

"Can you walk?", asked Tamara.

"I will be alright Tamy. I need to go to my desk", I told her.

"No don't worry about it. You can sit out today the boss will not mind", she said winking at me.

"I can't just sit and dawdle my thumb anyways. So I will just go to my desk. I need to do something urgent", I told her. That was the whole information I will give her for the time being. Or else she won't shut up about it and everyone will know there is something up if I give my resignation right away.

She helped me to get to my desk. I sat before it and closed my eyes for a second. This will probably my last time at my desk. I will miss working for sometime then I will get another job soon. Who was I kidding it is not easy to get a job especially during recession. I only got this job because Bi's boyfriend Alex recommended me. At least Bi got a job. I don't have to worry about rent for now. I have to find another work soon.

I quickly typed a resignation letter. I addressed it to him directly because then it would simplify the process . He will quickly process it since he also must want to get rid of me. I hobbled out of my desk to the reception. I dreaded the fact of seeing Laura but I have to deal with her.

"Hey", I told her. She was clearly avoiding me by staring at the laptop too hard.

She looked up and her face showed nothing but disgust. Woah she stopped hiding her dislike. That would mean that she had declared open war at me. That is too bad because I won't be here for long. I'm sure if she knows why I was here she herself will let me inside his cabin. But I didn't want to inform her anything directly. She is far too cunning to read between the lines.

"I have to see Mr Sinclair", I told her.

"Why?", she asked. Her face looked sour.

"I need to give him something", I told her.

"You can't go inside", she told me.

"Why?", I asked her.

"Because you have to get an appointment first", she told me.

"Who gives the appointment ?", I asked her.

"I act as his assistant as well since his assistant is on leave. I give appointment if necessary", she told me with a smirk and a flick of her fingers. I wanted to slap her smirk away from her face. I didn't know I had anger issues before.

"Laura I need to see him it is urgent", I told her.

"Well he is a busy person. Everyone wants to see him. You how ever can contact Henry your boss. That is the person who you should report to according to hierarchy", she told me.

I wanted to tell her that I know hierarchy pretty well. If we goes by that I was far too above her. So she must Obey me but I however chose to ignore her words.

"Go ahead and make a call. I promise you he will allow me to visit. If you won't allow me then I will still go. You will have to call the security to stop me", I challenged her. She looked at me not pleased. I stared back at her blankly. I meant every word. I have to see him. I have to provide him with my resignation.

She quickly made a call. There was a pause from the other side when he knew that it was me who wanted to visit. I was worried that he wouldn't allow it at first. But to my biggest relief he asked me to come. I gathered all the information from her face. Because a negative reply could never make her this much unhappy.

"You may go take the first right", she told me. Though I didn't listen to her direction first. For all I know she gave me the way to towards washroom. I asked the kind lady a little grey for the direction for checking . She said me to take the left instead of the right as it would be faster. I hobbled to the lion's den.

When I reached the door I hesitated. I felt like losing all the courage. I had gathered. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard a curt come on in. I didn't know if he knew it was me. But I found him sitting in the chair relaxed but his eyes alert. His eyes and lazy smile he was giving me shivers.

"Take a seat Miss Stevens", he told me. I knew that he was mocking me.

I took the seat gingerly.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?", he asked me. His fingers lightly touching his fingers. My hands itched to capture his lips with mine. I blinked my eyes to calm myself.

"Here", I said quickly handing him my resignation.

His eyes scanned the contents when he was done he frowned.

"You are leaving the company already? To think how much we spend our resources on you and you are going to quit just like that?", he asked me.

"I don't want to continue here given our situation", I told him.

"What situation?", he asked me.

I gaped at him. Is he playing at something? I had no idea.

"Listen Miss Stevens we had a life before . I didn't know you worked for me back then. I wouldn't have asked you out if I did. Now we are left with no choice. We must forget whatever we had and move forward like we never met before", he told me.

"What?", I asked him dumbfounded.

"I know it must be difficult for you but it is in our mutual interest to not pursue what ever we had", he said.

"I'm not interested in pursuing it as well. But I also wouldn't want to continue working for you", I told him.

"Are you saying you have difficulty to forget we were involved?", he asked me.

"No", I told him.

"Then I would suggest you to get back to work Miss Stevens", he said. I stood there like a statue. I didn't know what to say or do. Is he saying that it would be OK that I work here if we don't pursue each other. Why am I even considering this? I walked away feeling extremely doubtful that it is going to work.