
Caged By Kaylauna

Mizulopia is a peaceful town were everyone gets along. Later, horrible news passes the Kingdom of the King passing away. Due to the Prince being too young to take the throne, his Uncle takes his place. However, the peace the Kingdom once knew is gone. Peasants were turned into slaves and men ruled the Kingdom with an iron fist. Years pass and the peasants hope and pray that the Prince will soon take the throne and all would go back to normal. However, things don't go as planned. The Prince refuses to marry any Princess or Noble that is brought to him. He starts requesting for peasant women to come to the Castle. Jaysa being one of them. Jaysa not sure what the Prince is thinking. She wants peace as well, but did she want to be one of the many that would be picked to become Queen. (TRIGGER WARNING this does contain rape. It's used for power, not romanticized. If this type of thing bothers anyone. This story may not be for you. Everyone else. I really hope you enjoy)

Yaoigirl05 · History
Not enough ratings
176 Chs

Chapter 174

Jaysa ran as fast as her body would allow her to. She didn't know exactly where she was. She was running down different halls hoping to get as far as she could from the man. His eyes were not right. He looked so psychotic. His eyes were not of a sane man. Jaysa saw a hallway and ran down it. There was a table that was right by the entry way. She knew where the hall led to. It was where the library was. She sat down by the table to take some gasps. She couldn't believe that this was happening. Where was her husband? Where was Danzel when she needed him the most? He was gone to help take care of the Kingdom, but what about her? Would she still be here when he got back? No. She couldn't think like that. She had to stay positive. She had to be…

"Jaysa. What are you doing on the floor?" Jaysa turned to see Madison. She must've just come out of the library. She had been spending some time in there. Jaysa didn't know if this was a work of God or if the Devil.

"Madison." Jaysa cried out.

"What is wrong?" Madison was starting to worry about the strange behavior that Jaysa was showing.

"It's Martin. He has gone crazy." Jaysa spoke out in fear.

"What do you mean?" Madison questioned her.

"He killed a guard and now he is trying to kill me and Thelonius. It was all part of his plan. He wanted to become King. But since Danzel was the right person for the throne, he lost the right to wear the crown. So he tried to do whatever he could to break us apart. He wanted me to take that poison so that way Danzel wouldn't be able to have an heir or a wife."

"But wouldn't that just make his highness remarry." Jaysa shook her head.

"I highly doubt that he would remarry." Jaysa looked at Madison. I need you to do me a favor."

"Anything." Madison responded. Jaysa turned to face her baby and gently kissed the child on his head.

"I want you to protect my baby boy."

"But your highness." Madison spoke out in a shaky voice.

"I wan—"

"Where are you? Little minx. Come out and play." The female heard the voice of a male. The two looked at the hallway that was linked to the one they were in. Jaysa handed over her baby. She took his blanket and bundled it into a ball. She pushed Madison up against the wall and next to the table.

"I want you to stay here. When it is clear. Run. Go find someone anyone to help you. Tell them what is going on. You got that?" Madison nodded her head.

"Come out where ever you are!" Martin sang. The sounds of his boots were getting closer.

"Jaysa." Madison started to sob. Jaysa cupped the girls' face and spoke.

"Please. Keep yourself and Thelonius safe for me okay." Jaysa stood up. She could hear the sounds of the boots coming even closer. She had to run now. Leaving a last smile to the crying girl, Jaysa walked ran into the hallway.

"Oh there you are." Jaysa held onto the fabric and began to run again down the hall.

"No matter how much you run. You will find a dead end. And that will be the end of you.". Madison held the small baby to her small chest. She hoped that the man wouldn't look the way she was. If he looked down the hallway. He would notice her right away. The table she hid behind was not really a great spot to hide from someone that was wanting to kill. The boots were loud as they walked in the area. Madison cupped her mouth to help mask her heavy breathing. She was frightened. God must've wanted to protect her because Martin walked past the hallway Madison hid in. His attention was set on the woman that was in front of him.

Madison tried her best to keep quiet as long as she could. She didn't see the man anymore, or hear the steps of his boots. The young teen was scared to move. What if he was right there? Yet she knew she had to move. She had to save Jaysa.

After several minutes, Madison slowly got up from the floor. Keeping her eyes and ears open. Looking the direction that the man had chased Jaysa. When she saw it clear, she started to run the opposite way. Looking down at the baby, he was sleeping peacefully. She didn't understand how the small one could sleep through what was going on. However, it was a good thing as well.

Madison ran down the hall hoping to find someone to help her. When she turned down a familiar hall. She knew there were several men that stood guard. They would be able to help her. When she reached the men, she stopped in her tracks. The men were all lying on the floor. Madison freak out from the sight she saw. Slowly walking through the bodies, she saw the blood on the floor and on the men. They were dead. She knew that.

He must have done this. Madison thought to herself. She wasn't going to be able to get help from these men. Where is a place I can go? Where can I go that is safe? Madison thought and thought. She ran many places in her head. One stood out the most. There were several people there. They would be able to help her.

Madison ran down the hall towards a place that Jaysa had gone to several times. She would talk about how nice everyone was. Even the older woman that was the head of women was nice in her own way. If Jaysa talked good things about the woman, then that must be a good place to go.