

It started around 2*10 since I created my own profile in SpaceIn.

I got flooded of invites from the people I know and mostly I don't. I kinda accept them anyway(maybe I get to know them probably).

As I opened the our group chat cause Stacy tagged me then looked onto it and she was like:

"@kylie got some good news for you"

So I just replied: "what is it?"

Then she's just like:

"You know Jake right? He's like single rn"

Then I just go like:


"Oh my♥️♥️"


"Oh, What happened?"

Well, Jake is my type. I liked him like he's tall, great smile, kind to others. He has a girlfriend when we met. UNFORTUNATELY but now is the time OMG.

Stacy then told everything about what happened:

"Well Jake saw Cindy(her girlfriend) kissing with Chaud in the parking lot."

And she followed:

"Jake and Chaud have themselves in a fight and the police got involved to give them a break."

"What the F" I replied.

"They beaten up each other badly and they were both in the hospital to have their bruises and cuts." Stacy then added.

Rae joined the chat:

"Blake deserves that. Luckily I did not give that a$$h*le a chance trying to flirt me."

May also gave her thoughts:

"From the first time I saw Cindy, my doubt that she is a b*tch is now clear that girl is a real b*tch."

Both Jake and Chaud were suspended for a week to reflect their actions.

Given that time I planned how to get Jake's attention.

Then the week has passed.

Jake and Chaud returned to school from being suspended.

They avoided each other every time they bump on each other. And then Cindy felt awkward to Jake and could not have a chance to talk to him.

Jake feels different than before. He looked dull, strange and unhappy.

One day I accidentally sent it on his SpaceIn. I was just singing that time then deleting it purposely not sending it to him, but I pushed the wrong button and it was send unintendedly.

I just jumped into realization of that I had it wrong and I don't know what will be his reaction. I just followed a message that It wasn't for him. Then I got a response from him:

"What a nice voice you have in there."

I was shocked in his reaction.

I just replied:

"Thank you "

He then asked:

"Wanna hangout?"

I said: "Sure." Without even having second thought.

Finally! I can have a chance now, I shall cherish this moment to lead into a good result. But I'll make him give initiatives

and let him come to me.

The weekend came and he picked me up in my house with his truck and drove away. We got some food to go and parked in the Walmart parking lot. We then eat at the back of his trunk and chat while we eat.

"Do you have any plans after high school?" he asked.

"Well, I love writing and doing documentaries so I may go for a career in journalism." I replied.

"How about you?" I followed.

"I am unsure." He replied.

I didn't asked him why. I can just see he lost his passion in his eyes.

He just changed the topic.

"Are you available any time?" He asked.

"During weekends, I usually just research about my career." I replied.

"It's great you have found what makes you happy." He says.

"I was just amazed how you could give this world the things they don't see day to day, giving them information how wonderful this world is even if it has negativity within it."

As I say these words he just stared at me, I glanced back to him seeing his wonderful eyes I can't help to like him more. My mind is going crazy, my heart is beating fast as I looked him straight in the eye.

He started to move his head slowly towards me. I don't know what to do. I am quite shocked with what is happening right now.

He's going closer and closer to me, suddenly he whispered something:

"You're cute you know that."

I was shocked not expecting to hear that from him. I looked him to his eyes, I was stunned by his glare and can't help myself to stare in his emerald green eyes, our lips are almost touching. I could not even move a bit. His phone rang suddenly and he picked it up quickly, he stood up and talked to a distance.

As he got back and said we should get going since his mom called and asked him to go home. I helped him pack the things. It was seem very important as we rushed home, he drove me home and dropped me in my house, we said goodbyes with each other and he said he'll get in touch with me.

The semester is almost done and just a few days are left. I have seen him around and we sometimes hangout a bit in school and some palaces around town.

The semester ended.

I was heading home with my friends since we decided to hangout, we went into the to chill in there. We talked about our plans after highschool,

Rae started talking about her vlogging and sharing what she enjoys. Mae wanted to enter an culinary arts school in france. Stacy wanted to start an online business in Azamoon. And I, I wanted to travel, see beautiful places around europe and asia, hover around the world create good memories and might as well write a book about it to share with them and my family.

It started to get dark and we decided to hop in the car and go back home.

I came home and no one was around so I decided to take a shower first before jumping to bed and do my stuff. After a relaxing shower I went to put my clothes on and start scrolling in SpaceIn. I haven't heard anything from Jake after the semester ended.

Two weeks have past and still nothing from him. I was wondering what happened to him. I didn't want to bother him nor chat him that I may look too desperate to him to talk and hangout with him. The semester started and I didn't saw him in the enrolled list. I asked the registrar if why Jake is in the list. She said that Jake asked for his requirements for transferring since they were moving out, no one knew where they went or where they moved out even Cindy did not know where there are.

I felt sad that Jake never had a chance to say goodbye nor I had said my feelings about him.

Where is he?

I did not even noticed that they are leaving since he always smiles and laugh hard if we hangout. I was very down that time I knew he's gone and without a trace. He never talks that they have problems or what.

How will he know that I fell in love in him if he is gone now?

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

vizenzocreators' thoughts