
Chapter 3

Flashback Unknown Time Period

Fire. Fire was all I saw that day. No, not just fire.  Hundreds of white monsters flew around. On that day I truly saw hell. Hell is what I walked through and hell is what I felt and all I knew. As I walked through that hell, I saw other people around me. Some were dead, and others probably wished they were. It was more horrifying than I'd like to admit. No child should see such horrors. But I did. "Kiana."

That was all that was on my mind. People were screaming for their loved ones for anyone to save them. Even still. "Kiana."

None of them matter.


A beast flew at me.


My sword cut them down.


One word. One name. This mantra like name kept me safe. I can handle killing and handle the deaths of the others. As long as I can reach her.

She must be scared and afraid. This disaster happened out of nowhere. We should have been near her, no I should've stayed with her. The old man Siegfried was not a good role model. He even acted like he hated her. I don't know why. Hide it all you want, but you still showed it unconsciously. She's your daughter for all I care, act like she is! But that doesn't matter right now.


"Just hold on a little longer. I'll be there soon."


I began to run forward. Until soon I was sprinting at the beasts. My sword was now a glowing red beacon.





A short while later I was dusting ash off my body as I soon continued my search for Kiana. As I walked on through the now quite literall hell, I had helped along.

Present Time

Kuro: "Kiana!"

I woke up shouting. I looked around my room, while taking deep breaths. Soon enough I calmed down. It was almost time to go to school. Luckily I was already dressed, due to... reasons.

Kuro: *Sigh* "The dreams are coming back huh?"

Cause yeah this used to be a thing. When I first got here, these dreams, or rather memories were a common occurence. Using my abilities must have been a trigger for them to come back. Loud footsteps were heard through the hallway coming towards my room. The door was shoved open not soon after.

Shido and Kotori were both outside of it.

Shido: "Are you ok? We heard you shouting."

Kuro: "Don't worry I'm fine. I stubbed my toe that's it."

I said this all while laughing. The smile is obviously fake. "It's clearly nothing impor-"

Kotori: "Who's Kiana?"

My laughter cut off immediately as I stopped smiling. She heard the name I said huh?

Kuro: "It's nothing important. I'll explain later when we go back to Fraxinus. So just drop it for now please."

Shido: "Are you sure?"

Kuro: "It's fine, seriously drop it."

Shido: "But-"

That's all he got out before he felt immense pressure upon his body, leaving him unable to move. Kotori couldn't as well.

They looked into my eyes. My gaze was that of a predator gazing at prey.

Kuro: "DROP. IT"

They both nodded rapidly. The pressure vanished allowing them free movement again. The only thing left was the sadness I had.

Kuro: "Look I'm sorry. Just... please. Not now. I'll explain everything later, I swear."

I walked past them.

Kuro: "Let's get ready for school for now."


We had went to classes earlier but the whole time I avoided Shido. Was it wrong of me? Yes. Am I acting like some woe is me anime character? Also yes.

But it's just easier than confronting the situation right now. Soon enough class was over. At least for the immediate moment. As I went to get up, I felt an arm wrap around my collar.

Kuro: "Woah!"

I was unceremoniously dragged out of the room by...

Kuro: "Origami?!"

She dragged me out of class and into the hallway stairs.

Origami: "You were there yesterday."

It wasn't a question as much as a statement.

Kuro: "Yeah."

She was silent for a bit.

Origami: "Don't tell anyone. Not just about seeing me, but about everything that happened."

Kuro: "And if I do decide to tell?"

(Not like I would though. No one would believe me anyways. Let's just see your answer.


Ok, yes I'm still upset from earlier. Sue me.)

Origami: ....

Kuro: "No need to answer. It wasn't a serious question. But speaking of yesterday, that girl-

Origami: "That was a spirit."

Kuro: "Is she a bad person?"

Origami: "She's something I must defeat. Since I don't want anyone else to end up like me."

Kuro: "That's a... weird and noble sentiment. But you still didn't answer."

Origami: ....

I waited a bit. Seeing her silence I began to walk off. But not without tossing more words over my shoulder.

Kuro: "Wanting to protect others is fine and all but if you kill indiscriminately, your no better than what your trying to protect others from.

If you can't answer my question, then how do you know what your doing is right?."

Before I fully disappeared around the corner I said one last thing.

Kuro: "Remember Tobiichi, no, remember Origami. There's always two sides to a story."



After I left Origami, I was deep in thought about what I said. There's always two sides to a story, like there's two sides to a coin. It's a fact, sad and simple.

I was still walking when I came across a group of students huddled in the center of the corridor. In the middle was woman laying crumpled on the ground.

Kuro: "Sweet Merciful Buddha, What the Fuck?!"

I ran over.

Kuro: "Anyone know what happened?"

Everyone shook their heads. One of them said she was a new teacher and just fell out of nowhere.

Suddenly she grabbed my leg out of nowhere. I barely stopped myself from kicking what I thought was a corpse.

Kuro: FUCK!

???: "Don't worry I just tripped."

The woman looked up at me while saying that.

Wait a minute. Pale blue hair, blue eyes, blatantly obvioulsy sleep deprivation... Oh. It's her from Fraxinus. Reine Murasame.

Kuro: "What are you doing here anyways?"

Reine: "Can't you tell. I've become a teacher. In particular I will be teaching physics as well as taking the position of assistant homeroom teacher for class


She said this while pointing at her name tag. Funnily enough the Teddy Bear  covered in scars peeked out above the breast pocket.

Kuro: "Actually I couldn't tell."

You learn something new everyday, who knew?

Am I right, or am I right?

I hold out a hand and lift her up off the ground. I then wave at the other students to show it's fine and they disperse.

We began walking together.

Kuro: "So Ms. Reine-

Reine: "Call me Reine."


Reine: "Call me Reine. I will call you by your name. They say coordination and cooperation is born from trust."

(I'm sorry in advance everyone. Especially to you Kuro.)

Kuro: "Kay. Seems fair enough."

Reine: "Your name was... Kevin was it?"

Uhhhhh.... She is hitting close to home there.

Kuro: "No it's not even close to that."

Reine: "Now then Kevin, this might be sudden. But it's time to explain like you said you would yesterday."

Wow going to ignore me huh?

We soon passed by the staff room when I saw two figures walking behind Tama-chan. Shido and...

Kuro: "Kotori?"

Sure enough there she was. When she and Shido saw me they both waved. Well Shido did at least. Kotori on the other hand.

Kotori: "Kuro!"

Lunged at me and speared me in the stomach with a hug. I let out a wheeze as I caught myself and hugged her back.

Shido: "Sorry Kuro. I couldn't stop her if I tried."

Seems reasonable enough.

Kuro: "What are you doing here Kotori?"

Tama-chan hurried over, doing an adorable little chibi run.

Tama-chan: "Ah, Kuro. Your sister came and found Shido. We were just going to find you."

Kuro: "That so?"

I looked down at the red haired fluffball pratically crushing my waist as I pat her head.

Kuro: "Well thanks for that."

I say while laughing a bit.

Tama-chan nods and walks off.

Kotori: "Thank you teacher!"

After Tama-chan left Shido looked at Kotori.

Shido: "So Kotori, about yesterday-"

Kotori: "Not now. We'll talk when Kuro explains."

She sounded the same but her tone gave an unmistakable pressure. Huh. She learned how to-


Never mind.

Behind me a quiet voice echoed.

Reine: "Your early Kotori."

Kotori looked up from my chest to look at Reine.

Kotori: "That's because I left Fraxinus early to come here."

I sighed while rubbing my head. Shido looked lost and I was no better.

Seemingly ignoring our inner struggle Kotori grabbed one of my arms and one of Shido's.

Kuro & Shido: "Eh?"

Kotori: "Come on you two! Let's go!"

A collective cry of "Wait!" was heard. This is my life now. Dragged around by women. This better not be a thing.


We were unceremonioulsy dragged to the Physics preparation room.

Kotori: "Now come in, come in!"

What are you a shady retail dealer?

Shido: "Don't say it like that!"



Kuro: "What's the deal with this room?"

After all this was not what the room was supposed to look like. Instead of a classroom I saw what was the equivalent of a gamer's wet dream:

Shido: "Wha, how, when did you do this?!"

This is literally worth more than the school itself.

Reine: "Is there a problem?"

Wow. Oblivious much?

Shido: "Ignoring the blatant flexing here, where's the actual physics teacher?"

Reine let out a hmm and began to think.

Reine: "...."

Shido: "...."

Kuro: "...."

Kotori: "..."

Reine: "Well even if you stand there nothing will change."

Shido: "Wow. A truly amazing dodging ability. We should all learn such a skill.."

I pat his shoulder in pity.

Reine walked in the room and chose a seat. Kotori followed soon after and chose a seat as well.

When Kotori sat down she reached in her pocket and pulled out black ribbons before swapping them with her white ones.

As she did so her whole demeanor changed. She sorta slumped back.

Next she pulled a binder from... somewhere and opened it. Could it be? It is!

She pulled out a Chupa Chups sucker and stuck it in her mouth. (A/N: Minds out of the Gutter pervs!)

The rumored... Candy Holder!

Looking back at us Kotori's gaze switched between Shido and I before staying on Shido.

Kotori: "How long are you going to stand around for, Shido? Or are you trying to be a scarecrow? You'd better give up. With your stupid face, I don't think you'll be able to chase crows away. Ah, but since it's so gross maybe on the other hand humans won't come near you."


Kuro: "Buuuuurrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn...."

Interestingly enough, Kotori had transformed into a queen in a nanosecond.

Changing the ribbon had probably caused a switch in mindset.


It was like the flipping over of pieces in Reversi, impressively Jekyll & Hyde like.

Shido: ".Say Kotori, which is your true character...?"

Kotori: "You're being pretty rude. You won't be popular with women like that. —Ahh, so that's why you're still a virgin. Sorry for pointing out such an obvious thing."

Kuro: "Pffft."

I snickered for a bit. I couldn't help it. Of course the menace wasn't done quite yet.

Kotori: "According to statistics, more than half of men who reached twenty-two without being able to date a girl remain virgins for life."

Shido: "That means I still have more than five years left! Don't underestimate the future me!"

She wanted to end this man's whole career.

Kotori be like:

Kotori: "People who talk only about possibilities or how long they have left, in the end the only thing they say is 'I'll work hard starting tomorrow'."


Shido: "...."

Kuro: "Accept defeat my friend. It is easier this way."

Reine coughed lightly.

Kotori nodded to herself.

Kotori: "Now before we begin the tort... *cough**cough*, training, Kuro! Explain?"

Shido: "You were going to say Torture weren't you." he said with a deadpan.

Ignoring this, all eyes were on me.

Kuro: "So the moments now huh?"


Kuro: "If we're doing this. We're doing it properly."

Before I could continue, Reine pushed a random button somewhere and the room changed to a blank white area.

Er, thanks?


Kuro: "My name as you know is Kuro Itsuka. But if we're being technical, I'm actually..."

My outfit changes as frost pours from my hands in an imitation of cold fire.

Kuro: "K-427. Clone of Kevin Kaslana, former Flamechaser, bearer of the 7th Divine Key or Key of Destruction, herald of Calamity, but most importantly

brother of Shido and Kotori Itsuka."


The first memory I have is floating in darkness. There was nothing and no one around me. I couldn't talk. I couldn't feel. I couldn't move.

All I could do was nothing. This may sound horrible and trust me it was, but after a while you get used to it. Soon enough, that darkness was my best companion. I couldn't concieve a world without it. After all, it was my world.

So when that darkness was taken away I panicked. I didn't know any better after all. There was a tube behind me and I was on the ground sitting, clothed thankfully. When I finally opened my eyes I saw several people.

"Hello there little one."

"Breathe in and out. Gently so you don't hurt yourself now."

"It's ok. Your still safe don't worry."

"He's cute! Can we keep him?"

"Quiet you! You'll scare the poor thing!"

"Oy brat. You good?"

I was understandably confused. Who were these people? Perhaps noticing my confusion they backed away a bit.

???: Maybe he'll feel better if he had names for faces?

The green haired woman suggested. The pink haired girl with elf like ears jumped up and down excitedly.

"I'll go first! My name's Elysia! Or you can call me Ms. Pink Elf!"

Next was the Green haired woman. "You can call me Dr. Mobius."

The pink haired fox girl: "I'm Sakura."

The gray haired girl: "You can call me Hua."

The gray haired man: " *chuckle* I'm Su."

And lastly the masked man: "You can call me Kalpas brat."

"Elysia, Mobius, Sakura, Hua, Su and Kalpas?" I said aloud making sure to sound it out.

Elysia nodded. "What's your name?"

My eyes went blank as I automatically spoke in monotone: "Subject K-427. Clone of Kevin Kaslana. Purpose... Unknown. I have no such possession as a name."

The 6 in front of me frowned. Before they could speak anymore a cold flat voice was heard.

???: "A clone?"

A white haired male walked by them. He kept walking until he got in front of me. Crouching down in front of me he placed a hand on my head for a bit.

Elysia: Kevin what are you doing!? Normal people will die if touched by you from your Parvati genes!

He just looked at her before ignoring her. I was however staring at him with fascination. He looked... so serious. Can he smile?

Unknowing of my thoughts the now confirmed Kevin seemed satisfied with his project and patted my head. Before smiling a bit and walking off.

Elysia was upset while the others were silent. She rushed over to me before patting me all over.

"Are you ok?! Does it hurt? Are you cold?"

I shook my head. If anything I felt warm. His smile was... refreshing. That was a true smile. The smile of a man who I may become like.

I now had a goal.

Standing to my feet shakily, I looked at them. "Please take care of me. And.... Make me strong!"


So time went on. I learned I was in a place called the Elysian Realm. Apparently I was found there at some point unknown of how I got there.

As time went on I grew closer with those main 6 I first met. I of course met the other Flamechasers. They all taught me how to fight and use the abilities I had. But I had a personal favorite, Hua. Like me she was one of the youngest Flamechasers and we could relate because of it.

Whenever I needed someone to talk to, she was there. It sucked to have to explain who I was when she reset parts of her memory, but we made it work. She was one of my best friends. Kalpas was... a hassle. He came across as aggressive and rough. But he was pretty cool.

Hah, cool.

Kevin Kaslana himself personified that word. Everything about him, his demeanor, his tone, his movements. Even his fighting style. Cold and efficient.

Funny how we got along well enough though. It wasn't often but he smiled when near me, even if only for a bit.

Su was, for lack of better term, a cool older brother.

Elysia was concerning with how much affection she showed. She's who I got my bizarre traits from. No comment on what they are. She taught me how to be semi- cheerful constantly.

From Sakura I learned swordmanship. And how to do first aid.

Mobius taught me. As in, she taught me school stuff. I know I was a slow learner but she tolerated it. Maybe she saw a chance at fixing a mistake. I don't know.

I still remember how I got my name.

I was named Kuro because everyone, even Kevin, hoped the difference between us would be night and day. Sure Kuro means black or dark, but it was my name. And I loved it.


Eventually however I had to leave the Elysian Realm. Like it or not, I was flesh and blood. Plus Su had needed me to do this. So I departed. But not without gifts.

From Kevin I got Shamash, not the simulation, but a bonafide Divine Key. From Hua, I got a feather of Fenghuang Down.

From Kalpas I got a parting spar. From Elysia, and Mobius I got the outfit you see me in. And then I left.


I met a man named Siegfried Kaslana a few years later. He was just sitting.

We soon lived together, since he needed companionship on some level. He was going to save his daughter, so I went with him.

He succeeded in saving her in a sense. Only to find he had saved a clone by accident. He still loved her, but it wasn't the same.

He didn't give her a name for the longest. Only being near her when necessary. Her only companionship was me. Where he didn't appear to care I did.

Unknown to the old man Siegfried, I gave her a name. Celine. Don't ask. It felt right. And soon after she got a name from Old man Sieg himself.

Kiana Kaslana.

This made her happy. Since she was. So was I. It seemed like all was well. Until it wasn't.

Here I paused for a bit.

Kuro: "Give me a sec."

Kotori, Shido, and Reine: "...."

Catching my breath I began again.

Soon it all went to hell.

Kuro: "Kiana!"

I had been walking through a sudden hellzone for a while now.

I don't know when it began. But I do know Kiana was in danger.

So I walked on  until I came across her.

She was sitting all by her lonesome, surrounded by ash. But I didn't care. At least she's safe.

At that moment I smiled in relief. I walked towards her happily.

Kuro: "Your safe. Let's go-


W-what? I looked down to see a white lance through my chest. It hurt but it wasn't debilitating.

Kuro: "Kiana?"

Kiana(???): "Stay away!"

On that day I fought my loved one. It hurt. A LOT. But the end result was:

I lost my left arm. But at least she was safe. For now. I pulled her gently into a hug.

Kuro: "Your not the Kiana I know are you?"

She shook her head.

Kiana(???): "You called me Celine."

She stopped talking for a bit. "Did you mean it? When you said you love us both equally?"

I nodded.

Celine: "Then do you promise to show me the ocean at least once?"

I chuckled.

Kuro: "Yeah. We can go to the ocean sometime soon."

While it may seem like a happy ending it wasn't. I don't know how or why but, reality was unstable after our skirmish.

As a result I was torn away from Celine and woke up here. I was younger, fully healthy, and had both arms.

That's when I found a young boy.

Shido himself.

Shido: "Are you lost? If so, I am as well! We can be lost together!"


So.... What do you think of Part 1 of 4. Weird right? A little more is revealed, a little more is learned. Now we know how Kuro got his name.

Ironic I know. Anyways you know how I am, so sorry about the update being late. As usual I ask that you leave comments and reviews. And vote.

Tanks a lot and peace out.  I guess