
Chapter 1

It was a very sad night for Nathan tonight. He just found out that his parents and grandparents passed away. Nathan's parents and grandparents went on a cruise to get some rest from all the work and all the stress. The cruise ship that they were on hit some rocks that the Captain could not see so well due to the weather. Unfortunately not everyone survived, only a lucky few survived.

Nathan did not like being in ships because he had a fear of them sinking. So for him to find out that his parents died from a sinking ship made him feel depressed because his one true fear and nightmare came true.

Nathan had decided to stay back and run the Café instead of it being closed for three weeks. However, Nathan did not realize that it might be something he will have to do permanently if he was up for it....

Nathan was nineteen years old when his parents and grandparents were in the tragic accident. The day of the funeral was a lovely warm day. It was the perfect weather to have their funerals because they were warm loving people. Everybody who knew them and who were part of the Café Amor family attended the funeral and gave their condolences to Nathan. Nathan had no other family to go to that he knew so he stayed in his family home.

A week after the funerals Nathan's grandparents will was read out and Nathan had received full ownership of Café Amor. His grandparents stated in the will that Nathan would receive full ownership of their café once they have passed on because of all the time he spent in the café, his first steps were in that café. Nathan really loved that café and was honoured that his grandparents left it to him.