
Good news

Bi didn't come home yesterday so that allowed me to think. I also didn't catch much needed sleep but that was OK. I didn't have to go to classes anymore. I was an adult with enormous amount of student loan packed on me. But so was rest of the fellow graduates who passed out with me. I only took a small nap and went for the first interview lined up.

It went OK but I was hesitant to go there the manager kept looking at my boobs. It made my skin crawl. It was obvious what was he looking for in an accountant. The second manager wasn't as shady as the first one. But he wanted someone with basic experience. He said he wished I had done some internship. I wanted to tell him that if I had done that then I won't be serving him with his company's standard of CGPA. How did he think I got good marks? I studied hard without doing internship. I loaded myself with some student loans and a part time job. Still there wasn't much time to study.

If I has gone for the internships then I would have failed. I walked out feeling lost. I wanted to call my mother but didn't want to worry her. She had enough trouble as it is so I called Bi.

"Hey how was the interview?", she asked me.

"Not OK. I'm still looking for a job", I told her. I heard her talking in background with Alex probably.

"Hey Alex knows someone in a huge ass corporation he will set you up an interview. I wanted to tell her that corporation doesn't work like that but didn't have a heart to say so. I was thankful that he thought enough about me to secure me a job.

" That is OK. Tell him it is fine. I will look for something my own", I told her.

"Wait silly girl. You will need money my parents cut me off again. Some of her friends saw me with Alex suddenly they remember that they have a daughter and immediately cut me off. They are asking me to break up because they don't want me to date a guy wearing tattoos. I have no idea what they will do once they get to know that he is actually a tattoo artist ", she told me. I heard Alex chuckling in the background.

" They already cut you off what more can they do? ", I asked her.

" True. Wait. Alex said to call on the number I will forward to you. He says he knows the guy. He can get you a job. Go for it girl", she told me.

"Yes. I will try", I told her. I had no faith that he will get me a job. But I had to go for the sake of Bi. I didn't want to discredit Alex to her face. I was so desparate to have a job that if it is a half descent offer I will take it.

I called the guy. We agreed to meet for interview. He gave me directions. I doubted that he was mildly flirting with me. But he hasn't seen me do guys flirts with someone whom they haven't seen. I have no idea. But I didn't ponder much over it. I hoped to my small car and drove to destination. When I got to the place I was clearly surprised it was a huge ass corporation like Alex called it. I always wanted to work on a big company. There were many advantages including good pay, promotion and also allowances.

I had some student loans which was not big enough to be worried about but still big enough for me to think twice while buying from starbucks.

I went inside and there were a lot of formalities. I read the name Sin Inc which made chuckle to myself the owner seems to be a guy who love double meanings. I met with a receptionist who was dressed impeccably. She sneered at my attire but had mercy enough to let me pass through.

I went to see Alex's friend with a resume on my hand. I had a tag of visitor not an interviewee. So it was a little confusing but I decided to go ahead the rest be damned.

When I went to see him I was surprised he looked dashing enough but he didn't make my heart flutter like a certain someone. But there was only a small problem he walked a thin line between being flirtatious and creepy. When I said thin I meant very thin line. We talked about my qualifications, family and boyfriend which I had no idea had any connection to the job.

But he was thrilled to know I was single. I wanted to tell him that I never intended to date someone from my job. But I didn't say anything since it would be so assuming. I also asked how he knew Alex it turns out he was a client of his. But now he hangs out more with him than his work buddies. He said I will not work under him. That made me relax because working with him seemed to be a bit tricky.

"The interview is over you are hired. I'm Henry it's a pleasure to meet you ", he said with a hand.

"I'm Maya Stevens", I told him giving him a firm handshake that my mother taught me.

"I look forward to working with you", he told me.

"Me too", I lied to him. But I was happy to be working to put all the theory I have learnt into practice. I called Bi and conveyed the news. She was very happy for me. I took a look at my contacts again. I saw Harry's number. My hand hovered on the call button. I wanted to tell him my good news but I was afraid too. He was too imposing and made my hormones sing every time I hear his voice. But he wasn't a bad guy. He was different but so was I.