

Try to be calm, because I tend to stumble when I was nervous. I told myself. Laura must have forgotten to tell me. She will take the responsibility of it, but inside my mind I knew that it won't happen. I had a nagging suspicion that she had done this will fully. I tried to give her benefit of doubt though maybe it had slipped from her mind.

I opened the door I saw a guy whose silhouette vaguely familiar talking to someone else. He had turned his back on me. The light wasn't proper they must have watched something from the projector with a dimlight. I was glad no one spotted me just yet. Except Laura her eagle eyes didn't miss me.

"Oh hi there. What happened Maya? I had informed everyone to come early", she said to me. If she stood any more closer to our CEO he will be pasted to her body. I resisted my urge to roll eyes at her. By the time all the eyes were on me. I hated to be a spectacle. I took a breath and forced myself to talk.

"Actually I was", I stopped in the mid sentence because the boss turned his face to me. My breath left my chest suddenly my head was feeling heavy. It can't be him. But he was there standing in the suit. There is no mistaking it CEO is the same person I had spent a night of passion with. Those hard lips kissed me hotly. Memories hit me like a freight train.

My leg hit on a delicate China flower pot and it went crashing down. I was humiliated beyond redemption. It was fucking pathetic.

"Put on the lights", he screamed rushing towards me. I saw a piece had managed to pierce my leg and it was bleeding now.

"Ouch", I said realising that I was hurt.

"Are you OK?", he asked me.

"I'm fine", I breathed out. When he realised that he had accidentally places himself close to me before every one. He pulled back just as sudden and it hurt me more than the wound.

"I have a first aid kit with me", said Tamara dashing away. He took small controlled breath. I looked down at my wound. It was so embarrassing I never wanted to step foot inside this place.

"That was a great presentation now you all can go back to your desks", he told us. I released a sigh. I turned around with the rest of them.

"Please stay Miss Stevens your leg is hurt", he commanded me. I stopped. I had to listen to him. He is now my boss. I couldn't ignore him like anyone else. Every one has left leaving me alone with him. Laura left with a sneer at me.

"You have done well for yourself. You trapped me into having sex with you knowing full well that I'm your employer", he told me.

"Excuse me. I didn't do anything like that. It was you who took me to Dubai", I contested him. I didn't know how have I managed to say that. Maybe staying with Bi was rubbing off me.

"I know pretty well how woman like you works? You want to file sexual harassment against me and extort money", he told me. I was dumbstruck this guy is so full of himself. To think that I almost loved this guy was appalling.

"I'm not like that. I didn't know you own this company", I said truthfully. I only knew this company as Sin Inc maybe it was a short form for Sinclair Inc. Why did he shortened the name of this company. If he hadn't then I would never have set a foot on this place.

"Then what kind of a woman are you? The one who runs away after sex? You wanted a billionaire to take your virginity? Was that your plan?", he asked me.

"Please stop hurting me like that. I never made any plans. I don't know what to tell you to make you believe in me", I told him.

"Nothing you can tell me will make me believe you", he told me.

Had he leaned a bit closer to me? Why was he cornering me? Is he trying to intimidate me?

"And you are late", he said his nose almost touching mine. He was very near and one could say that he was in a compromising position. His eyes fell on my lips. I accidentally licked my very dry lips. His eyes flared in response it took us back to the hotel room.

We heard a knock on the door. I jumped away from him. He leaned away from me very casually as if he didn't almost kissed me.

"Come in", he said his face giving nothing away. I saw Tamara coming in with a box. I wanted to thank her that she came to save me from him.

"Sit down", she told me.

"I will be fine Tamy there is no need for this", I told her.

"Do as she says", he said. I looked back at him but he was already walking away. I huffed and sat down. Tamy looked between us confused.

"Tamy I just made a fool of myself", I told her. A cleaning help came inside without bothering to knock. I shivered what would have happened if it was she who came earlier before Tamy. We will be hottest topic for gossip.

"No you didn't. Laura is furious. She had been trying to get into his pants for moths. You captured his attention and she would be out for your blood", she told me.

"Fuck", I swore silently.

"Don't worry she is a snake but we can handle it", she said to me.

But I wasn't worried about her not on the least. It was someone else's presence that was bothering me. How can I continue to work here when I fucked the Ceo. It was the worst kind of mess. I know I should do the right thing. What if I had to starve myself for a few days? I have to cancel my trip to see my mother? I shouldn't work here. I will put my resignation today.