
Heartless bully

"You don't have to memorize everything", said Henry.

"I'm studying stop distracting me", I said annoyed. He sighed.

"Come on it is time for presentation", said him.

"OK", I said reluctantly. I have studied the project. I was only a fresher and this would be my first ever presentation. Though I preferred it to be created by me but unfortunately Henry had done everything. He told me that it is from the team and I was very much part of the team. So I had to assume the responsibility of doing the presentation.

I was confident that I could do this. I have to do the presentation in front of Harry. I hope he likes it. I want him to be fair though. I don't want him to accept any project just because I had made the presentation.

All of us have waited for Harry who was late for the conference. Finally when he arrived he looked impeccable. I don't know if he still had my panties in his pockets I hope not because I was already nervous.