritise others more than himself."

"And about the long-range caster?" I asked, absorbing the information he was telling me.

Nodding his head he flipped another page. "Tyrus from high house Thorn. Rumours say he's comedic and messes around alot but gets serious in dangerous situations." he sighed and looked up at me. "Honestly, he could either be the best asset for lightening the mood or he could be a thorn in our backs, I'm only considering him an option because of his talent." he gave me a subtle wink at his joke but I promptly ignored it.

"We don't have much time before this lesson ends, how about we go check on them now?" I motioned for him to lead the way.

He gave me a confused look. "Huh?"

"This time you'll be trying to recruit them!" I beamed an honest smile as I watched him crumple and fold under the pressure.

"You know I don't fare well in these situations." He mumbled before finally giving in, too tired to fight back.

It only took a few minutes before we found our first target. Leon Grayliff.

Cedric started tidying up his uniform but stopped when he saw me burst out laughing.

"What are you doing?" I wheezed, my words coming out whenever I took a break from laughing.

"Shut up, I'm not used to these things." He said dryly and turned to hide his flushed face.

Cedric took a step forward with me at his side before attracting the attention of Leon.