
Mommy issues

"Give me your address?", he asked me. I gave it to him mechanically. He kept driving without trying to talk to me. He also didn't ask me to get to the front. I was thankful to be seated in the back seat. The car came to a stop and I looked at his face. The realisation hit me that Harry Sinclair is here at my house. I slowly got down. Bi makes fun of me being a slow poke. She says I do things slowly that I should live in the fifties. She says my mother was far more modern than I. Maybe she is correct the fast moving modern dating hadn't sit well with me.

"Good night", I told him. He smirked at me. I frowned at him.

"That is all I get? For driving you here. No invitation to go inside and have a cup of coffee?", he asked. I looked at him dumb founded why would he think that me and him in a closed space is a good idea?

"I'm tired", I told him. I hope he take a hint and drive as far away as possible. But I was in no such luck. He opened his door and got out.

"Well I'm not tired. I need a coffee. I have a long drive back. I can make a coffee for myself if you show me the kitchen", he said with a smile. He was baiting me. I prayed that Bi returns to save me. But I don't think so. I had sent her a text already. I'm sure she will go with Alex tonight that means we will be alone. God help me from murdering him or kissing the hell out of him.

He just went inside the home and made his way towards the kitchen. He started the coffee machine. I had never touched that thing in my life. I was more of a tea person than coffee. My father was from Britain. Bi has it wherever she goes. She says she can't function without it.

He was a misfit in my little home that I shared with Bi. I worked some part time jobs and had only quit recently to support myself as well as Bi when she was being cutoff momentary. Her parents though changes their mind too fast about it. Since Bi is their only daughter and she repays them by going on endless shopping sprees and buying me things which are useless to me. I looked at my boots another gift from Bi. Not exactly useless I'm sure I never thought about dressing up for someone until very recently.

"It is a nice place. I'm sure it is expensive", he told me conversationally.

"You mean how do I afford it?For your kind information I'm on a scholarship and I pay the rent while working part time. Also I live with Bi who shares the rent", I told him. She pays the rent when ever she wasn't on financial restraint by her parents but it happens so often she misses the rent. But I was happy with Bi I wouldn't ask for another room mate in this life.

"Bianca Ramsay right? I know her parents", he told me. Why was he talking like a principal he was closer to our age but he wants to play the mature guy fine then.

"How do you know her?", I asked suspiciously. I was worried that he was one of the nameless faces that had spent night with her. He recognised my look and shook his head.

"I saw her in a few parties. I have better sense than to approach her. She seems like a man eater", he smiled at his own words. I was angry what a hypocrite.

"That is quiet something coming from you", I told him.

"I'm not a monk but I'm not a person who sleeps with random people", he told me.

"Well she is also not like that", I defended her maybe once or twice or more who cares. I won't let him degrade my friend.

"I know her Maya. Please stop playing a mother for heavens sake", he told me. I didn't say anything just looked at him.

"May I know your last name?", he asked me. I have no rich parents for him to know. My father was a military guy who during a visit to America fell in love with my mother and married her. He took the citizenship here. But he died as soon as I was born in a car accident . I have no memory of him.

"Maya Stevens", I told him. I wanted to add that he probably won't know my parents as they were nobody's. He was rich and maybe he was a little snobby who knows.

"Where are they?", he asked me.

"My father passed away. My mother lives in Tallahassee", I told him.

"Do you miss your mother?", he asked me.

"What kind of a question is that? Don't you miss your mother?", I asked him with a laugh.

"Not really", he said shocking me to silence.

"Why?", I asked him in a whisper. I regretted that question as soon as it left my mouth.

"I will tell you some other time", he said clearly wanting to drop the subject and I did. He comes with a big and bad sign warning me to stay away. He had mommy issues.

"OK", I told him.

"I have to go now", he told me. He put the coffee cup in front of me.

"Listen I want to take you out. Are you free this weekend?", he asked me. It took me a while to respond I was thinking of how to say no to him politely.

"Are you seriously not able to make your mind for a date?", he teased me.

"Why should I go out on a date with someone who didn't even think to offer me a coffee"?, I asked him in return.

"Because I saw your face when I said the word coffee", he told me. I stayed silent. Here is my number if you feel like contacting me. This is my private number so don't hesitate to call me", he told me. He didn't attempt to kiss me again. He went out quietly as he came in. I sat down on the couch my mind reeling at the fact that I had been asked out on a date in a long time. I was also confused because I wanted to say yes and no to him at the same time.