
Calamity: A life that doesn't fit with Society's morals. [ Hiatus ]

[ 18+ language ] Calamity: A life that doesn't fit with Society's morals. Take place in a city called Arcgow Prizlaw. The main character Andrew Arcvonten goes and fights things he cares for. In this life, he will learn about different or all morals. Through complex and unknowing situations and events, he will learn the different ways of life and morals. (The story, Characters, and Incidents Mentioned in this story are entirely fictional.) [ A new cover design after volume 1, and the cover will change every new volume is made.]

MoralsPealrs · Action
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13 Chs

Epilogue: Session? Break time; A Victory.

The date of June 2nd on a Friday.

There were five people in a specific boy's house.

" As of now... I will be the teacher today. So call me Ms.Morgan!"


A girl with purple hair and bright silver eyes acted like a teacher.

She wears a black suit, skin-tight jeans, and a collared shirt.

And there were four other people with her named Andrew, Joseph, Marina, and Alice.

Andrew Arcvonten... A certain boy who can punch the demon lord flying.

Joseph Kamiayo... A knight who is filled with respect for his past self.

Marina Stirpuldon... A love magnet who can be loved by the Gods.

Alice Kamiayo... An onee-chan who is good at nothing.

And then... Sophia Morgan; The powerful goddess of love for a certain person.

" Andrew!!! I thought it would be only me and you?!?!" Marina said that she was barely walking into the living room with bags of snacks.

" What? Are you trying to be like Sophia?"

" Hey!" Sophia remarked.

" My bad."

At this point, these children are in Andrew's house without couches and tables. So all of them are on the ground with a big comfy blanket.

" Andrew do you live alone???"

" Um... No shit, Joseph."

" Wow, you have no shame huh?"

" No shame???"

On the north side of the blanket, it seems like two dogs are barking at each other. And then Ms.Morgan took action.

" As of now, nobody is supposed to be talking!" Sophia remarked.

As of this everyone went silent in the living room as when Sophia had hit a random clipboard that she had with a pen to make a noise to make everyone who went quiet.

" So as of now, we are talking about what happened during these four days."

" Oh, that's why everyone is here?" Andrew asked

" Somewhat."

" Crazy."

Now everyone sitting on Andrew's living room floor understands why they are even here in the first place.

Now Sophia shows everyone the reason that this whole situation happened on the clipboard.


1. Why did this happen?

2. What happened on both sides and understanding the way things happened.

3. All information on the people who were a part of it.

4. Why the end of it...felt so weird?


" So...this is it?" Marina said.

" Yes and as of this...I Ms.Morgan want you guys to answer full-heartedly and respectfully, Ok?"


As if everyone want to be here for this but this was a waste of time before they had their break.

Two teams in this whole event went on for a full week long. And the teams were.

Andrew Arcvonten, Sophia Morgan, and Marina Stirpuldon.

And the others...

The Kamiayo family, Dj, and Scarlett.

" Umm... that seems correct, yes?"

" As for my account, all that information is surely correct," Joseph replied.

" ...Nah this is way too much for all this. And was your whole family in this Joseph?"

As Andrew gave a worried look and stared at Joseph.

Joseph responded to Andrew's question.

" No, Andrew not all it was. My Father said that if I won't do something he would be getting into the problem," As of that Joseph continued with a sigh. " And so I didn't let that happen and made it a kid's only problem to figure out. As of what we are doing right now ...He wants."

" ...Oh ok." Andrew reply.

" Ok, we understand now of the way you did your motives but as for Conner that's why this all started?" Sophia butted in.

" Surely yes... Ms.Morgan."

As of that Alice was behind Joseph this whole time. She wasn't happy when she took the punch from Sophia so she kept her distance but said something with her mumbled voice.

" What even all this about? And why I'm here for? Ain't I the last one of these so-called events?"

" Oh, you have something to say... now?" Marina replied.

"You are here... Alice because of your plan to beat me and Marina. Also, the punishment that you own from me as well."

As Sophia replied to Alice. Alice didn't want to look at her anymore so she turn her face away from Sophia.


" So as for Connor how was he when he got back to y'all house?" Andrew asked

" He was in his personal doctor's office. He was healed back to new. But when he first got in there... It seems he was in a super light coma state and won't wake up for a few days. But, it was like a regular punch that you will give somebody," Joseph continued while having his arms crossed, " He was ok when he woke up from that state."

" ..oh ok I see that I didn't do anything that painful."

" Sure."

As of that, they had agreed to that action of what happened or how it all started.

But was that why Joseph and Alice were in the situation? Or was it another source?

But what happened...is that when Andrew punched Connor in the face. After the punch, Dj called Joseph and tell him the news of what happened to Connor. Then Joseph had to tell his father of the report and his Father wasn't happy in the slightest so he was going to take action but he made up his mind when he found out that it was some kids doing this so he asked Joseph to handle the problem. And so he did.

" So...I can say why you asked me to get in this, Ms.Morgan?" Marina hopped in.

" I found out when Andrew and Joseph fought in the shed, Marina and so I had a feeling to get revenge for the person I———"

" Pfff....haha," Marina muttered.

Sophia started to blush and looked down at the ground.


" Why did you have swords back there?" Andrew asked.

" Oh, in the shed? Oh, cause I want to have a sword fight that's all."

Joseph replied straightly and didn't even want to get in all that mess again.

But what happened in that situation is that of disrespect. Andrew didn't have a winning advantaged in that fight at all. Andrew could have lied about the fact that he had done sword fights with his father. But as for the fight with swords, Joseph had a mind with respect.

He found out that fighting with swords is a respectful way to learn to fight somebody. But is this true? Or are these morals coming to play?

" Now, now of that settled with the fact of how you guys don't want to go on any longer, we will go to the next part," Sophia said while hitting the clipboard.

" Yes, the part where I and Sophia take place now?"

" Yes, Marina."

" Oh yea, I want to hear this while I was in the hospital."

This event is very long so Sophia will tell them what happened.

So at first, Sophia had brought up the fact that they were going to get back on Joseph almost killing Andrew.

She saw Joseph with a frown look and she said something.

" Oh...You remember the beat down?"

" Shut it... just tell them already."

So now it was Sophia and Marina versus Joseph. After Sophia had gotten Andrew to the hospital. She made a plan with Marina. And the reason she had a put Marina into this is cause how she can lie and make someone fall for her. So she told Marina to talk to Joseph cause she knows that Joseph was looking for her but was wearing a different outfit then. So when she was told by Marina that she had gotten some information on Joseph. She was on the point of happiness.

So, Sophia found out that Joseph had a club so she invaded it and made it look like a murder. It was like a bloodbath from that club she was in. Joseph was never had thought that a girl will take his whole club out.

Sophia had manhandled that club to never mess with a certain boy named Andrew.

But before a beatdown was handed to Joseph, Sophia show mercy but what was that? Isn't she getting an act of revenge for a person she loved? But is showing mercy a respectful thing to do?

But at the end of the day they both gave each other respect of the way of being nice at the end. So now they are somewhat friends.

" But for real why I'm needed just to get shot like three times?" Marina said.

" But didn't you meet me?" Instantly replied Andrew with an emotionless look.

" ...Wow, that's so messed up."

Then after that fight with Sophia, Marina, and Joseph. They were in the final part of the first question.

" So now we are going to talk about the final part where I...Sophia the greatest will be fighting Conner with Dj, Scarlett!"

So for this after Sophia had fought Joseph and his club. She had asked him for a favor or a rematch with Dj. It wasn't anything personal or anything that serious.

" Funny that you will even ask that Sophia," Andrew said, " I thought everything will be done with that."

" Yea, I know... But I just got a certain feeling that I need to fight but I can't remember why all I know is that I wanted to fight again."

" Ok that's all please continue."

As for that Sophia will be continuing the tale of events.

So after Sophia had asked Joseph while he was in his personal doctor's office. Dj and Sophia made a place to meet. It was a big mall that is very popular in Arcgow Prizlaw. And so when that meet there was a new person named Scarlett who was a very normal training bodyguard who knows martial arts. So after Sophia was done fighting with Connor, Dj, and Scarlett. Dj let Sophia know that there was one more person to win this situation to end it all respectfully.


Alice was shocked that Dj of all people was that she was the last opponent to end it all.

" So yea that happen."

" Wow, Sophia you're a real fighter! It's very crazy that you beat everyone you faced." Marina commented.

" Thank you, But now it's for that last part of this, and the one who going to be saying it will be Alice." Sophia sighed while pointing her finger at Alice.

" Why me?"

" Just do it," Joseph interjected.

As for this Alice got on top of Joseph's back and tell the call of events.

So for the rest and now after Sophia had won over Connor and his bodyguards. Alice got a call and it said it was her turn to end and win things. If she had won the fight she will be able to make do anything she wants ( unlucky she didn't). So after she got the call she went to Joseph for some information that she indeed made her plan in action. Alice was at " that " alleyway from Dj, she called Marina to come out so she could get Sophia cause of all the winning steak she had so far. So then Alice shot Marina and then Sophia came and got beaten up but when Andrew came along she had lost that fact. At the moment the feeling of Alice was nothing. She had no respect or disrespect at all.

" There are you happy?" Alice sobbed.

" Yes and thank you."


Alice sighed and blushed a little bit at Sophia but she when back to the ground and laid back down.

" So this ends that first question?" Marina asked.

" Yes but not we have three more to go but I think will be very short."

" Ok!" Butted in Andrew laying back on Alice's legs.


" Hey, Andrew what are you doing!!!!"


Andrew was smacked with the clipboard and then after he has gotten up from the hit. And then went back to his applesauce sitting.

And now with that being done. They had answered the first question and everyone understands what happened.

And now for the 2nd question. What happened on both sides and understanding the way things happened?

This was very simple so Joseph spoke up and answer the question.

" We did it because you guys or Andrew punched Connor."

" Hm... Understandable and Andrew?" Sophia asked

" Eh? Um... We continue because of the way that Joseph had almost killed me."

" My bad," Joseph said while looking away.

With this Marina, I had something to say.

" So that's what happen I can't believe that I was an agent for information!!!"

" At least you had seen me," Andrew remarked, " ...So, stop all that sobbing."


For this, the kid understood that the two people who kind of made this continue and told them about what happened on both sides.

And now for the 3rd question. All information on the people who were a part of it?

" Do we have to do all of this?" Andrew grumbled.

" Why not? Some of us weren't there and we are in this whole situation." Marina remarked.

" Ok? Doesn't both sides have their business? What happens if Scarlett doesn't want her name to be out there? But now of cause " we " did this whole situation. I now know her name, don't you get it? Have some respect."

" ...Eh? ...Tch ...What?"

Nobody else had something to say and so they when to the final question.

Why the end of it...felt so weird?

And so as Sophia gave a big sigh she gave the fellow words.

" Ok, this is the final one before everyone has to go or... That means Joseph will need to leave ok?"

" Oh ok," Joseph answered.

" Wait what? Why does Joseph have to leave?"

" Alice..." Sophia gave a very dark smile on her face, " You owe me things that you will need to do for the rest of your life."

As of that Alice's face was soaked in sorrow. Fear had come to her eyes.

" ...Are ...You for...Real?"

" Yes...heh, heh, heh eheheh—"


" Stop it Sophia you're scaring her." Joseph butted in.

" Hey, I was going to say that!" Andrew remarked.

After that whole commotion, the ones who will be telling this last question were Andrew, Alice, and Sophia.

" Why me again?"

" Yea same, me tired."

" Oh gosh, can you guys shut it up? All this crying for no reason! Have some respect for yourself!!!" Sophia shouted.

So after that here is the telling of why it felt a little weird.

" Ok as if you guys now know that on June first. That's how everything ended yes?" Sophia asked.

Everyone had replied with yes and yes ma'am.

" Now Andrew tell us your part."

" Ok, Sophia... Umm... So when on the 31st when I was getting healed back to health I had got a weird feeling that something bad was going to happen," Andrew continues with his arm crossed, " So on the first, I was feeling that it was going to happen at the time that when probably Sophia got there but I don't remember tho. But as of me beating Joseph for the last time he acted like he was done with it so I stop after I saw his face."

" Yep, and I don't know how Sophia had lost."

At that, Sophia made another sigh while Alice was laughing quietly-right by Andrew.

" I lost by doing something new," Sophia said while looking shy.

" ...Pfff—."

" Shut it Alice ain't you the one who got punched once and felt like you were going to die?"

" ...My bad."

So from them, Marina was looking tired then she said.

" So... why did you let me go home? Alice..."

" I only did that because you had nothing to do yes? You weren't the one who solo my younger brother club didn't you?" Alice asked.

" Yea, you are right thanks for answering."

" You're welcome."

Thus now Sophia had a smile on her face then she asked.

" Ok, it's your turn then you will have to do the things I ask you to do. Ok?"

" ...Wow, ...Um, As after Marina had left and Sophia had come to that alleyway I was able to get the winning chance in this event but I lost cause Andrew appeared out of nowhere. But the reason we left like that is probably because we are kids and the cops would have come cause we are by the store. And that's all."

What these two are saying is when Andrew told Kalmen who was his doctor at the time was letting him go out earlier because of the feeling he had gotten. But... when Andrew was running back to his home to get a new pair of clothes for what happened to him in the shed. So soon after Sophia had made it to that alleyway she had a fight with Alice and then Alice came on top of winning that battle with Alice's brother who help her do more damage. But then when Andrew appeared to save Sophia when he got the call from Marina. Thats the end it was over for Alice's victory.

" So yea that's it you guys," Sophia said.

" So what now of the things I owe you?"

" Oh yea...Alice um...You will be Andrew's harem! And you will be in the friend group who gonna help Andrew with the things he needs... Like helping him fight and stuff and no weird stuff! Ok? "

" What!!!" Alice was shocked and almost bummed into Andrew.

" ....EH? What you are talking about, Sophia!" Andrew said while almost getting pushed onto the ground.

At this point, these children were in a crazy situation and had a lot of things to be going over.

But as for now, Andrew Arcvonten's life will now be going into another roller coaster soon enough.

But also for Joseph and Alice after the event of Alice being in the Andrew moral group club. They went home and took care of Alice's mental.

As for Marina, Sophia, and Andrew. They had a sleep... They hang out until the end of the night.

And so this part of Andrew's life that doesn't fit with society's morals comes to an end.

At the time of 10:47 pm on June 2nd.( Andrew fell asleep at 10:47 pm after Sophia and Marina had left.)

So now what will be happening next?

Thank you for reading this far and I'm sorry for the long break. I was sick and mentally tired for a long time.

I'm ready to do the next volume of this story and had greater and better ideas for the next part of this.

I will probably be having better or worse storytelling for the next volume as well and I hope you will like it. ( This means that my writing and grammar will be better.)

And way before the next volume will start I will be changing the cover as well before I even start it.

And now... If you like it. Add to the library or collections.

MoralsPealrscreators' thoughts