
Calibre Prognosticatorum

Nuel had gone to sleep the night before after finishing playing the game 'ex Umbrae Online', an MMOFPSRPG that had been running for 6 years. However, he soon woke up to the sound of emergency siren, to which he found himself inside a cryostasis pod. "Wait, isn't this the quest we did last night? The daily quest where we save and escort back some civilians? And now I'm that civilian???" Join Nuel as he got transmigrated into the game and experience how it's like living in the 23rd century where the light of human civilisation had almost been devoured entirely by the shadows. Revel in how he survived against enemies of humanity in a world plunged into the darkness. P.S. Updates once/twice a month since I have a day job.

agnozan · Sci-fi
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39 Chs

13 Code Red Part 1

Do you wish to promote into the [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ] now?

- Y / N -


「 F**king got it! 」



You have been promoted into the [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ].

You [ Class XP ] now is shared between your [ Class : Esper ] and your [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ].

You have learnt <Skill : Scrap Repair (Basic)>.

Your [ Abilities & Skill ] tab is now reorganised according to your [ Class : Esper ] and your [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ].

You have learnt <Talent : Scavenger's Technics (Basic)>.

Your [ Talent Trees ] tab is now reorganised according to your [ Class : Esper ] and your [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ].


「 Haa, finally the first piece to my survival plan...the hardest part of triggering this promotion mission is obtaining at the three Tier 1 Common Knowledge on Electronic and Machinery...most would go straight for the Tier 2's, since Tier 2's are also publicly-accessible in all districts in <Thacon City's Inner Ward>... 」

The [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ] was a production-type profession that was discovered during the second year that 「 ex Umbrae Online 」 went online.

It was a hidden subclass famous for its 'Scavenger-build' meta of being able to use low cost, low quality crafting materials to create crafted items with great [ Item Stats ], despite maintaining the [ Low Quality ] designation.

Usually, the [ Quality ] of a crafted item depends on the [ Quality ] of its crafting materials, of course in line with a certain probability gradient.

And <High-Quality Items> - items with superior [ Item Stats ] - were in great demand amongst the high-ranked players who were in competitive scene, causing the price of <High-Quality Crating Materials> to soar at super expensive rates.

Which made the discovery of this subclass such a huge deal back then.

The common practice was that a Scrap Mechanist would buy cheap <Low-Quality Crafting Materials> in bulk from various sources - mostly from <Wanderers > of the <Outer Ward>.

Then, these materials would be processed into various crafted items with decent-to-great [ Item Stats ].

These items would usually then circulate back into the market either through the NPC inhabitants of the <Outer Ward>, bartered for more crafting materials; or through auctions of the black markets in the <Inner Ward> for quick Credits.

Well, that was how the meta was when this was still a game.

In fact, when this was still a game, there were like about 10% of the top 50 ranked players worldwide who had the Scrap Mechanist as a subclass. It was that popular of a subclass.

「 ...with this preparation, it should get me covered for the players' first Main Story events till the second...though the downside to having my subclass early on is that I would need to grind much, much more XP points... 」

「 ...If I remember it correctly, after the first patch update, the subclass max level would be increased from 10 to 25... 」



You have successfully promoted into the [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist | Level 1 ].

This is your first [ Subclass ], an additional reward will be generated.

Generating reward...

Please wait for a moment.


「 Ah, yes, there's this kind of reward too... Let it be good! Let it be good! Here it comes...! 」



The <Skill : Metallophage (Basic)> has been generated as the reward.

You have learnt <Skill : Metallophage (Basic)>.


「 OOoohh, I see it has a combat component to it...so this skill is basically using the Tool's Durability to increase output damage...? 」

As he read the description of the rewarded skill, Nuel's eyes unintentionally glanced through his holographic [ Character Status ] screen and caught the digital clock displayed at the bottom-right corner of the computer screen - he had actually spent nearly 2 hours in there!

「 ...I should get going, I'll test it when I get back to the Med- 」



Anomaly alert!

Multiple data contaminations have been found in the current scenario.

Anomaly is increasing in volume in the current scenario.

Proceeding to initiate isolation protocol to prevent further data contamination.

Please wait for a moment_

Isolation protocol has been successfully executed.

Proceeding to analyse anomaly characteristics, recalculating the latest trajectory of current scenario.

Please wait for a moment_


「 ...Wha- 」

A distress radio announcement blared through the PA system suddenly.

> "Attention to all units. Code Red, Code Red. Area; Medical Bay, Bio-Aux Lab, Storage C. All non-combat personnel are required to vacate these facilities immediately and leave for the nearest Safe Areas. Further instructions will be updated and announced through the common radio channel." <

> "I say again; Attention to all units. Code Red, Code Red. Area; Medical Bay, Bio-Aux Lab, Storage C. All non-combat personnel are required to vacate these facilities immediately and leave for the nearest Safe Areas. Further instructions will be updated and announced through the common radio channel." <

「 What the- 」



[ Crisis Mission : Code Red! ] :

A 'Code Red' protocol is initiated company-wide within the Bastion via its internal PA system. It is a protocol executed only when there is confirmed contact with hostiles within the base.

Follow the escorting military officer to any of the listed Safe Areas options as shown and survive.

Requirement :

• Reach any of these Safe Areas :-

i) Cafeteria, or

ii) Lower Deck Bunkroom, or

iii) Main Assembly Area.

Progress :

• Reach Safe Area ( 0 / 1 ).

Rewards :

<XP > +10.

<Clue : Truth of Existence II> × 1.

<Random Common Light-class Weapon> × 1.


「 A Crisis Mission, Code Red? Did we have a breach...? 」

The resource centre front door slid open and the soldier from earlier rushed inside.

"We have a bit of a Code Red situation ongoing. It's not safe staying here. I'm bringing us to the nearest Safe Area until the protocol in place is lifted. I want you to remain calm and follow behind me, can you?"

Nuel nodded in affirmation.

"Did something happened?"

"Nothing to worry about. Just follow me quickly."





Author's Post-Script:

Nuel's latest [ Character Status ] screen



Name : Nuel | Calibre

Title(s) : [ Subject-023 ] || [ Disciple of Archimedes ] [ Born of Giant's Strength III ]

Class : [ Esper ( Level 2 ) ]

Subclass : [ Scrap Mechanist ( Level 1 ) ]

Race : [ Human : Protopsionic - Phenotype ]

Age : 18 y/o (200 yrs cryostasis sleep)

Reputation : 0

Affiliation : [ Thacon City Administration - Neutral : 0 ]



DMG : 20.0 | Crit.DMG : 40.0 | Crit.Proc : 1.38%

RES : 15.1 | COMP : 1.25

HP : 150.5 /150.5 | HP.Recovery : +4.53 | Crit.HP : 30.1

Stamina : 60.0 /60 | Stamina.Recovery : +1.8

Sanity : 53.75 /53.75 | Sanity.Recovery : +1.81 | Crit.Sanity : 10.75

Energy :

• Psions : 22.00 /22 | Psion Recovery : +1.32 | Rank 1 (0 /10)

Accuracy : 68.75% | Evasion : 13.75%

Immunity : 2.8% | 0.3s

Initiative : CE +3.3 | 13.75% | 2.75s

CE : 1.30

XP : 9.55 | XP Multiplier : ×1.09

Carry Weight : 0.83 /40.1kg

Unallocated Attribute Points : 1

Unallocated Skill Points : 0



[ Weapons ] - n/a -

[ Armors ]

• Body : <Polyester Hospital Gown (White)>

[ Tools ]

<Rusted Combination Pliers>

[ Ordnance ] - n/a -

[ Inventory ] - select to open -



STR : 4

INT : 4.5 | INT.GP : +0.5 /Lvl

DEX : 1

VIT : 3






<Lv 3 Ability : Precognition (Basic)> : Initiative : +1 | Initiative Chance : +27% | Precognition Time : Initiative Duration × 1.3 | Psions Cost : 2/s.

<Lv 1 Ability : Delusory Shroud (Basic)> : Quiescence : 1 × COMP × 5 | Stealth : +5% | Psions Cost : 0.5 /s /targets | Stamina Cost : 0.5 /s /targets.



<Lv 1 Skill : Metallophage (Basic)> : Metallophage, or more commonly known as machine-scrapping, is a unique skill among technicians. This skill not only it allows more yield per kilogram of scrapped items, but it also trains the Scrap Mechanist to be more efficient in finding vulnerabilities against any machinery-based targets.

- <Metallophage - Crafting> : While equipping a <Crafting Tool> at the [ Equipment : Tool ] subtab, dismantle any ( Machinery / Electronic ) items of any Grade with good precision to harvest its <Crafting Materials>. | Range : 3m | Success Chance ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare or higher ) : ( +20% / +15% / +10% ) | Bonus Quantity ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare or higher ) : ( +25% / +15% / +5% ) | Channeling Time : 9s + 3s/0.1kg | Stamina Cost : 0.7/s.

- <Metallophage - Combat> : The <Crafting Tool> may be equipped at the [ Equipment : Offhand Weapon ] subtab. When in combat against <Robotic > targets, apply these effects. | Crit.Proc : +20% | Abnormal Status : Immobilised - Inflict Chance : +10%, 3s | Abnormal Status : Disarmed - Inflict Chance : + 10%, 3s | Crafting Tool Durability Cost : 0.5/hit | Stamina Cost : 1/hit.

<Lv 1 Skill : Scrap Repair (Basic)> : While equipping a <Crafting Tool>, repair any ( Machinery / Electronic ) item of any Grade to restore some of its durability with a percentage of success. | Success Chance ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare or higher ) : ( +20% \ +15% \ +10% ) | Durability Restored ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare or higher ) : ( +10 \ +7 \ +4 ) | Low-Quality Bonus Effect : Increase any one [ Item Stats ] +10% (max stacks 5×) | Channeling Time : 7s + 2s/0.1kg | Crafting Material Cost ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare or higher ) : ( 20% \ 10% \ 5% ) of item weight | Stamina Cost : 0.5/s | All of the aforementioned effects will only be applied when crafting with ( Machinery / Electronic ) items with [ Low Quality ] designations.


<Title Ability : Archimedes' Eyes> : Obtain <Partial Blueprints>, Machinery/Electronic | Range : 3m | Success Chance ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare ) : ( 30% \ 20% \ 10% ) | Channeling Duration ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare ) : ( 10s \ 20s \ 30s ) | Cooldown : 24 hours | Stamina Cost ( Common \ Uncommon \ Rare ) : ( 1 \ 3 \ 6 ).

<Title Buff : Archimedes' Eureka> : Can only be toggled during crafting | Blueprint Success Chance : +15% to all Grade, ( Machinery- / Electronic- ) | Without Blueprint Success Chance : +5% to all Grade ( Machinery- / Electronic- ) | Better Quality Success Chance : +5%, [ Quality ] +1 Level.

<Title Buff : Giant's Strength III> : Can only be toggled during combat | [ Max.HP ] +2.5% /s, +45% | [ Melee.DMG ] +1.5% /s, 30% | [ Crit.Proc Chance ] +30%, every 5s | <Abnormal Status Immunity> +15%, 5s after receiving damage | Stamina Cost : 2/s.




<Lv 2 Talent : Sense (Basic)> : Range : 11 meters | Mind Sense : +5.

- <Active : Tranquil Aura (Basic)> : Range : 5.5 meters | Self: Composure +3 × (1 + 0.06INT) | Allies : Composure +1 × (1 + 0.02INT) | Psions Cost : 0.2 /s /target | Stamina Cost : 0.2 /s /target.


<Lv 1 Talent : Scavenger's Technics (Basic)> : Scavenging is a humbling branch of fabrication engineering and it teaches one that even the lowliest of dirts build houses. | Crafted items' [ Item Stats ] : +10% | Crafting Channeling Duration : -5% | Crafting Material Cost : -10% per <Crafting Material Type> | All of the aforementioned effects will only be applied when crafting using ( Machinery / Electronic ) items with [ Low Quality ] designations.


<Rank 1 Talent : Psionic Esoterics> : [ Psions ] max +1 for every 2 INT | [ Psion.Recovery ] : 5% +0.5% for every 2 INT | [ Psions ] +10.

- <Active : Psionised Esoteric Training (Basic)> : Rank 1 : Maintain 50% (Psions & Stamina) || 10 hours || (0 /10).



• [ Act 0 - Main Story Mission : Survive till Rescue Arrives ] Completed : (rewards pending received).

• [ Dungeon Mission : Rescue the Civilians ] Completed : (rewards pending received).

• [ Act 0 - Main Story Mission : Credit-Oriented ] : 500 /10,000 ₢.

• [ Crisis : Code Red! ] : (ongoing).

• [ Hidden Mission : Truth of Existence II ] : 5 /???.



• [ Rare Title : Subject-023 ] : No [ Reputation ] requirement | [ Base Attribute : INT] +1 | First <Mission Reward> : <Psionic Talent : Random> × 1 and <Psionic Ability : Random> × 1.

• [ Unique Title : Disciple of Archimedes ] : Require equipping <Crafting Tool> × 1 | No [ Reputation ] requirement | Grants <Title Buff : Archimedes' Eureka> during crafting | Grants <Title Ability : Archimedes' Eyes>.

• [ Unique Title : Born of Giant's Strength III ] : Require former [ Unique Title : Born of Giant's Strength II ] | No [ Reputation ] requirement | [ Base Attribute : STR ] +2 | [ Base Attribute : VIT ] +2 | [ Base Attribute : Unknown ] +2 | Grants <Title Buff : Giant's Strength III>.

• [ Class : Esper ] : [ Sanity ] max +20 | [ Energy : Psions ] max +10 | [ Base Attribute : INT ] +2 | [ Base Attribute : Unknown ] +2.

• [ Subclass : Scrap Mechanist ] : Grants <Ability : Metallophage (Basic)> | Grants <Ability : Scrap Repair (Basic)> | Grants <Talent : Scavenger's Technics (Basic)>.

• [ Race : Human : Protopsionic - Phenotype ] : [ INT Growth Potential ] +0.5 /Lvl.

Much apologies for the delay, I was stuck at the countryside for the past weekend and was deprived of stable Internet connection. I was at the verge of Internet withdrawal but fortunately, I pulled through. Anyway, enjoy this latest chapter, and share me your thoughts.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

agnozancreators' thoughts