
Call Me Your Princess! (BL)

Even though she had been born a boy, then raised a girl, it didn't stop her from finding the kindest, most loving person she had ever met. Not once did he treat her as anything but a woman. Not once was he repulsed by her body. Not once did he show her anything but love, affection, and understanding.  How did someone like Alexander Frostbloom exist in the world she lived in? She closed her eyes as tears began to run down her cheeks. For the first time in her life, her tears were not from sadness but because of pure joy. Corina had found where she belonged.  Acceptance. Love. Hope. The future seemed nothing but bright as she lay there with him. A future full of happiness. It was all anyone wanted.  Regardless of who she was—prince or princess—she had found her happiness.  As she fell asleep with her joyful tears, the world only seemed bright, as she was unaware of the shadow looming on the horizon of her future. **************** Corina, the tenth child born of Queen Amelia and King Gerald Nightshade, was different than any other princess. Raised as a lovely princess, she blissfully remained unaware of her biological gender. Corina was not a princess—she was the youngest prince—but she had never been taught about gender, or the differences between males and females. She had never even seen another human naked. When King Gerald proposed to offer his daughter's hand in marriage in exchange for a peace treaty, Queen Amelia feared the secret would come to light. Princess Corina Nightshade was to marry Duke Alexander Frostbloom for the kingdom's peace. How would the marriage proceed when the Duke inevitably found out the princess' true gender? How would Corina react when she found out she was really a prince? ************* For the purpose of the story, Corina will be referred to as'she' as that is her identity.

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Corina's blue eyes scanned the room. It was gorgeous, with a king-sized bed with cream colored linens over the top, and more pillows than she even knew how to use. Her new room was even more luxurious than the one she had spent all her years in at home. She wondered if Alexander had gone out of his way for her. She really hoped that wasn't the case.

The room contained a big metal vanity with a glass counter and several drawers, which was located on one side of the room. A petite woman with dark hair and sparkling green eyes was seated on the cushioned seat. She appeared as very slender and short. Her hair was pulled back into a flawless ponytail.

The woman stood and approached Corina, bowing in front of her. "Princess, it's a pleasure. My name is Nadine."

Corina smiled at the woman. She was also young, which brought her a certain peace. She loved the lafy-in-waiting her mother had, which had taken care of her since she was a child, but it was a nice change to be in the care of someone closer to her own age. It made her wonder if the two of them would be able to form a friendship.

"Please, just call me Corina in private," the princess replied with a soft smile. 

"If you are sure," the woman said, holding out her hand.

Corina nodded and took her hand. She then led her to the vanity. The princess took a seat and looked in the mirror, noticing the bags under her eyes. She leaned forward and nearly shrieked as she looked at her reflection. 

"I'm haggard," Corina groaned, poking the dark circle beneath her eye. "How would the Duke think this is prettier than a dream?" 

Nadine sighed and began to undo the intricate lacing on the back of Corina's dress; her eyes focused on the princess' reflection. "Even tired, you are beautiful."

"If you say so," Corina muttered, then turned her head to look at the woman. "W-What are you doing?"

"Helping you get undressed," Nadine hummed. "Don't you want to wear a fancy dress to the party?"

"I didn't bring any fancy dresses," Corina huffed and crossed her arms against her chest.

"The Duke bought you plenty."

"He did?" Corina asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "He had us order a few custom dresses from the finest tailor in town."

Corina scratched her chin. She had been in Luminairea for all of twenty minutes, and the Duke had already thought of ways to spoil her. She felt like she didn't deserve such a gesture. "Will they even fit me?"

"I assure you they will," Nadine said with a grin. "We took your measurements from your father during the peace talks."

Corina frowned. Even if her father had known her measurements, how could they have made the clothing so quickly? Something didn't add up. She was determined to unravel the mystery.

Corina nodded and internally vowed she would immediately get on the case the next time she encountered Alexander. The detective in her was ready for duty.

After finishing untying the lacing, Nadine pushed the dress off the princess's shoulders. She narrowed her eyes and examined the cups of the brassiere Corina had on. The way it bulged at the seams seemed rather unnatural.

"Something seems strange," the lady-in-waiting muttered as she trained her hand down a confused Corina's shoulders.

When her hand slipped between the cup and the skin, she figured it out. 

She carefully removed the perfectly folded pieces of fabric from the brassiere's cups. As she did so, Nadine giggled, throwing them on top of the vanity surface.

"I'm so sorry, princess," she chuckled. "So sorry."

Corina had never had anyone laugh in response to her stuffed cups before. In fact, her mother and Elsa had been the ones to start it. "It's funny?"

"I feel bad," Nadine sighed, then walked to the wardrobe.

Corina stood up and held her dress up around her waist. "Is it not normal?"

"It's not, princess," Nadine said with a smile as she pulled out a long, lavender dress from the wardrobe. "Most women do not need to hide their lack of assets."

Corina gasped. She couldn't believe it. She was confused. 

The longer she stayed in the palace, the more questions she had. Her world was slowly crumbling apart! How many things did her mother fail to tell her that she needed to know? What else could there be? 

"You don't stuff your brassiere?"

"No," Nadine sighed.

Nadine stepped forward and placed her hands on her hips. 

Corina looked at her with confusion. "What?"

"I feel terrible for you, dear girl," Nadine said, shaking her head. "You're flat as a door."

"Does that mean...?"

"You have no breasts!"

Corina puffed out her cheeks and stuck out her lower lip. She still wasn't sure what it meant, but she was sure she would figure it out eventually. "Stop teasing me."

The princess returned the seat of the vanity. She sighed, then pulled the dress off over her head. She reached over and grabbed the fabric Nadine had haphazardly tossed on top of the vanity, then began to stuff her bra. 

Corina didn't feel shy around Elsa, and she knew it was normal for royalty to be given assistance with dressing, but the comment about her breasts made her feel rather self-conscious. 

"What do women usually have?"

Nadine picked the dress off the bed, then made her way to stand next to the blonde. She shook her head. "It's just little sacks of fat and flesh. It's how we feed children."

"So, I won't be able to feed my children?" Corina inquired in a concerned tone, her fingers tracing the fabric of the dress she had removed, which rested upon her lap. "That's a big deal."

"No, dear," the lady in waiting corrected. "Size doesn't matter when feeding a baby. Besides, your breasts shall swell up when you're pregnant."

"So, they grow?" 

"In a way, yes," Nadine confirmed. "They may not stay as large, and can shrink once you stop feeding a child that way, or they may stay bigger."

"I hope they're huge!" Corina replied with a serious look across her face.

"If they're too big, they can cause back pain."

"Will they hurt my back?"

"Oh, yes," Nadine began with a snicker. "If they're excessively large, they can cause significant pain. It's like having the twin moons in your brassiere. It's a lot for a delicate back to handle."

Corina's blue eyes widened at the thought of having one of the two moons stuffed in each cup. A woman walking around with moons bouncing from her chest would undoubtedly destroy the entire world.

Nadine had to poke Corina's cheek to snap the blonde out of her daze. She wanted to know what the princess was thinking, but time was running out. In a hurry, she slid the new dress over Corina's head and began to do up the fasteners. She groaned when she realized she still had to tend to the girl's hair and makeup. 

That conversation could come at a later time.  She didn't want Duke Alexander to wait for the princess! It would be a terrible reflection on the poor lady-in-waiting.