
Caged With A Vampire

(Warning: Mature content) She is dreadful and has no mercy. She isn't scared of anything, even death is scared of her. But, the ever daring man dared to look at her, straight at her piercing eyes. Something no one has ever done. Well, she is the QUEEN of her territory and he is the KING TO TAME HER. * To get his sister back from the hands of the evil woman who had kidnapped her, Darren Vladimir is ready to do anything even thought it means putting his life on the life. But it wouldn't go easy as thought as she is not one to please. They made a deal..... A deal with consequences if broken. "You will replace your sister and become my slave, and I will give her back to you..... If this deal is breached, the person you love the most will have to DIE" "Yes I accept..... Just let my sister go." A dangerous deal..... But the famous arrogant researcher, Darren Vladimir, has a different plan in mind. The deal might backfire and he was ready for it...... He is going to TAME HER, the forest vampire and send her to hell where she belong. .......... Ambrosia drew closer and raised his jaw using her middle fingers, staring at his grey orbs, never taking her eyes off or blinking away. The man was determined. He raised a corner of his lips, smiling at her lopsidedly. He wasn't blinking away too but staring at the gorgeous but cold woman who leaned so close to him. "Are you falling for me already?" he asked. She raised a brow at the sudden question but her face went back to her usual deadpan state. "I see you are determined......Fine then, I give you fourteen days. Fourteen days to get me on your bed. If after the fourteenth day, and nothing happened between us, then I might end up punishing you severally. A punishment you will never forget." His smile broadened, "Fine then, but if after that fourteenth day, I succeed, you will also be punished." She smiled and moved back, "You are crazy, aren't you?" she said staring at him. "Fine then, let's make that part of our deal."

Marvlyn_chi · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Second person? Who was the first?

Ambrosia and Darren appeared by a stream and were holding hands. She let go of his hand while he was busy, looking around and trying to find out where they were.

He was quickly distracted when Ambrosia unbuttoned her cloth, letting it fall to the ground, leaving her in just a bra and panty.

Darren swallowed hard as he took the view of her beautiful self.

"You don't have to keep watching me." she distracted him, looking at him over her shoulder. "Why don't you come into the water? Let this be the only beautiful memory you will have."

He rose a brow and smirked, "This is unlike you, but anyway, I prefer not to get wet."

She said nothing and went into the water, allowing herself to dive in into it coolness. It was really refreshing.

The lake was one of her favorite places and has been a place were she finds comfort anytime the dream comes again.