
Caged Between the Lycan Brothers

To escape the harsh reality of life, Kaylan poisoned the Lycan brothers and fled, stealing a sacred necklace that belonged to the Lycan Alpha's mother. Cypher discovered that the dirty, looking and murderer's daughter who was his maid turned out to be his mate and looked for her. His brother sought for revenge but he promised to protect her wished to right his cruel act towards hers. War struck between the two brothers and they fought to have her. One wanted her to protect and love her till eternity, the other wanted her to display his revenge of rage. ***** Excerpt. "Look at me when I talk to you Kaylan and quit stuttering." His voice was rich with velvet huskiness while he stared at the broken girl with the bruises he inflicted on her. "A–Al–Alpha?" Her voice broke and her gritted his teeth. "Stutter again and I'll kiss the hell out of that lips until you see stuttering as a curse. He cupped one of her twin perks and she shuddered, staring at him with a wide eyes. "That's it dear mate, look at me while I touch, every inch of you and–" His hands cupped her lower core. "–and worship your delicate body just the way you deserve it. I'll protect you Kaylan, just give me another chance" He growled into her ears desperately and pulled her Into the dark. VOL 2: The Beta of the Lycan Pack was saved by a witch from one of the Lycan brothers who wanted him dead. She fled after being treated but he found her again, pinned her , caged her and ate the forbidden fruit that caused a disruption in the Witch village. Would he end up with Maliya? The daughter of a witch diety? VOL 1: Caged between the Lycan brothers VOL2: Entrapped by Witch Warning: Contains Mature contents and triggers. Vote with Golden tickets and trigger a mass release.

Jopaxy · Fantasy
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246 Chs

The second Alpha


Her fate was sealed!

There's no way she would be getting married to this demon staring at her and sucking every last surviving breath in her soul.

"Calm down Kaylan, he's only mocking us." Her wolf assured her and she felt at ease, knowing that it would only be in her wildest dreams before such a thing could happen.

"I'm sure you're not deaf!" His voice suddenly returned to that baritone she knew, snapping her out of her state, making her crumble to her feet in fear as she shook terribly in shock.

"I'm sorry Alpha. I'm not." She managed to breathe out, not daring to look at his forest green eyes that were already glowing with unforeseen danger. His jaw twitched with every step he took towards her and she would be pissed with herself if she didn't find him attractive.

He was like the god of the sea with perfect looks to make anyone hypnotised but carried a dark heart of hell to make her life miserable.

"You haven't said a word yet, Kaylan." He growled, almost whispering in her ears and she shivered to her toes.

"I'll be doomed to say a word, Alpha. Please, spare my life."

She vibrated and felt a trickle of hot tears flowing down her cheeks as her face was covered down to the floor. Lord, what was he going to do this time around? Hit her?

Beat her, hang or choke her to death this time around? Whatever it was, she had been preparing for the worst since she saw him standing outside, waiting for him.

"Are you saying that I'm stupid?" He twitched his lips and Kaylan shook her head, her tears falling quickly.

"No, Jeez! Never."

He asked her again, shutting his eyes and acting as if he was having a difficult time breathing. His first three buttons of his black shirt were open and his sleeves were all rolled up to his arms revealing two sinful art of nature before Kaylan. Well-defined bulging muscles and a perfect sexy chest.

She couldn't believe that she was still not over this habit of hers, checking him out when she was supposed to be praying for her fate.

"Then who the fuck are you to decide whom I choose to be my bride." He retorted in spite.

"I think you're mistaken, I'm not the right person to–"

"Shut up! Have you forgotten the rules?" He raised his voice and she gulped, swallowing all the words down to her throat.

"And where the fuck were you?" Cypher asked her, reaching for his belts that hung on the wooden hanger and Kaylan shook terribly, her skin was already hot in anticipation of how pepperish that would sting on her skin and more tears flowed.

"I..I…I was taking a stroll." She lied and he knew it. There was nothing like that in his list of accepting excuses and Kaylan wasn't about to tell him that she used the passage path meant for them alone to sneak out of the mansion. He would kill her.

"Don't mince with words Kaylan." He chuckled softly and fixed the belt on the side spaces on the waist of his trousers and her trembling heart subsided a little bit.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. My feet hurt and I thought stretching it a little would help and-"

"You dare call me incompetent. You're not allowed to leave this room but you did."

"I never said so!" She cried out, breathing harshly as she was expecting this.

"How then am I mistaken huh? Wait, were you planning on escaping? Do you think I won't find you to make you become my Luna?" He growled suddenly and she gasped, shaking her head.

Good Lord! She thought he was bluffing. What the hell is Cypher up to?

Having her as a castigated piece of trash for a slave isn't enough, now he wants to burn her with this test?

How the hell will she marry him out of the blue? Does it even make sense to his hearing right now?

Why her of all people?

She wants to yell at him to stop making her already cursed life more suffocating, the only crime she committed was being a Slave rogue in the Lycan Kingdom.

"I..uh…please." She stuttered not knowing what to say as she swallowed hard. Trying to fight back the lump in her throat that was threatening to make her burst out in tears.

"Kaylan.." His name rolled out of his lips like some wretched curse that would be perished soon and her insides quaked with deep fear.

"Crescent Star Pack is in doom and you will do the pleasure of being at service to be my Luna!"

She gasped at his words.

"You're going to save and serve me from the impending doom that will befall me and stop my brother from doing something foolish, so how dare you open your filthy mouth to sway my words?"

He spat out every word with venom in his tone and her teeth trembled.

She won't survive this, maybe she's in a dream and would soon wake up from it.

Cypher Thompson would never ask her to be his bride out of the blue no matter what would befall him.

"I'm sorry, Alpha!"


It sent her crashing to the ground that her lips bled and her jaw clenched in fury. The tears flowed endlessly and sniffed, trying so hard to hold me or she would receive worse than this.

"That's for wasting my precious time you filth."

He spat out and she bowed, not staring at him lest she curl into fresh pain of forbidden tears.

"I'm so sorry, Alpha."

"The fact that you're going to be my Luna would never give you the privilege of misusing it. You remain my slave, for life."

She dared not cry in his presence, or she would be whipped by the palace guards under the sun. That was one of the rules she has always dreaded the most.

Their rules must never be broken or you live to see a war rage between hell and demons.

"Get lost and bring my meal immediately. If you're going to be my Luna, make sure you change those rags you're wearing before serving me."

"Eh?" Kaylan opened her mouth, so shocked at what he just uttered. These are the only surviving clothes she has on her body, where does he want her to get another?

"Come closer, let me tell you."

He said casually and she shook her head instead.

"I heard you perfectly, Alpha "

Kaylan said and bowed, turning her back to leave his presence immediately.

The moment the fresh air hit her skin, she crumbled on her feet and let out the tears that were bottling up in her heart, crying her eyes out till she shook and trembled in dread.

"Dear moons, tell me it's not true."

She mumbled deeply, swallowing the bitter lump in her throat.

"Tell me that he's bluffing and he just wants to make fun of me, please.

I'll not survive a day with him in the same chambers, no! The Pack members will kill me themselves if they find out that their drop-dead gorgeous Alpha is getting married to a wolf!"


She lamented bitterly, squeezing her heart in pain.

Her heartbeat palpated at the thought too.

Why would he even say such when they were both different? Would the elders even concede to such a union?

She pushed all thoughts away and ran to the kitchen like a maniac, fixing his meal to prepare when her hair was dragged backward and her veins almost popped out.

A slap was sent across her face and she knew immediately that it was no one but the head servant.

"How dare you?" Layla screamed in disgust and washed her hands immediately as if she just touched a leprosy disease.

"I'm so sorry." She muttered.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you? Barging into the royal kitchen with your inflicted and cursed wolf self to poison the members right?"

Her gasps filled the air as her tears dropped without control. She knew Layla was fond of doing this, making sure to make her cry, calling her names, and never got tired of it even though she was never at fault.

"I wouldn't dare, Alpha Cypher requested for his meal!"

"Liar!" She screamed and the other maids who recently came around giggled in mocking chuckle.

"She thinks she's special just because she's the Alpha personal maid!" One interjected and Kaylan bit her lips.

"She's bleeding! I'm sure the Alpha would burn her to ashes soon. Why not just die, you're never going to be accepted in this kingdom as a wolf. Don't try so hard, or you will meet yourself in a grave!"

They continued and the head servant pushed her out in fury. She threw all sorts of ingredients on her face as they splattered on her ragged body before finally throwing the pot on the floor.

"There, cook your poison out there, and don't come in here."

She bowed in pain, twitching her jaw in hot fury, and Kaylan fisted her hands.

All she needed right now was to serve the Alpha no matter what, whatever he was going to do to her would be ten times worse than what they were doing.

"Please, let me serve the Alpha and I'll do anything you want me to do."

She pleaded as hot tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Never!" The head servant batted her lashes blinking her big eyeball

"Please, I'll do anything."

She smirked and raised her hands to caress her jaw.


She blurted out and Kaylan heaved a sigh of relief but she knew that a greater hell awaited her.

"When you're done let me know."

She nodded and thanked Layla as if she just lifted a heavy weight and watched her leave while she hurriedly prepared his meal.

"When I'm done serving the Alpha, I'll flee.

I'll run so far away and never come back, being a slave was already a thorn of fire for me but being his Luna would rip my existence." She muttered under her breath as she prayed silently.

She carried the tray of food and walked blindly in tears, not focused until she bumped herself heavily on a hard rock, splattering the hot contents all over.

She gasped, shaking and wishing for the earth to take her life as she stared at the rock, Cypher's brother.

This second Alpha can command the whole pack to get burnt with just a snap of a finger.

He turned fiercely to meet her and scoffed before letting off his inner demons to consume her and yelled.