
Caelus Online

*Currently amending and updating chapters 1-41 (Current progress: 36/41)* In 2027 the fantasy VRMMORPG Caelus Online was released, becoming the most popular game at the time. However, 3 months after launch Players started to assimilate their in-game characters skills and attributes, turning society upside down becoming known as the Great Upheaval. Chester, a young man who was descended from the old English aristocracy, had lost his parents in his last year of university, had to take control of the Cranford family and their companies. After organizing his affairs, he was then hit by the Great Upheaval, sending his world into chaos again. Managing to weather the storm, Chester finally got his life back on track before he was murdered on a night out in London. Waking up, he found himself back in 2027 before all the chaos started. Having past experiences to guide him, he quickly went about preparing for the future. However, his first trial came much sooner than he had expected, finding out that due to his return to the past, his existence needed to be changed so his soul did not decay. In order to prevent such a tragic end, the gods decided to change his existence into that of a stunningly beautiful woman, flipping Chester's world upside down once again. Realizing that he, now she, had to go through this for the gods entertainment, she resolved herself to make the most of this second chance and try to reach for those gods who were now enjoying her antics. A/N Well, what to say, this is just a 'ting on the side, so enjoy with whiskey or rum'. Any comments and reviews are happily received, I look forward to your thoughts.

Spactacular · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Back into Woodspike Forest

Quite happy with the current state of her progress, Astaria returns her attention back to where she was, seeing the city gate ahead.

Calling out to Ben, she guides Sapphire to fall into stride next to Ben's horse.

"Right, sorry about that, I probably should have sorted my status page out earlier, but I just had too much on my mind. Let's get going, can't have the others get too far ahead of you in level."

With a cheeky grin, Ben salutes.

"Yes Sir."

With a roll of her eyes, she squeezes Sapphire with her calves and with a flick of the reins commands Sapphire to begin sprinting.

After a short 10 minutes Astaria brings Sapphire to a halt at the top of the rise southwest of Haligrad and turned her around to face the city, the location she viewed the sunset from last night.

Ben, seeing Astaria now stationary stops next to her.

"What's up?"

Not answering, she just gestures toward the city with her head. Shifting his posture so he can look back, Ben observes the scene before him.

"It's more beautiful at sunset. You said you came in from the west right? It's a shame you missed this scene, it's honestly one of the best first impressions of the game you can get."

Pausing to take in the whole scene, Ben slowly responds.

"It is truly beautiful… it honestly reminds me of playing a few of the old single player fantasy games, the scenery is as impactful. And obviously much better than on a screen."

A gentle sigh escapes Astaria's lips, feeling relaxed from the gentle sea breeze caressing her face and the sun bathing her in warmth, she tilts her head back as she closes her eyes relishing the tranquil moment.

After a moment Astaria returns back to reality and looks over at Ben who was looking at her.


Shaking his head, Ben replies.

"Just happy that you have managed to chill out a little, you were seriously tense earlier man, like seriously. Take your time and pace yourself a bit. You are already ahead of where you had planned to be level wise right? So, take that bit of leeway and give yourself some time to relax or you will burn yourself out."

Sighing, Astaria shakes her head.

"Honestly… I know you are right, but this is an opportunity we can't miss. But I will take some time to relax, I should remember I have you guys to help now, so if I don't have time, all I need to do is dump things on my subordinates."

Letting out a slightly evil laugh after she finishes speaking, Astaria quickly commands Sapphire to turn around and begin running along the main road toward Woodspike Forest.

After around an hour of travel, Astaria and Ben arrive at the edge of the Forest. Slowing down, Astaria guides Sapphire off the main road towards a small spiny surrounded by various large rocks. The area had always been a safe place where players who used to grind in this forest would tie up their horses, so they don't have to worry about their safety.

Dismounting from Sapphire, Astaria gently strokes the horse's head and leads her into the spiny, followed by Ben to where 4 other horses have been tied up to trees.

"Thank you for your hard work getting me here so quickly."

Letting out a whinny, Sapphire stomps her hooves on the ground while bumping into Astaria.

Letting out a laugh, Astaria shakes her head as she removes Sapphire's bridle and puts it into her inventory.

"You want a reward, alright, one second."

Pulling out a quarter of an egg sandwich, she lays her palm flat and offers the sandwich to Sapphire.

"Good girl, now I will need you to wait here with the other horses while I go and help my friends, alright?"

With a shake of her mane Sapphire obediently follows Astaria over to an empty tree where she is tied up by a rope attached to the halter. Nodding to Ben who has now finished tying up his own horse, the two walk towards the forest.

"So, where did everyone say they were exactly?"

Hearing Astaria's question Ben opens his messages and checks.

"Let's see… they are apparently still on the Lv 3 goblin rotation you told them about, the one with 9 groups."

Resting her fist on her chin with her other arm crossed over her chest, Astaria thoughtfully nods at the new information.

"Oh, is that so? They have progressed quite nicely then. It does take a while to get used to killing goblins, even as a group."

Giving her slightly stiff legs a quick stretch after the hour on horseback, Astaria starts to lead the way into the forest.

"So, while we are on our way over, I will help power level you a little."

Looking at Ben's name tag above his head, Nebustar, Astaria mentally clicks the party invitation option, causing both Astaria and Ben's names to appear in the top left corner of her vision, alongside a health and mana bar for her, and a health and stamina bar for Ben.

Astaria could only shake her head again at Ben's in game username. His naming sense has not changed, writing his name backwards and then sticking something at the end. At least this time it did not result in anything too horrific.

In Caelus Online, parties are gatherings of up to 5 players that have grouped up together. They have access to a voice chat channel, as well as share all XP gained from all kills made by party members.

Usually when a player kills an enemy, if there is another player within 25 metres of them, the XP gained will reduce, lowering further for every additional player. However, when in a party none of the XP is lost but instead shared, only being lowered if a non-party member enters a 25 metre radius of a party member.

Multiple parties can join together to become a raid party, consisting of up to 10 parties, where the XP gain will not be lowered between parties. However, the XP each party gains are only shared between the parties that participate in killing the target. Raid parties also allow for separate party voice channels as well as one available to all raid team members.

Walking into the forest they quickly came across an empty camp, hinting that there are others currently in this area, most likely players. Paying it no mind they keep walking until they eventually make it to an uncleared camp of 7 goblins.

Before the fight begins Astaria casts [Mana Heart] boosting her mana regeneration by 1 per minute for 30 minutes costing 10 MP.

With the back of her left hand now glowing blue from the magic circle now on her skin, Astaria looks over at Ben.

"How many can you handle?"

Pausing for thought he stares intently at the goblins currently making a racket in the distance.

"At most 2 at the moment. I am still not completely familiar with my skills and don't want to risk taking damage yet."

With a nod, Astaria pulls out her new short sword from its sheath making a satisfying sound and summons her staff.

Now with a chance to fully examine the items, she looks at her steel staff which has a lustrous sheen to it. The bottom of the staff features a spearhead on the bottom meaning it could be used to stab and slash, while the staffs handle is bound with white leather. The upper part of the staff is diamond-shaped, holding a blue crystal in-between the metal arms shaped into a hollow cube. Lines of runes are carved into the metal, spilling down the upper section of the staff and ending at the handle.

Her steel short sword is pushing the maximum length of a short sword at 89cm which fits her fighting style well. It is well balanced, with a spherical pummel at the end of a white leather wrapped handle. The blade is double edged, with runes carved along the fuller of the blade.

"Ok, once you are ready, let's start. I will deal with 5 of them, give me a shout if you need a hand."

With a nod, Ben unslings his bow and nocks an arrow, then starts to move closer to the group. Astaria closely follows behind, waiting till Ben is in position.

After sneaking to a distance of around 20 metres, Ben draws his arrow back, then releases it. The arrow goes sailing through the air, right past the targeted goblins head and into the fire.


Quickly drawing a second arrow, Ben shoots at the goblins who were now screaming and poking the item that attacked their fire with their spears. The arrow this time finds its mark, hitting a goblin in the lower back.

"God, what dumb shits"

Hearing Ben's comment, Astaria could not help but inwardly agree.

"Dumb but savage. If you ever see them, kill them with no mercy as they will show none to their victims."

Ben gave a hum of understanding as he readies his next shot at the goblins who have now finally realised that there is someone shooting arrows at them.