
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"ARE YOU HUNGRY?" asked the sharp voice in Arima's head.

"Y.. yes."


"I cannot. I'm a human."


"Then what am I?"






Arima was hungry. And in front of him, his bestfriend lay bare with blood oozing out of his shoulder. Evan was the person he loved that's for sure, but as the saying goes " Hunger gets the better of a mortal", Arima, like a carnal beast, was driven towards the smell of fresh blood.

The world around Arima began to warp. His surroundings melting away, the colours around him started to fade. Everything started becoming invisible. Every sound started to fade. The only thing he was able to see was the unconscious Evan with his wounded shoulder. Only voice he could hear was the sharp voice in his head screaming "EAT... EAT...EAT...EAT...."

Arima dropped to his knees. He was staring at Evans shoulder. His mouth drooling. The sharp voice in his head urging him to eat his love.


Arima was brought back to reality with a blow of a rod. It was from the same vamp who attacked them. The area where Arima's claws went inside her was all healed. "Is this why you were saving him from me? You seemed worried about him before." She said. "What the fuck was I about to do...." Arima said as realisation hit him. Tears of guilt rolled down his cheeks. "Well there's no time to get emotional now. The little duel we had back there was caught on cam and the CPF could be here any moment." The girl said as she pulled Arima's hand to get him on his feet. "But why would you help me?" Arima asked. "I'm one of the vamps under the leadership of the Father. We help other vamps in need and would go to any length to make humans our allys. And by the looks of it you don't seem to be one of the Scarlets"

"Would you harm Evan?"

"If you're talking about that unconscious boy, don't worry, he's all yours."

"Now hurry up sweet heart or you'll be nothing but a captive."

Arima followed the girl with Evan on his back. Soon the area was filled with siren wails and a search aircraft overhead. Arima covered his and Evans faces with the masks they brought along. "We have a bike on us. That could make things easier don't you think?" Arima suggested the girl as they were running behind buildings. "Could have said it a bit later don't you think?" She said sarcastically. "Where's your bike?"

"The opposite way."

"Ditch it. We run."