
Moving on

Moving on is hard everyone tells you it is. But you won't believe them not until you experience it. Bi forces me to eat chocolate but I ignore her. I don't want to eat chocolate and cry it was a cliché nothing else. I could never believe that one can move on by eating chocolate or drinking alcohol. It was like climbing a mountain. One had to try going with the best foot forward occasionally stumbling until you reach the pinnacle. I was trying to climb it but one foot at a time. My moving on is going to take forever if not ever.

I put my complete focus on my career. Bi complaints about working for her boyfriend. She says doing it over the table when no one is around is the only good part of her job. I rolled my eyes. I knew Alex is dealing with a privileged brat but she is also sweet sometimes.

"So did you download tinder?", she asked me.

"No Bi that thing scares me. I'm not meeting strangers", I told her vehemently.

"What will become of you?", she said shaking her head.

"I will survive", I told her.

"You don't even have a cat. You will only end up as a plain old lady", she said.

"My dream", I told her trying to smile. Though I'm open to having cats but I'm afraid that it is a huge responsibility and I was just not ready I sighed.

"I love going to work. It had been going great. I only cries once these days. I stopped crying at the shower and in sleep. I don't know what had happened to me. How can I care this much for a person I just met a few times. I can't explain it the pull I felt towards him.

I have been working non stop for these two weeks earning myself a reputation of hardworker. Henry asked me out a couple of times though. He says it is fine to date as long as we are open about it. But I denied his invitation because I was not ready for another one when I have just buried my current one.

When I first denied he was so surprised that he didn't speak for sometime. I knew it was very rare of him to get rejected maybe I was the first.

That is why he explained the company policy is not to harass the woman employees and he also was not my direct boss. I had to say that it was something I was not clearly interested and he backed off for now. I started to breathe without feeling a constrict in my chest. The job had basically saved my life. Else I would have drowned in my sorrows literally.

The hard part is that I still had his face flickering on my mind. I knew u will never forget him even if I get married or have kids someday he will still live in my heart.

"Atleast your slave job is keeping you busy and making you feel not sad for those eight hours", said Bi appreciatively.

"It keeps me busy and does not allow me to think", I told her.

"Good for you. But I will only be satisfied if you have someone in your life", said Bi.

"I don't need someone in my life I have Tamy and you", I told her.

"That girl is someone I would approve for sure. She knows how to drink like a fish and tell jokes", said she..

"Yes she is just like you but censored", I told her.

"You wish. But uncensored is more fun anyways. Anyways aren't you getting late?", she asked me.

"Yes I'm. I have to be presentable today the real boss our CEO is going to be at the office today", I told her.

"Wonderful maybe you will get a raise if you wear something nice", she told me.

"It doesn't work that way Bi. I have been there for two weeks. I'm on a probation I have a long way to go before I can expect any raise", I told her.

"What are you talking about that is how I get my raise every time", she told me laughing. I shook my head at her.

"Did you talk to your parents?", I asked her.

"Yes as a matter of fact I did. Apparently they have found a church and is on the path of forgiveness. So they might as well as start with me. They are open to meeting him but they don't know he is an atheist", she said with a howl of laughter.

"Oh god.! Did you tell them that?", I asked concerned.

"Where is the fun in that? Let them find it out themselves today at lunch", she told me.

"Bi you should tell them or they will throw a fit and will embarrass him", I adviced her.

"Well I gave them a hint", she told me.

"What hint?", I questioned suspiciously.

"I told them that he is a hardworking man who believes in himself which is kind of True", she told me.

" Bi stop playing games or you will regret it", I told her.

"It is very fun to wind them up. It is my favourite pass time", she told me.

"I'm getting late I better go", I told her. She gave me a wave of goodbye.

I went to my car and started it. It didn't throw any tantrum for the first time in my life. I was afraid that my car will betray me but it did not. Since I didn't want to piss off my employer the first day.

I had a tough time finding the parking. This was new to me because Laura had informed me to come on usual time but everyone else had manged to come early. The wheels turned in my head. Maybe they are not early I'm late by the look of it very much late. I rushed to the elevator which was always full but this time empty. So everyone must be in the conference hall welcoming our CEO. I was fucked.