
Caeleste Academy

Katarina Marzanna Storm is next in line to rule the kingdom of Spellcasters. With her mother being the current queen, and her father an acclaimed warlock, Katarina has an important role to fill. A role that she has learned to love and hate. ~~~ When the Grand Council, an ancient group that oversees interspecies relations, forces citizens, and the heir from each kingdom, to participate in a co-existing program, Kat finds yet another obstacle in her way to becoming queen. Trying to make the best of her situation, Kat attempts to settle into her new life. Until she meets Silas, an overly attractive, egotistical prince who's made it his only mission to find what makes her tick.

MementoMori050 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


As we enter, a single row of lights on both sides guides us through the broad curves of the road ahead. After a short while, a massive palace almost twice the size of the one back home comes into view. I stare in awe as almost hundreds of cars line up at the entrance filled with people from all kingdoms.

Suddenly to my right, Clarke squeals catching me by surprise. "Look Rina," she yells, "isn't he cute?" She puts her finger on the glass of the window and points to a boy with a skin tone the shade of warm expresso, dressed in an all-grey suit standing near an expensive-looking black sports car.

He looks tall and well built, muscled even, with brown eyes. Yes, he's cute, but I've already made myself swear to stay away from relationships. The last thing I need is a boy distracting me from everything I need to focus on. Preparing to take over an entire kingdom at the top of my list. "Eh he's okay," I lie, "a seven at best."

"Come on Kat. He's gotta be at least a nine," Willow chimed in.

"Exactly what I was thinking," Clarke says in agreement. They continue to scope out more boys while I stare at the car in front of us. Well, the boy getting out of the car. I hear a dramatic low gasp from Willow as he turns around making his face accessible to our view.

His dirty blonde hair is messy with a few strands falling loose on his forehead. From my position in the car, I think his eyes are green, but looking closer they might be hazel. His cheekbones are high and define the shape of his face giving him a sophisticated aura. Dressed in a fitted tee and dark sweatpants I can make out the distinctive shape of a toned frame.

Something about him was alluring to me, but his vibe didn't scream mysterious. It was more 'I have better things to with my time and all of this is pointless- including your existence'. That, plus his scowl and body posture, was complete confirmation that he didn't want to be here.

"Now he's hot," Clarke says gazing at him like a predator would its prey.

"Stop staring at him like that Clarke. And while we're on the subject, don't do anything stupid. He might file a restraining order li-" I am stopped mid-sentence by Clarke's hand pressing on my mouth.

"I thought we agreed not to ever bring that up," she whisper-shouts. Willow and I howl with laughter, and even Lyle, who's been silent the entire time lets out a small chuckle. Clarke groans and settles back into her seat muttering something about it only being a one-time thing. Lyle puts the car in park as two men walk up to the trunk.

Then he briskly gets out of his seat to open my door before I can beat him to it. "Not this time Lyle," I say. He smiles before nodding and helping the other two men unload our luggage. Still wrapped up in my thoughts I almost miss Blondie's (that's what I've decided to call him) fleeting glance in our direction, but when he completely stops on his way inside the building I stop as well.

Almost as if I'd called his name, we lock eyes from across the driveway. His piercing gaze is filled with an odd intensity that catches me off guard at first. My already shallow breathing halts for a few seconds as we battle in some kind of 'who's-going-to-look-away-first' staring contest.

The last thing I want to do is admit defeat, but realizing how weird (and stupid) we must look, I break away from his stare and focus on Clarke who's mentioning something about getting a room with a view. As I zone out, I try to sneak a look back at Blondie. I survey the surrounding area at least twice before realizing that he's no longer here.


"This feels so surreal," Clarke comments behind me. I nod and look around the vast foyer that had five distinct staircases. Each led to what I assume are species separated dorms. My eye caught the first boy that Clarke singled out surrounded by a small crowd of students. They were all chatting amongst themselves, but everyone's attention seemed to be solely on him.

When they all moved toward the far-right staircase my suspicions were confirmed. Vampires. They hated witches. Something about an ancient curse and the beginning of their race. I'd have to remember to ask Willow later. She's really into history and would probably know everything there is to know.

Seeing the designated staircase for my dorms I begin climbing, but I stop when a few people recognize me. They all attended the school back home, so they are familiar with my face. Instead of telling them that I'm exhausted and would like time to unpack, I entertain conversations about dorms, teachers, or anything else that was brought up.

"I hate to cut this short, but her royal highness is tired and would like to rest." Clarke interrupts. A few people groan, but I send her a silent thank you and finally continue up the staircase. At the top, the hallway split in two directions. One labeled the female dorms whilst the other was male.

"This is where we part, your majesty," Lyle says, "I'll be staying near the training room with the other guards. My phone number should be saved in your contacts. Please call if you need anything."

"Will do," I say giving him a small wave. I see him smile as he turns and heads back down the stairs. We turn around and continue down the hall.

"Have I ever mentioned that Lyle is such a bore?" Willow says as we search for their room number.

"I don't think he's like that all the time. Only around Kat," Clarke says nudging my arm.

I scoff, "I mean I kind of am his employer."

"That may be true, but I think it's something else," Clarke insinuates while moving her eyebrows. I groan and shake my head.

"If you're trying to hint that he likes me, you're completely wrong. He's years older than me for one-"

"He's only 4 years older than you, Rina. That isn't a huge gap." Clarke interjects.

"Well, it doesn't matter because it's never going to happen," I say ready to change the subject.

"I can't wait for the day when the mighty Katarina is swept off of her feet and announces to the world that she's in love," Clarke replies dramatically.

"I wouldn't hold your breath," Willow adds.

I fake gasp, "You too, Willow?" Now we're all laughing as we continue to search for the room.

"Clarke and I are here in room 107 while her Royal Highness Katarina Storm has a private suite," Willow says attempting a regal accent.

"You guys are more than welcome to crash in my room," I offer.

"Nope, we're good. You need rest anyway because nobody likes a sleep-deprived princess," Clarke jokes. I watch as they enter their shared dorm, and I continue to the end of the hall where my suite is. I put the key that I was given in the keyhole and turn until I hear a light click. With a deep breath, I twist the door nob and open the door.