
Clearing up

I had to drag her to get inside the bathroom. She looked like a girl who was about to be punished but not caring much about it.

"Why are you behaving like this to Harry?", I hissed at her.

"Some one had to show him ground since you will never do it", she shot back.

"How did you know he was in London?", I asked suspiciously.

She looked a little uncomfortable at my question but recovered fast. I frowned at her she was hiding something definitely.

"Well he had sent you a message today", she said to me.

"And you are telling me this now?", I asked her.

"Yes what else should I have done? You would have run over to him with no self-respect what so ever", she said.

"Excuse me I'm not the one who had talked to somebody's girlfriend and begged them to back off", I told her. She flinched at my tone. I know it was a low blow but it has to be done. So she can see some sense.