
Cafe by the Station, All the S Rankers Are Obsessed With Me!

From the outside it looks like a normal cafe, but all the customers are S Rank Hunters who won't leave me alone! "Marry you?" "Meet your parents?" What's going on?! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Come follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/DXHaseoXD Come check out my stream: https://twitch.tv/dxhaseoxd Every 250 Power Stones is an extra chapter for that week! Up to a maximum of 5 extra chapters a week!

DXHaseoXD · Fantasy
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68 Chs

S Rankers obsessed with me

Alexander looked at the sword that the man in the ski mask had been pointing at him before turning to Maria to ask, "Maria, is this man bothering you?"

Maria revealed an awkward look before saying, "It seems like he's robbing me…"

Alexander immediately knitted his brows and angrily glared at this man as he said, "You want to rob my future wife? Do you know who you're threatening!"

Seul Ah also reacted at this time since she had been caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Alexander. She shouted at him, "Who are you calling your wife! Maria is my wife!"

But while the two of them were bickering, there was a chill that suddenly filled the air. Before either of them could even react, there was a layer of ice that had formed around the man in the ski mask.

Everything under his neck had suddenly been frozen in a block of ice.

No matter how hard the man in the ski mask tried, he wasn't able to move a single muscle. He wasn't even able to move his head as he was completely stuck in that block of ice.

At the same time, there was a blue haired young man that suddenly appeared beside Maria.

If Alexander's appearance was considered bright, then this blue haired young man's appearance was considered cold. With his ice blue hair and ice blue eyes, it was as if just a single glance from him would freeze anyone that looked at him. However, when he looked at Maria, there was a gentle look in his eyes that was like the first traces of warmth in spring.

Maria had also been surprised by the sudden appearance of this block of ice, but she quickly recovered as she said, "I'm fine, but what about him?" As she said this, she pointed at the man frozen in the block of ice.

With a wave of the blue haired young man's hand, the man frozen in the block of ice was turned around and he was able to see the blue haired young man's face. Once again, he revealed a shocked look as he said, "The Frozen Tsar!"

Once again, it was another S Rank Hunter.

This time it was the famous Russian S Rank Hunter, the Frozen Tsar, Alexei Kalashnikov!

Said to have descended from the family that made one of the most famous firearms in the world!

The expression of the man in the ski mask completely collapsed at this moment as his brain could no longer process what was happening at this moment.

Just seeing a single S Ranker was already considered rare enough, but now there were three of these S Rankers gathered around him like it was nothing!

What was this place?

Did he die and go to hell?

Was this all a dream?

But the ice that surrounded him and the chill that came from it told him that all of this was very much real.

Alexei was about to wave his hand again, but before he could, Alexander suddenly shouted, "Oi, what do you think you're doing? How dare you hold my wife like this!"

Alexei looked up at Alexander who he had been ignoring and then continued to ignore him after giving a soft snort.

Alexander's temper was about to flare up, but before he could do a thing, there was someone that pushed him from behind.

There was a black haired young man who looked very similar to Maria, but was also very handsome that rushed in. Seeing that Maria was in Alexei's arms, this young man immediately narrowed his brows before arriving in front of them with a flash of light.

He took Maria in his arms and pulled her out of Alexei's embrace.

Alexei had an unwilling look in his eyes, but he still let go of Maria because…

"Big sister, are you alright?" The black haired young man suddenly said as he started looking all over her, looking for any signs of injuries.

That was right, this black haired young man was Maria's little brother, so he had all rights to do this.

Maria was still somewhat in a daze from how quickly everything had fallen apart, but she managed to say, "Ah Guang, I'm fine, he didn't do anything to me."

After making sure that Maria was fine, Guang Liang let out a sigh of relief before turning his attention back to the man with the ski mask.

The man with the ski mask was already completely exhausted from reacting, but he had no choice but to react again because there was another S Ranker that appeared.

The Swift Flash, Light or rather Su Guang Liang!

Guang Liang pointed his finger in the face of the man in the ski mask and said, "You dare try to hurt my big sister! Just watch how I take care…"

Before he could finish though, Alexei had already waved his hand and the block of ice with the man in it had already been sent out of the store. He knew how Maria wanted to end this, so he stopped Guang Liang from taking things too far.

After the block of ice had been sent out of the store and landed in the square outside. The people that had been heading through the station on their way to work were shocked to see this block of ice flying out of the cafe.

It didn't take long before the police showed up and arrested this man in the ski mask.

As they were leaving, the police couldn't help taking a wary look at the cafe in question, but not a single one of them dared to go in to ask questions. After all, they knew what kind of place that cafe was…

After that block of ice had been thrown out of the store, Guang Liang was stunned for a second before suddenly turning to Alexei and saying, "You! What do you think you're doing! You're just going to let him get…"

But before he could finish, Maria came out of his arms and said, "Ah Guang, that's enough. No one got hurt, so let's leave this matter here." After saying this, she didn't forget to look at Alexei with a grateful look since she could see through his intentions.

Alexei revealed a ghost of a smile that was like flowers blooming after a long winter before his face once again froze and he turned to sit back down without a word.

Maria was also busy with trying to calm Guang Liang down.

During this, Seul Ah had completely changed from the fierce appearance that she had before. Now, she looked like a normal shy girl that could be found all throughout the streets as she moved up beside Guang Liang.

She said in a shy voice, "Ah Guang, I helped protect Maria just now."

Guang Liang had been busy inspecting Maria and complaining about Alexei when he heard this voice, but he still turned over to pat her on her head and said, "Un, good job."

Then he turned his attention back to Maria again as Seul Ah's face was covered in a blush.

It was clear from the perspective of a bystander that there was a difference in level of care between Maria and Seul Ah, but this didn't matter to them. This was just how it was between the three of them.

Seul Ah knew that Guang Liang cared about his big sister the most and that was fine with her because she loved Maria too.

Alexander who had been completely ignored finally couldn't take it anymore as he said, "Hey, I'm here too, you know?"

Guang Liang looked at him and gave a snort before saying, "What's so special about a stalker like you? Can't you even understand that people are ignoring you?"

Alexander immediately countered with, "Stalker? I'm a paying customer, don't you know? I'm here to pick up my daily order!"

Guang Liang just ignored him again as he kept worrying about Maria.

Maria just had a smile on her face as she tried to calm them down, but these people had their egos as S Rankers and it was quite hard for them to calm down.

The customers in the cafe all revealed smiles as they watched this since they were already used to this. This was just how the cafe was each morning, even the robber wasn't that much of a surprise for them.

Seeing that they wouldn't calm down, Maria finally had no choice but to raise her voice and say, "Alright, that's enough! If you don't all calm down, I'm throwing you all out!"

When she said this, both Guang Liang and Alexander immediately fell silent because they knew just how terrifying she could be when she was angry. Without a single bit of hesitation, they immediately fell silent and stood there in front of her.

Maria gave a sigh before saying, "Ah Guang, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be leading a raid today?"

Guang Liang lowered his head before saying, "My subordinate told me that something happened here, so I immediately ran over."

Maria turned to look at one of the customers who was sitting in a corner. When this customer saw her look over, they could only give an awkward smile and waved at her before putting their head back down.

Maria gave a sigh after seeing this before turning back to Guang Liang to say, "Your guild is waiting for you for your raid. Don't keep them waiting."

Guang Liang looked up with an unwilling look and said, "But…"

Maria raised her hand to cut him off and said in a firm voice, "There's no buts, you have your job, so go and do it."

Guang Liang gave a sigh before responding with a nod. Without another word, he turned and headed out the door.

Once he was gone, Maria turned to Alexander and said, "Give me a minute, I'll get your order ready."

Alexander replied with a bright smile, "No need to rush, we can have a little chat first."

Maria ignored him and turned to head into the kitchen. A minute later, she came out with a packed lunch and said, "Don't you have a raid today too? It was all over the news."

Alexander just leaned in and said with a smile, "I'm heading there now. But before I go, how about a kiss for good…"

Before he could finish, Guang Liang suddenly showed up behind him. Without a word, he grabbed him by the face and pulled him out of the store before he could do anything else.

Once they were gone, the cafe fell silent again as everyone went about their own business.

Seul Ah took Maria in her arms again as she asked, "Maria, are you really alright?"

Maria looked at her with a smile and said, "I'm fine. I'm already used to this kind of stuff."

Seul Ah looked at her for a few seconds before giving a nod and letting go to sit back down.

Maria went back to the kitchen to take care of the orders she received, but as she was going, she couldn't help shaking her head and saying to herself with a sigh, "Why are all these S Rankers so obsessed with me?"

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