
Chapter 1

The day started out like any other morning ook my morning run at 5 am while my coffee brewed and my roommate started to wake up. Of course, I'm moving out soon and into my own apartment closer to my new job but I still had time to enjoy sharing the fun. My excitement was barely contained when they gave me the call saying I was hired but not for the subject I originally stated I'd be happy teaching. My parents were happy for me but more disappointed that I didn't become a lawyer or doctor like they'd hoped I would. Upon hearing my name you would assume I'm Japanese but that's incorrect I'm actually half Irish and half Norwegian, my father met my mom and fell in love with her last name. My mom was adopted by an adorable Japanese couple who were the toughest but nicest people I ever met. I do miss them but I can't change death or the past for that matter if I could I'd get rid of some ex-boyfriends I shouldn't of wasted my time with. As per usual as I jog back towards our apartment building I see the same tuxedo cat I nicknamed Uno waiting for her morning scratches on the steps. Sadly our apartment doesn't allow cats otherwise I would've taken her in as my own. John C. Calhoun high school is about 50 minutes to an hour and a half from the apartment and that's with the horrid traffic. I hope I have enough time to get there before first period so I can set up. I smile down at Uno as she purrs into my hands while I scratch behind her ears and under her chin. "Today's my first day at my new teaching job Uno. Hopefully I'll be able to bring you with me to my new apartment but I gotta go sweet girl." I bid her a quick goodbye as I walked inside and towards the elevator. But just my damn luck it's out of order and I have to climb up the stairs to the 8th floor. I was nearly ready to have an asthma attack by the time I reached my floor and over to my front door. I glanced at the time on my phone as I rushed over to the bathroom to quickly shower off my morning jog. "Coffee's made and ready to go Ru! If you want a lift to your job be ready in 20!" My roommate Don shouted as I stepped into the glorious stream of refreshing water. Don and I have known each other since junior high of course back then he went by Donna before he realized he was meant to be a boy. I was the first person he told and I've had his back ever since well except for college, we sadly got accepted to two different campuses. Time went by quick as I finished my shower and rushed over to my room undecided on what to wear for my first day, torn between wearing heels or some simple wedge boots. Don poked his head into my room with a tie in his hands as he glanced at my outfit with a quick analysis. "Wear boots. You hate heels to begin with and you'll be on your feet all day basically. Plus they go with your sweater." He started his analysis with a smile as he holds up his tie in defeat. Don works at the D.A office as a counselor and he enjoys his job for the most part aside from a few fellow coworkers who think it's funny to vandalize his desk with pictures of him before he transitioned. "Need help with your tie? Donnie, I swear you're gonna have to either learn or buy a clip-on." I chuckled as I helped him tie his tie before smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt. We both share the mutual understanding of each other despite us having no romantic feelings for one another. He chuckles at my suggestion of getting a clip-on tie as we walk towards the miraculously now fixed elevator. I tried to not chew on my nails nervously but I instead started tapping my fingers off my tumbler holding my coffee. I don't usually freak out this much but Yuki swears that I'll do amazing as her school's new English teacher. I had my syllabus printed and made sure I had copies of my teaching plan for the year plus all the books we'd cover over the course. I tried to keep my list of projects and assignments as simple as possible for the students but I was more focused on making sure that the books I chose weren't banned by the school. I loved fictional history books based on different eras and the issues that those people had to face by themselves to invoke change. "Hey Neru? Come on I got the car started. You alright? It's okay to be nervous on your first day as a teacher." Donnie's broke me away from my thoughts and nerves about what today was going to hold. I followed Donnie to his pride and joy since high school a 2016 diesel Volkswagen with tinted windows and a light gold hue exterior. Donnie and his dad worked hard for 3 years to buy it right off the lot without any payments, I was proud of him for being bullied and not being able to afford a hot lunch but I always bought him lunch to make up for it. I drank my coffee as we started our drive to attempt to beat traffic and make it with enough time for me to run to the school office and get my ID card. I heard rumors about the school's teacher mainly just one who I believe is going to be right across from my classroom. Apparently or at least according to the rumor he took over when the last teacher who taught in my classroom resigned due to bullying and harassment from a student's father for giving his son detention for cheating on a test but then again it's just a rumor who knows if it's true or not. I nervously looked out the window watching everything blur together like an abstract watercolor painting. The time was 7:48 am when I arrived at the school, students and faculty alike were slowly making their way into the building some were happy and awake while others were drinking their coffee or whatever energy drinks they had trying to wake up. Then there was me somewhat awake trying to figure out where the school's office was so I can get my classroom key and ID badge. My breath left me when I saw him though standing there drinking out of his coffee tumbler with his dark hair tied up in a half ponytail and a white button-up that hugged all the right areas loosely. His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows showing his intricate tattoos off then there was his face that really did a number on me. Dark circles under his eyes that some would say didn't belong but I think he'd look strange without them, dark brown eyes that held a strong dominant glare despite him looking annoyed and tired rather than angry. The slight dark stubble on his lips and chin really brought his whole appearance together but it was the subtle scar that really intrigued me the most, the way it was obvious yet hidden but it looked like it happened years ago so I would ask him about it if I'm really intrigued. I walked over towards him as I realized that he was standing in front of the office door with a bunch of other teachers conversing about something I heard bits and pieces of their conversations as he moved out of my way politely. "So what's going on in that English class? Did Principal Chishiki really hire a new English teacher when you have been teaching both for so long Shotua?" The blonde one asked as he laid his arm on "Shotua's" shoulder. I rummaged through my purse looking for my wallet when they all walked inside and straight towards the coffee pot that was brewing in a little office off to the side of the secretary's desk. I handed the little old secretary my ID and informed her I was the new English teacher who was starting today, her sweet smile eased some of my anxiety. "Heather Nomura is my name dear. Is there a nickname you go by or Neru just fine?" She had a thick southern accent that I was pretty sure came from Tennessee maybe even one of the Carolinas. She handed me my ID badge and my card back to me before giving me a quick tour of the school to refresh my mind. We talked about family and where I went to school, what my dreams were as a kid just things normal people would talk about. We finally reached my classroom in no time and there he was again leaning against the door with a gentle smile on his face towards Ms. Nomura maybe he is just naturally nice to everyone. "Morning Heather. Kai told me you needed the key to the classroom." His voice was rough but smooth like velvet as he spoke to her. His whole demeanor when I first ran into him was rough, jaded, and dominant but now he's soft and gentle kinda like an aggressive-looking dog but really just sweethearts on the inside. I kinda tuned them out as my phone vibrated in my pocket but left it there for now at least until after I set everything up. "Hey. What's your name or should I just call you Teach?" He grunted while stretching out his back, he looked tired almost like he doesn't really sleep at night. A blush crept to my cheeks as I realized he was addressing me while I was looking at his figure and face. "Oh um hi. I'm Neru Rirakkusu but I go by Ru it's nice to meet you.." I trailed off as he loosened his tie around his neck, it was like the world was in slow motion and here I am drooling over this man for taking off his tie! "Shotua Tsukarehateta. I teach history across the hall. So I guess if you have any questions just let me know." His voice made my heart twirl in excitement as my body heated up at his helpful offer. "Well I have a few about what the students were taught so far. I know that the previous teacher left a little bit after the second week of school due to some issues." My voice shook slightly at the last statement about my predecessor. Heather smirked at me knowingly before asking him to unlock the classroom for us. He unlocked the door holding it open for us as we walked in setting down my purse and sliding off my jacket. "Well, so far we've done To Kill a Mockingbird, Tuesdays with Mory, and some poems by Shakespeare. I can help you set up your laptop if you'd like, my homeroom kids know what to do." Shotua sighed stifling a yawn before walking towards the desk. I took out my personal laptop along with the charger for it before Shotua leaned over me setting it up to the projector. My body felt hot yet tingly and my heart was racing like I had just ran 20 miles in a full-blown sprint I don't know why I didn't move or let him know he was too close to me but it felt like an eternity before he let out a breath of relief. "Alright you should be all set up now. I gotta run but I'll see you around Neru and good luck." Shotua grumbled as he watched me for a few moments before he disappeared out the door leaving me alone with Ms. Nomura who was wearing a mischievous smile on her face. "Well I'll be damned Ms. Rirakkusu you have that boy awestruck and you're the same way with him. I saw a little crush forming between you two like a pair of teenagers." Heather laughed seeing me freeze up at the comparison of teenagers in love to the interaction I just had with him. "What? No way I don't have a crush on my coworker Shotua! We just met today and I just talked to him about classes." I explained before I shooed her away as the bell rang for homeroom. Heather's words echoed in my head as I finished setting up and laid out the syllabus on the desks as well. I was anxious but I know I can do it especially for my new students who are passionate about English like I was in high school. Maybe I'll introduce myself to the other teachers during lunch so that way I can make some fun coworkers but I guess we shall see what happens.