
The sudden death

Shiro is your average person living a average life, but things aren't always what they appear to be.

He is bullied by his friends at school constantly beaten up by his good for nothing dad, he is tiered

of this miserable life but is unable to change. Invisible chains tie him to the ground, his weak body and heart always prevent him from living a normal life whenever he gets a little to excited his heart begins to pump abnormally fast and beings to faint. Living is just suffering to Shiro he asks God every day for a new chance at living he even thought of ending his pitiful life but he wasn't sure of what is after death he was afraid of only one thing and that was nothingness.

One day when he was walking home from school he saw a very suspicious man walking very close

to him but he thought it was just his imagination and just ignored the shady character

only a few moments later it felt as something just stabbed him from the back. The shady character apered to be a psychopath how had escaped from a mental hospital and the only reason for his escape was that he can kill one more time he quickly ran from the scene Shiro was laying in the floor unconscious and slowly fading from this world.

He woke up in a dark room and nothing but the walls was present there he remembered what happened to him and he was sure that he died in the hands of the psycho but he didn't seem sad because there was something even beyond death it didn't matter to him if it was heaven nor hell has long that there was something he was happy.

After some time a terrifying creature apered before his eyes a demon looking creature wearing a black robe the creature just apered out of no where Shiro tried to remain calm but he just couldn't stop shaking he fell down to his knees because he know that only restless torment waited for him.

But the demonic creature began speak it wasn't looking to torture Shiro like he believed, instead he offered him an chance that good God did not give him do you want to live again but in a different world one with sword and magic I will grant your wish but in exchange you will need to sacrifice 10 souls to me every weak.

Take your time and think about it I will give power beyond your wildest dreams everyone shall see your shadow grow only taller you will be a God of your on world.

Shiro didn't even hesitate to say yes he did not have any interest for the life of others he only cared for him self.

The demon seemed happy with Shiros decision and before he know it he was in a world that looked nothing like the one he remembered, he seemed happy about his second chance at living he was dying to try the power that the demon mentioned.