
Calamity Upon This World

Reincarnation.  A concept everyone is all too familiar with, at least once in our lives, we've all thought of being able to just let go of all our regrets and the things holding us back and just start over.  This deal is made even sweeter when paired with being allowed to keep your current memories and knowledge of the future.  William was one such boy who had been given this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Like any other modern-day person, the first thing he did after learning about his reincarnation was check if he possessed any memory that was similar to his new world.  Sadly, in the end, he was left disappointed and was forced to go into his new life completely blind and unaware of all the malicious entities, world-ending threats, and divine schemes going on in the shadow.  But then again, who needs knowledge of the future when you are the child of mana itself?  AN: Please check out my second novel: http://wbnv.in/a/94iQwJg 1.No Harem 2.Overpowered MC 3.The World Won't Revolve Around The MC 4.Novel is quite well paced 5.Side characters are developed and world building is well done. 6.MC isn't edgy or evil for no reason despite what the villain tag may suggest 7.If you guys enjoy the novel any and all kind of support is welcome as this novel is competing in WSA 8.2 chapters daily 9.If you have any complaints about the novel please read till the end of volume 1 10.Discord link: https://discord.gg/zQdHTES3Yd 11.If you have read the novel a review about what you liked and disliked would be much appreciated

Okojus · Fantasy
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166 Chs

Ch-25 Getting A Spirit

It was now morning again William slept quite peacefully last night.

Now William and Myra were in the carriage on their way to the Verhein County private spirit zone.

Spirits are special beings who don't exist in the mortal world but rather in their own spirit dimension.

However, in special zones in the mortal world where elemental energy is extremely concentrated they can open up a portal to cross through.

But due to them not belonging in this world they can't interact with anything or anyone and also feel pain every second they exist in the world,so they usually prefer to just stay in their own dimension.

However, there's a exception to this rule, that being people who possess affinity to spirits.

By signing a contract with such people they can live in a awakend's mana core and in return they allow the awakener to use spirit energy.

Spirit energy is a special energy that exists in the spirit world and can only be used by spirit, but they can allow their contractee to use it by acting as a medium.

This is one of the reason why having a spirit by your side is highly beneficial to all awakened.

Sadly people with affinity to spirits are quite rare however, all of that is of no concern to William.

"How long until we get to the spirit zone?" William asked with barely contained curiosity.

"Just wait we'll get there soon" Myra replied already used to her son's impatience.

After another hour which felt longer than normal for William due to his own impatience they finally arrived at the spirit zone

"Finally we're here" William said while stretching his body a bit as he got out.

"Come on don't be a drama queen the ride wasn't even that long" Myra scoffed.

"Yea yea" William retorted.

"So this is a spirit zone? " William asked amazed by what he saw.

In front of him lush empty piece of land, which looked pristine as if it had never been touched.

It also had a giant river beside it which looked pure as if never tempered with before.

The sunlight was also extremely bright shining brightly, resulting in a landscape which looked so picturesque as if it was painted into reality without a single imperfection.

However, the reason for William's amazement wasn't the beauty of the landscape but rather the extreme quality and quantity of Water, Earth, fire and wind elemental particles in the area.

Well there were also light elemental particle but William wasn't able to sense them due to not having a affinity to that element.

"Spirit zone's really are some of the most beautiful places in the world don't you agree?" Myra asked her eyes carrying a hint of nostalgia remembering the day she contracted with Rosella and how she was just like William the first time she saw a spirit zone.

"Yea" William replied absent mindedly.

"Well there's only one thing left to do now" Myra said anticipating what spirit would repond to her son's call.


"Oh esteemed, spirit of elements"

"The one's who represent nature"

"Respond to the calls of this humble one who asks for your assistance and your company in my life"

"Oh spirit with this humble wish, I request that you make your presence known to me"


The spirit world

A world filled with countess mysteries, not much is known about this mystical land as humans are not allowed here.

However, from what's known is that the whole land is much bigger than planet Astressa.

The whole land is separated into countless lands each representing their own unique element and is inhabited by the spirits corresponding to the element of the land.

Spirits usually live for extremely long with some of the older one's being as old as millions of years.

These spirits don't have much desire or anything that can considered as entertainment.

They can't really die and their nutrients are provided by the element particles of their element.

However, despite this all spirits instinctually wish to sign a contract with mortals to experience mortal world as according to them it's much more entertaining than their world.

Another reason why spirits seek a partner is that by staying inside a awakends mana core they get both nutrients as well as growing stronger.

Right now in this mystical land of spirits something quite shocking was about to take place.

As the voice of a human child resounded inside the minds of all spirits living in the lands of Earth, Fire, Water and Wind continent's.

Such a event created quite a commotion as the only possible reason for such scenario would be a human with perfect affinity to 4 elements.

Such a individual is a anomaly someone who's life is guaranteed to be 'entertaining' which all spirits desire.

Almost without exception every spirit who heard the voice wanted to contract with this human.

However, unfortunately for them a human can only contract with 1 person so that means all these spirits are rivals all fighting for the same host.

"Holy shit, I found my new host I need to get this kid" Said a ethereal looking red spirit seemingly a fire spirit.

"Get your eye's of my host" Another spirit shouted.

"Both of you need to stop yapping, that's my host" Said another spirit.

"Shut up" Both the spirits which were previously fighting amongst themselves shouted causing a argument to break out.

"If only I was born as a higher ranked spirit I could've also tried to contract with this human" Said a baron ranked spirit already giving up without even trying.

Depending on the quantity of spirit energy a spirit can control their divided into 7 ranks as follow:-








At any one moment in time there can only be one king, prince and duke of a particular element.

while conflict was brewing due to almost all spiritstrying to get the human who showed up all of their plans were foiled with a new voice which spoke in everyone's mind.

"Shut up, I'm personally going to contract with him someone like him doesn't deserve weaklings like you"

The voice belonged Agnis the Duke of the fire spirit tribe.

He was a extremely respected figure among his citizens and while the spirits all had their complains they could do nothing but remain silent knowing they don't stand a chance now that Agnis himself was making a move.


Now back to William.

Flying in front of him were 4 ethereal spirits colored Red, Blue, Brown and Green depending on their element.

"I didn't know weaklings were trying to scam someone with a lot of potential" Said Wiz as she eyed Agnis with I'll hidden enmity.

"True, which is why you should just leave Wiz" Agnis retorted.

Staying true to their elements the Duke of Water and Fire tribe never got along.

"And there they go again" Said Sera, the green coloured elemental as she eyed Agnis and Wiz who didn't act their rank according to her.

"Let them be after all it's not like any of them will be chosen anyways"Gione said playfully.

"Yea sure buddy" All 3 spirits said in unison as if used to Gione's delusion.

"There seems to be a misconception here so let me clear it for your guy's I won't be choosing anyone of you guy's" William said finally opening his mouth ever since the spirits showed themselves.

"What!!!??? " All the 4 spirits exclaimed in unison

However, before they could let the absurdity of William's statement settle inhe said something which made them forgot about what he said before.

"Instead I'll be contracting with all 4 of you"

Obligatory Avatar reference

Okojuscreators' thoughts