
Caged Between the Lycan Brothers

To escape the harsh reality of life, Kaylan poisoned the Lycan brothers and fled, stealing a sacred necklace that belonged to the Lycan Alpha's mother. Cypher discovered that the dirty, looking and murderer's daughter who was his maid turned out to be his mate and looked for her. His brother sought for revenge but he promised to protect her wished to right his cruel act towards hers. War struck between the two brothers and they fought to have her. One wanted her to protect and love her till eternity, the other wanted her to display his revenge of rage. ***** Excerpt. "Look at me when I talk to you Kaylan and quit stuttering." His voice was rich with velvet huskiness while he stared at the broken girl with the bruises he inflicted on her. "A–Al–Alpha?" Her voice broke and her gritted his teeth. "Stutter again and I'll kiss the hell out of that lips until you see stuttering as a curse. He cupped one of her twin perks and she shuddered, staring at him with a wide eyes. "That's it dear mate, look at me while I touch, every inch of you and–" His hands cupped her lower core. "–and worship your delicate body just the way you deserve it. I'll protect you Kaylan, just give me another chance" He growled into her ears desperately and pulled her Into the dark. VOL 2: The Beta of the Lycan Pack was saved by a witch from one of the Lycan brothers who wanted him dead. She fled after being treated but he found her again, pinned her , caged her and ate the forbidden fruit that caused a disruption in the Witch village. Would he end up with Maliya? The daughter of a witch diety? VOL 1: Caged between the Lycan brothers VOL2: Entrapped by Witch Warning: Contains Mature contents and triggers. Vote with Golden tickets and trigger a mass release.

Jopaxy · Fantasy
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246 Chs

Greatest nightmare.

Caged between the Lycans

Chapter 18

Four years later, Kaylan was seated on the violet fluffy couch in the Pack mansion. The day was bright and happy, the sun's rays stole a peek at the room and the birds seemed to be chirping happily.

She was seated quietly as the maids did her manicure and pedicure, her hair was packed neatly upwards with fancy pins and her hazel eyes looked dull as she tried to hide her countenance before the maids.

"We are done, Luna." They told her and bowed and she forced a smile at them.

She was beautiful, she never knew how beautiful she could be until the day she left her captivity four years ago. She was glowing and shining and Ray couldn't have been more proud to have her as a Luna.

"Thank you very much, you may retire for your post now." She told them and they all bowed and left except for one of them.

"Not now Alice, join them," Kaylan told her and she sighed, shaking her head as she walked closer to meet her.

"Something is bothering you again, you lied to me the last time Luna." She insisted and Kaylan sighed.

Alice and Kaylan clicked almost instantly as friends or as if she was the long-lost sister she had been looking for.

They knew each other as friends when she was just a pack member, when they left Green Oak Pack that night, Ray had suggested they stop by a random pack to lay low before they close and continue their journey the next day.

She agreed to his suggestion and they settled at the pinnacle of another

Wolf pack which happened to be in a deep mourning spree that night.

Their Alpha had died mysteriously and they had no idea what caused it, his wife was blamed bitterly for it, and when Kaylan saw how the woman was battered harshly with Insults and blame she felt angry.

She imagined herself to be in that position if she had been caught in Crescent Star Pack, she knew she would have deserved any harsh treatment but this woman whose husband had died was her mate!

Someone she cherished dearly.

Ray thought it stupid to defend the woman but Kaylan was too deep in empathy to listen to anyone.

She pushed through the crowd to meet the woman so that she could talk to her and try to talk some sense Into those who were bashing her only to feel a strong compelling force Igniting out from her, the direction changed from meeting the woman to going straight to where the dead Alpha was laid.

She wanted to go back immediately but the force in her was too much, too compelling, and Intoxicating for her to deny that not even the guards could stop her. It was as if she was suddenly covered with a strange power that might destroy anyone and they let her be. Kaylan walked to the man lying cold and limp and just a simple touch on his body, made him warm, the next thing that happened was him sneezing and everything changed.

He became alive instantly and the cries that filled the whole pack were mesmerising. Kaylan couldn't explain what happened, she didn't know why that happened up to this day and she tends to suddenly heal people who are sick out of the blue.

This made her highly welcomed in the pack, The Alpha took in both of them as his own since his children since he lost both sons during a war. He made Ray the Alpha and she, Luna till this day.

Kaylan sighed as she reminisced over what happened, it was pure bliss at first. She thought she was finally getting what she deserved after all these years as life was too good for her but as the days went by she felt empty.

"Won't you say something?" Alice insisted and she smiled.

"You're such a worry wart, I said I'm good. I'm just feeling tired."

"Liar! Is it because of the full moon that's approaching? You're afraid you might be dethroned."

Kaylan gritted her teeth at the bitter truth and stood up immediately, fighting back the year that was threatening to burn down from her eyes.

"That's not it Alice." Her voice was hoarse and whispery.

"That's exactly the problem, Kaylan, you're too worried and paranoid over nothing. You remain the Luna of the Pack matter what happens and I think Ray loves you too much to even think of dethroning you."

Alice told her that to feel better but deep down she knew she was lying. Ray had been the total opposite towards Kaylan since she couldn't get pregnant. He had missed a lot of opportunities because of that and something might go drastically wrong soon because his position as an Alpha was being threatened.

"You know that's a lie Alice, and he might bring another lady home. I know I'm cursed, I just didn't expect it to haunt me this way." Kaylan wiped her tears and sniffed.

"I'm sorry but you guys are supposed to stick together to find out what the problem is? Don't you guys…" Her voice trailed and Kaylan chuckled at her shyness. She knew what she wanted to say and she nodded.

"Ray is so busy and yes, we have sex together but not all the time." She told her truthfully and even though Alice knew she wasn't In the right position to ask her this question, she couldn't just help it.

"How many times in a week?"

Kaylan chuckled.

"You're not asking me that right?"

"I'm sorry, I just want to know what's wrong."

"Well, I think one to twice in a month and–"

"What the hell, Kaylan?" Alice's eyes widened in disbelief and shock that she startled Kaylan who was trying to explain her sex life.

"You scared me!"

"That's Barbaric, how can you guys not touch each other? Wait! You mean you practically don't have sex at all and you both want a miracle huh?"

"That's not it Alice, we love each other and that's what matters. It's not always about sex." She replied and she believed that a lot. Love should be based on expressing each other's feelings and not just on having sex.

"I don't know what to say to you but I don't blame you though. I don't think the Alpha is your fated mate because if he is truly fated to you, the scent of his presence alone would drive you crazy." Alice said randomly without knowing that she had just touched the most sensitive topic of her life. A topic she had been trying to avoid for years.

"Don't you ever!" Kaylan suddenly yelled at her which startled the poor lady.

"Don't you ever repeat that word mate in your life to me again or this little relationship will be cold and over !" She glared at her and Alice bowed.

"I'm–so–sorry, I won't-"

"Just get out Alice, you've ruined my mood."

She ordered irritatedly and tried to shit her eyes from the image of Cypher staring at her with pain and confusion.

She killed her mate and he deserved every bit of it.

However, her heart dropped in a horrible thump and dread when she saw Ray enter with her greatest nightmare.

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