
Caged Between the Lycan Brothers

To escape the harsh reality of life, Kaylan poisoned the Lycan brothers and fled, stealing a sacred necklace that belonged to the Lycan Alpha's mother. Cypher discovered that the dirty, looking and murderer's daughter who was his maid turned out to be his mate and looked for her. His brother sought for revenge but he promised to protect her wished to right his cruel act towards hers. War struck between the two brothers and they fought to have her. One wanted her to protect and love her till eternity, the other wanted her to display his revenge of rage. ***** Excerpt. "Look at me when I talk to you Kaylan and quit stuttering." His voice was rich with velvet huskiness while he stared at the broken girl with the bruises he inflicted on her. "A–Al–Alpha?" Her voice broke and her gritted his teeth. "Stutter again and I'll kiss the hell out of that lips until you see stuttering as a curse. He cupped one of her twin perks and she shuddered, staring at him with a wide eyes. "That's it dear mate, look at me while I touch, every inch of you and–" His hands cupped her lower core. "–and worship your delicate body just the way you deserve it. I'll protect you Kaylan, just give me another chance" He growled into her ears desperately and pulled her Into the dark. VOL 2: The Beta of the Lycan Pack was saved by a witch from one of the Lycan brothers who wanted him dead. She fled after being treated but he found her again, pinned her , caged her and ate the forbidden fruit that caused a disruption in the Witch village. Would he end up with Maliya? The daughter of a witch diety? VOL 1: Caged between the Lycan brothers VOL2: Entrapped by Witch Warning: Contains Mature contents and triggers. Vote with Golden tickets and trigger a mass release.

Jopaxy · Fantasy
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246 Chs

The rumor

Chapter 20

The nightmare Kaylan had been dreading and avoiding for years was beginning to unfold before her eyes. Her heart twisted in so much pain as if a Jagdkommando knife was twisted deep into her soul.

She threatened Ray concerning his mate and even though she did not mean any of the words she spewed, a part of her wished he would act on her desires and make her stay away from the mansion.

Her heart was in a frenzy and she had never felt so restless in her life, she was scared of the unknown and it all came with rushing force about the mention of a mate.

Even her wolf who seemed dead stirred at the mention of that name. For the first time in four years, Kaylan reflected on her actions towards the sons. 

She didn't know what to call it and why she thought that way but the look of deep affection and love in Ray's eyes towards that girl made her realize what she had been missing all her life.

Ray never loved her or she wasn't in love with Ray, she couldn't discern.

She let her mind wander back to the look Cypher had given her before he passed out. He looked at her with concern even when he was on the verge of death and she wondered if he knew that she was responsible for his death.

She knew Cypher as a cold-hearted devil and demon but ever since they both discovered who they were, she couldn't miss the flicker of look he gave her and right now her hands trembled in dread. She had never been loved her whole life nor did she value what having a mate looked like.

She didn't want to accept that she had committed the worst sacrilege, she would scream at herself that she did what she did to save her life and to gain freedom from the bloody brothers but why does it seem that she was lying to herself?

Why were Ray's actions now clearing the shaft in her eyes, she felt a burning jealousy she had never thought she would feel when she saw him look at that lady like the most precious jewel he had found, and to her, she was just like a normal commodity he was used to.

She got up from her bed and stared at the wall clock and a painful sigh escaped her lips.

It was past midnight and Ray wasn't near, she knew he was with his mate and her stomach churned in disgust at that thought.

She needed to distract herself and seek answers, she needed to be sure she didn't do something wrong so she could fight without feeling bad and use her authority to the fullest.

Ray might be the Alpha but she has total control over his actions, she placed him and made him who he is today so he wouldn't dare go against her wishes.

"Don't follow me, I'll be back soon." She told the guard who seemed to follow her steps and he bowed.

"In case the Alpha sends for me, let him know that I will Join him soon." She told him again and left his absence even though she knew that Ray would never ask for her.

She can't believe that she may have found out about his nonchalant attitude towards anything that has to do with her.

However, after more steps away from the pack mansion she halted in her tracks and listened to the sounds that came from the exclusive mansion meant for the Pack Beta or even gammas.

"Oh Ray, please go harder!" Her shrill voice echoed and Kaylan became stiff.

"Oh fuck! That's it Ray, go harder love!" She begged and Kaylan had to walk faster you get the hell out of that place before she lost it and screamed in agony

He had never or would she say made her scream in pleasure just as she was doing to his mate. Reality dawned heavily on her as she wiped her tears and knocked on Alice's door that night.

After three more knocks, the door flung open and Alice, whose eyes were dim with sleep, snapped open at the sight of Kaylan at her doorpost.

"What are you doing here!" She gasped and opened the door wider for her as she looked so eager to be inside rather than being outside and luckily for her , she seemed to be the only one in the room as other maids shared another room.

"Can we talk?" She asked desperately and she nodded eagerly, making her sit and giving her water to drink since she looked as if she was drenched.

"I apologise for my last behaviour towards you, I shouldn't have snapped," Kaylan murmured in apology.

"No, it's fine to express yourself, Luna."

"Tell me." Kaylan started eagerly as she started eagerly as she shifted on her seat and stared eagerly at Alice.

"Tell me what I need to know about having your mate and what makes them so special."

Alice frowned at her words but she got prepared to answer anyway, it was strange that she didn't know the value of having her mate around as a Luna.

"Having your mate is like having your soul mate Lun-"

"Just call me Kaylan please and drop the honorifics."

Alice nodded at her words and continued.

"It's like having your soul mate and it comes with a very special bond that can drive anyone crazy if they are not with their mate, your wolf suffers a lot in pain without being able to be with her 

Partner. The attraction towards each other would be maddening that you can't do without each other.

No one else is perfect except your mate and it's a gift you will cherish forever."

Kaylan nodded at each of her words with raw pain and she tried so hard not to break down at the realisation that she single-handedly hurt her own.

"So what if you don't have a mate?"

"I don't think it's possible, it's okay not to know your mate at the moment but it's impossible for one not to have, Even if you have to become one's second chance mate, you must get one."

"So what if someone kills his or her mate on purpose."

Kaylan basked Alice who frowned deeply and squinted her eyes.

"I don't think that's possible."


"Because the undeniable attraction for each other would overwhelm the thought of even trying to hurt each other."

"No Alice, shit happens. I've heard dreadful stories about that so just tell me the consequences of hurting your mate to the point of death."

She insisted and Alice bit her lips in thought.

"You will never have another mate again and the moon goddess curse will follow such a person, she gives a blessing and she also curses. Trust me, we would rather prevent her curses because it comes in many ways."

She said the last words that broke a straw of restraint from the very depths of her soul and Kaylan burst Into hard fresh tears.

Her body shook so terribly in hot regret that she could see white stars dancing around her eyes.

She wanted to open up to Alice, to tell her that she walked before she leaped. She killed her own to please someone and when she thought someone also needed to share her burden, she blabbed out terribly, choking at every word and cursing herself all over and over again till Alice's delicate eyes went wide in horror.

"Oh my God! No! What did you do?" Alice shrieked and Kaylan sniffed and nodded.

"I know, I know, I messed up and I'm seeking my actions with tears bitterly."

She murmured and Alice shook her head negatively in disagreement.

"I mean what did you do to yourself, now the whole pack will suffer terribly because of you?"

Kaylan raised her face in confusion as she stared at Alice for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Alpha Cypher of Crescent Star Pack, No-" She shook her head as her body shook while saying these words.

"There's a rumour going on since last month that the Royal Lycan brothers had been going to every pack to cause damage to those who refused to provide their maid to them in one piece."

Her heart dropped down to her stomach.

"The only reason they are not here and they might never be here is because this pack was where their parents died though rumour had it they were killed in Green Oak Pack. That's a lie, the Lycans's parents were killed here by rogues through poison so they would rather die than step their foot inside here"