
Caged With A Vampire

(Warning: Mature content) She is dreadful and has no mercy. She isn't scared of anything, even death is scared of her. But, the ever daring man dared to look at her, straight at her piercing eyes. Something no one has ever done. Well, she is the QUEEN of her territory and he is the KING TO TAME HER. * To get his sister back from the hands of the evil woman who had kidnapped her, Darren Vladimir is ready to do anything even thought it means putting his life on the life. But it wouldn't go easy as thought as she is not one to please. They made a deal..... A deal with consequences if broken. "You will replace your sister and become my slave, and I will give her back to you..... If this deal is breached, the person you love the most will have to DIE" "Yes I accept..... Just let my sister go." A dangerous deal..... But the famous arrogant researcher, Darren Vladimir, has a different plan in mind. The deal might backfire and he was ready for it...... He is going to TAME HER, the forest vampire and send her to hell where she belong. .......... Ambrosia drew closer and raised his jaw using her middle fingers, staring at his grey orbs, never taking her eyes off or blinking away. The man was determined. He raised a corner of his lips, smiling at her lopsidedly. He wasn't blinking away too but staring at the gorgeous but cold woman who leaned so close to him. "Are you falling for me already?" he asked. She raised a brow at the sudden question but her face went back to her usual deadpan state. "I see you are determined......Fine then, I give you fourteen days. Fourteen days to get me on your bed. If after the fourteenth day, and nothing happened between us, then I might end up punishing you severally. A punishment you will never forget." His smile broadened, "Fine then, but if after that fourteenth day, I succeed, you will also be punished." She smiled and moved back, "You are crazy, aren't you?" she said staring at him. "Fine then, let's make that part of our deal."

Marvlyn_chi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Where was she?

Luther sat beside Amby, staring at her as she slept peacefully. He sighed loudly and looked out the window. The city was busy with some people going back home after their day jobs and some going to work for their night jobs. The road was full of life.

He sighed and stood up. He looked at his wristwatch and then covered Amby with a quilt.

He wanted to step out but would be back in twenty minutes as he couldn't afford to leave her side. 

When she was rushed to the hospital, Luther tried calling any of her family members but couldn't get their contact. None of them have called her phone and her phone call log was empty, with just his father's number and a few colleagues. Luther wondered why her family member's contact were not in her phone. Or she doesn't have a family?

He felt bad for her in the state she was in without her family beside her. He wanted to take care of her and make her feel relieved a bit that someone was with her and that was why he didn't leave her side even for a moment. He only had twenty minutes to go buy some thing she might need.

He left the room after making sure she was comfortable.

Immediately the door closed, Amby slowly opened her eyes and looked at the door. She sighed in relief and sat up. Finally, her boss's son left the room. 

Since she got back her consciousness, he refused to leave her side with the excuse of taking care of her because, it was a staff at his father's company who hurt her and so he needed to take responsibility. She knew he was lying but didn't know why he lied. 

Amby looked at her phone and cursed silently seeing how late it was. It was nine pm and she has to speak to Ambrosia somehow before midnight. She pulled the drip out of her hand and stood up. 

Her feet felt wobbly but she managed to walk to the chair where her clothes were laid and wore it. Hurriedly, she left the room, just few hours to midnight.

She walked down the hallway, covering her face anytime she sees a doctor or nurse coming. She looked down covering her face with her left hand, as getting caught would make it impossible for her to leave. 

Her only focus was getting out without anyone seeing her and that made her not to watch where she was heading to. She bumped her head on a strong body. 

Looking up to see who she had bumped into, she laughed out knowing she had being caught. 

"Where do you think you are going, mistress?" Ramin questioned with a raised brow, staring at her like a father cautioning his daughter who tried to sneak out. Well she tried to sneak out.

"I.....I..... I just wanted to.... to step out." she answered and chuckled nervously. She was going to meet Ambrosia and no one should know about it, not even Ramin. He is a vampire and she doesn't want him to know about her connection with Ambrosia.

"Step out?"

"Yes. I am tired of just lying down on the bed when I am fine. Just need a break from the drips, drugs and the smell of hospital."

He hummed loudly and twisted his mouth. "I don't believe that. With what I am seeing, you are going out to meet someone."

Amby scratched her nose and looked down. The vampire was smart, but she do not want him to know who she was going to meet. Ambrosia. 

"Fine, you caught me. Now you know. I am going to meet someone and I will be back in a jiffy. Just close your eyes and open them in an hour and I will be right before you. You wouldn't know I left your side at all," she said to him with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"That isn't going to work mistress. I was giving a mission to protect you and not to leave your side. I don't want my head to be cut off, you know. Edwin will destroy me and send me to my early grave."

"Early grave? Late grave you mean. You are old enough to be my elder brother, you know." she quickly reminded and looked around. "I need to leave before my boss's son comes back."

"Where are you going to? Who are you going to meet? I might let you go if you tell me."

Amby sighed and looked down again. No one should know about her connection with Ambrosia. 

"I am going to have a talk with Edwin," she lied.

Ramin stared at her for a while as if trying to get an hint if she was lying. After staring at her for a couple of seconds, he sighed and placed his hands into his pockets. "So, let's go before that human stops you," he said instead, cringing his face in irritation when he remembered the human man.

"But you said you were going to let me go if I tell you who I want to meet."

"Might mistress, might. Besides, I said I was going to let you go but I didn't say I wouldn't go with you," he went on, "Edwin is away from town now. You can't find him on your own so we need to go together," he said.

She sighed deeply, "Fine, lead the way."

"Ai, ai, captain." he saluted and went ahead, with Amby following behind him. 

While getting close to the door, the face of the last person she saw before she fell down appeared in her mind. She had seen a face of a man instead of Joanna who was the only one with her that moment. The man's face became clearer to her which made her gasp. That was Darren. Darren Vladimir had stood before her.

"Are you alright mistress?" Ramin questioned when he saw how lost she looked.

"Yes I am, just lead the way." she answered, wondering why she had seen him before she fell. Or was he really there?


Twenty minutes later...

Luther walked into the room with a bag containing the few clothes he had bought and another containing a flask of food.

The bag almost fell off his hand when he didn't see Amby in the room. He looked around and panicked.

"Amby," he called.

He ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door but no one replied. Her belongings and even her phone were in the room, but she wasn't.

He dropped the bag and breathed out. Where was she?