

Aiden, haunted by a traumatic past, is in a perpetual race against time, fleeing from the shadows that cling to him like a relentless nightmare. Just when he begins to believe he's outpaced his demons, an unexpected reunion with an old friend offers a glimmer of hope. But as Aiden lets his guard down and starts to trust again, a shocking revelation shatters his newfound peace, plunging him back into the darkness he fought so hard to escape. Will he ever find the key to unlock the cage that confines him, or will he remain forever trapped in the shadows of his own history?

DaoistQvBAzH · Realistic
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6 Chs

Unexpected Encounters

As I left for college, I reminded myself of what Mom had said: "Whatever these feelings are, I must ignore them. After all, it's all in the past now. I'll be good to myself."

When I arrived at the college grounds, I noticed many students who were both nervous and enthusiastic.

I saw some familiar faces but ignored them. I was looking for a place to sit peacefully, but the sun was shining straight into my face, which was annoying. It made me feel like the main protagonist in a movie, and I hated that. After some time, I found a spot at the backside of the college where there were no people around.

"Oh, it's perfect,". Finally, I could spend some quality time alone.

I saw a giant oak tree and, since I still had some time before classes started, I decided to rest there. I removed my headphones and lay down, thinking about the classic violin music I had just heard.

I always wanted to play the violin, but because of my dad, I had to give up on that dream too. This was the second time I mentioned my dad; I guess he hasn't left my thoughts yet. I wished he would just disappear from my memories.

Suddenly, I heard some voices. It wasn't a dream. Shit, it was my phone. The call was from my mom, and I realized I was late.

"How could I sleep at this time? I must be out of my mind,"

I gathered my things as quickly as I could and started running towards the entrance, trying my hardest to reach the class on time. Just as I was entering, I bumped into someone.

"Ouch, that hurts! Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said nervously.

The guy offered me his hand to help me up, but I rejected it and got up on my own. He helped me gather my things. I noticed he wasn't from around here.

With those brown eyes constantly staring at me, it seemed like he knew me from somewhere.  I avoided his gaze, I heard from the crowd that his name was Cassie and that he had just moved nearby. He was quite popular in college.

With an innocent look, he said, "Hey, are you okay? I hope you're not hurt."

As usual, I couldn't reply to his genuine concern. I didn't know what to say with everyone watching us. "Come on, say something, Aiden. It's not the time to think about..."

"Th... thank you. I am good."

"Great, by the way, I'm Ca—"

I left, regretting my instant decision.

He was just about to introduce himself. What's wrong with me?

I sighed as I reached the classroom. looking at all the students chatting, laughing, and playing. I found an empty seat at the corner by the window, put my bag down, and sat there looking outside.

After a short period, the professor arrived, and we had brief introductions. Finally, the college day was over. It had been a terrible day. First, I slept under an oak tree and woke up late, then I bumped into a guy and ignored his genuine concern.

"It's okay,"

"It's not like we'll meet again."

As I was exiting the gate, I saw Cassie standing there. I guessed he was waiting for someone. I saw him closely—black hair, white skin, and those brown eyes reminded me of someone, or maybe I was imagining things.

Just as he lifted his eyes, I suddenly turned away and took the other exit from the backside. I was afraid to approach him.

What would I talk to him about?

As I was thinking about the situation, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden touch that sent shivers down my spine. My body recoiled instinctively. There was darkness in front of me; I couldn't see anything. I was already annoyed. Who was this person covering my eyes?

The last thing I heard was a muffled voice whispering in my ear, "You're not alone, Aiden. But be careful what you wish for."

Without hesitation, I let out a blow straight to his stomach with my elbow. The person staggered back and groaned. "Owww, awww!"

"That's how you greet people?" the guy said.

I was shocked when I saw him—unsettled black hair and ocean-like eyes. The way he was wearing tracks with a hoodie, I knew who he was.