
Calamity Rank Drifter

WPC #298 In a world where humanity is constantly being attacked by a threat known as Rift Beasts, humanity has evolved to use the very energy their enemies are made of. The hero of this story, however, is a special case... Will he be the savior that was waiting for or will he be the driving force for their destruction? Originally titled "Delusion: The Hero". The reason for name change should be obvious if you saw my fanfic kekw. Credits to the artist of the picture used for the cover.

Ayato_Suzuki · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

New Relationship

-x-Amelia POV-x-

I cannot comprehend what I just heard from my parents yesterday… Not only is Hikari my guard, he's also my fiancé now!? This is just going to make things more awkward for me and Hikari now… Not to mention my relationship with Viola might get shaky. I can tell that she's starting to develop some feelings towards Hikari, albeit way too quickly.

"Amelia dear, be sure to tell Hikari that you've accepted." My mother said with a smirk.

"Ugh… Alright, mother."

Yes, I accepted him as my fiancé. Totally because I didn't really have a choice at all. Yep, it wasn't because I was falling for him too. Totally not because of that.

I sighed, something that I noticed Hikari does a lot, and walked inside the car. Now I was getting nervous. Sure, I'm used to riding in a car to school for a long time now, but that's what I'm nervous about. It was where we were going to stop first.

"Why do we have to pick him up…"

"If you'll excuse me madam, but do you not care about your fiancé?"

"No, I do care about him. It's just this is a bit much, don't you think? Besides, I'm sure he's fine with just walking to school."

"Too late madam, we're already here."

'Dangit Hikari, why'd you have to tell my parents where you lived!?'I thought to myself as I sighed and looked out the window. What I saw was a large apartment and Hikari coming out of said apartment. When he looked at the car I was in, his eyes glowed for a brief second, and then he sighed after.

As he got closer to the car, I decided to open the door. I smiled at him and I swear I could see a small tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Good morning, Ame."

"Good morning to you too, Hikari."

He went inside and sat down beside me. Still, I couldn't help but notice that he was leaving a small space between us. I appreciate it, but somehow, it also makes me a bit disappointed. With that in mind, I closed the distance and sat closer.


"You're my fiancé now, no? You should get used to being this close with me from now on."

He just sighed as I giggled. Yep, I am totally not in love with him…yet.

-x-Hikari Pov-x-

When we arrived at school, it wasn't a surprise when some people started whispering about me and Ame coming out of the same car. Is that seriously all these people can do? Do they really just whisper shit? Ame just giggled as I got a bit annoyed. Seriously, it's all just whispers.

As we arrived at the classroom, Viola greeted me with a smile and at the moment, I instinctively looked towards Ame.

"Does she know?" I asked her in a whisper.

"No, and I prefer if no one else knows as well." she whispered back.

I nodded and smiled back at Viola who had been looking at us confusedly. When she asked us what was wrong, I just told her that it wasn't anything important. She looked at us for a bit before shrugging and returning to her seat.

I sighed and sat down as well. I looked towards Ame and saw her sighing as well. She might have adapted to me doing that. Welp, at least Viola isn't-

"Haah…" I looked to my side and saw Viola sighing as well. Damn.

Not only did I influence Ame, I also influenced Viola.

After a few minutes, the teacher arrived and the day began. Still, I couldn't focus at all. I felt like something was amiss the whole time. Like something very problematic was about to come.

"Mr. Viator?"The teacher called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"You should stop spacing out. Anyways, I was asking if you knew the rankings that Drifters have?"

"Oh yes, I do." Isn't that a bit too easy of a question? "There are 6 ranks for Drifters. These ranks are, from lowest to highest, E, D, C, B, A, and finally S. For the S rank, everyone within this rank is few and far between. Some are weaker than the other while some are god-like beings."

"Good, how about you Ms. Leonhart? What are the ranks of the Rift Beasts?"

"It's Destructive, Menace, Titanic, Natural Disaster, Cataclysm, and Calamity." Ame said, not even batting an eye towards the teacher.

He did seem to take it personally and continued on the lesson. All the while, I looked at Ame and saw that she was spacing out a bit. She snapped out of it and made eye contact with me. I swear I could see a small hint of pink on Ame's cheeks as she looked away.

… I might get the wrong idea from that.


When lunchtime came, Ame immediately dragged me to the school roof, not even giving me an explanation. Once we were at the rooftop, Ame immediately locked the door. Where the hell did she get those keys?

"Uh… Care to explain?"

"I made us lunch."

"Couldn't we have just eaten this at the canteen?"

"No. You'll understand once you open it." Ame said as she handed me a lunch box that was wrapped neatly with cloth.

I accepted the lunch box and sat down on the ground. I opened it and what I saw inside almost made me open my mouth. I looked at Ame and this time, I could see that she was bright. Even her ears were practically glowing!

"My mother insisted that I make you lunch."

What was in the lunch box? It was a simple meal but what caught my attention was the heart shape that the ketchup made on the steak. She's really pushing it huh?

"How about you?"

"I made a matching one." She told me as she showed me the contents of her lunch box. It was the exact same as mine.

I tried my hardest to stifle a chuckle but failed miserably. Ame's face lit up even more and she immediately began hitting me. Still, her hits were soft.

"What's so funny!?"

"Haha, I just think it's cute that you did that. Your mom told you just to make lunch for me, correct?"

She stopped hitting me and looked like she just realized something. I didn't know it was possible, but once more, her face lit up with higher intensity than before. She crouched down and began screaming.


After just a few seconds, she stopped screaming. She took a deep breath and then sat beside me. Her cheeks were still tinted with a shade of red, but it wasn't as bad as before.

"L-let's just eat." Ame said with a slight stutter.

"Alright then." I said with a smile.

We began eating in silence and I've gotta say, her cooking might be better than mine.