

what if a man is reborn into a world that combines The universes of DC comics,Marvel comics,image Comics,the boys and more into one universe what is a man to do. (side note some character's origins will be changed in this story) I don't own any of the characters or properties besides the OC's and concepts I came up with

Shadow_Tiger_360 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Year Zero:Rebirth

3rd person pov:Francisco Gonzalez is a Latino Man of Salvadoran heritage and he is currently on his way to make a "pick up" as he is driving in his 86 Monte Carlo Lowrider

Francisco pov: ey josè I'm here Foo as I call him by name my informant Josè Ramirez comes from the warehouse door as he says ey pendejo watch your tone I just smirk at him no Mamès cabrón now let's get this shit over with its getting late and I git shit to do tomorrow Cirotè as me and Josè go in he leads me to the supplies I see what will pay my bills for a good while it's a fucking shit load of cocainehttps://images.app.goo.gl/pMHH7RRApKfD2g977my eyes go wide as this is easily tens of millions of dollars worth of cocaine I look a Josè and say ey Cabròn you know how much this goes for Loco I say to him in a serious tone Josè looks at me with that usual look of his when he's unsure of shit I just smack my head in irritation sure this coke was a lot of money but you just don't move this type of billete with out getting a bullet aimed for your skull ey Josè your lucky I both got duffle bags in my car and that I personally like you Foo let's just get this shit in the car Josè just nods and helps me get the duffle bags and as we do I hand him some spare gloves I had since I'm not dumb enough to let him do this shit otherwise Josè may got heart but brain's counts for something in this line of work me and Josè get the cocaine and pack it in the Duffle bags soon as we get their and make like thrives in the night but little did I know this would be how shit hit the fan

3rd person pov:Francisco and Josè are in Francisco's 86 monte carlo as they are now on the Free way then shut hits the fan soon as they are on the free way for a good while people start blasting the back of the car as the bullets make impact Francisco stomps on the gas

Francisco pov:fuck fuck fuck shit mierda Josè who else fucking knows about thise coke I shout at Josè and he shouts back i dont know foo and I say the fuck you mean don't know Cirotè WHERE BEING SHOT AT AND THIS IS THE SHIT YOU TELL ME THIS SOME BULL SHIT PENDEJO!!? the glove compartment their's a colt 45 in their I say as Josè nods and hurriedly gets the gun from the mentioned spot as he cock it back and waits a few then starts shooting back at the people shooting at then Josè says TAKE THAT PINCHÈ CABRÓNES!!!! I start swerving the car as where being shot at trying to both dodge bullet at the same time giving Josè better advantages as far as his aim goes hijo tu su Púta Madre Josè hold on estamos a punto de ir muy rápido

3rd person pov:as soon as Francisco says that he takes off at speeds that would normally he'd try to not go for obvious reasons but desperate times call for desperate measures as Francisco are driving for their lives Francisco says Hijo de

la gran púta they keep driving all the way to the Los Angeles docs as they get their shit hits the fan as the docs become a war zone bullets flying at some point it becomes a gun fight on foot turns out it was some local gang bangers who found out about the shipment of coke coming in their is 7 of Themas they had guns

Francisco pov:I have my sig sauer p210 pistol on me as I'm shooting at the gang bangers on get read to shot me with a rifle then I shiit that foo in the forehead me and Josè keep shooting strategically as we take anyway to hinder their ability to shoot as we even shoot down metal scrap that falls on two of the gang bangers as it crushes them as the gun fight goes me and josè kill two more then as Josè goes to kill another him and a gang bangers kill eachother by shooting eachother in the skull instantly go for Jonsè's gun only being saved from being shot from years of experience I then look at Josè's dead body me and him may have had our differences and frankly not like me and him where close but still he was a loyal business partner so I had to spin for Josè and that's when I gain an adrenaline boost as I create distractions with bullets hitting obstacles to creat a sorta smoke screen as I go for the fork lifts and luckily for me some one left the key near by so I start it and grabbed a near by book and puts it on the pedal and it went going at one of the gang bangers at top speed as it hits him he screamed in paind as he gushes out blood along with throwing it up with that momentary distraction I shoot the second to last one in the skull and now it's just me and the guy who from what I could tell was in charge as soon as he aimed his gun at me I went for the pillar and used it for cover then the gangbanger yells at me THEY WHERE MY BROTHERS HIJO DE PÙTA me and him just shoot at eachother nonstop till we ened up shooting eachother luckily for me I was shot in the chest and I shot him in the throat he instantly fell dead I was on the ground bleeding I may have got the better half of that exchange I still got shot in the chest real near the heart specifically as im coughing up blood I say mierda It seems I'm waiting to see the man upstairs well shit can't say I didn't have it coming it's how this life goes even in my last moments I'm gonna die alone I was born to two immigrant parents my mom died giving birth to me my dad died in the middle of a shoot out when I was 5 atheist it wasn't all so bad I made some friends to bad Jaimè I wanted to watch that anime shit with you one last time oh that right you wanted to read one piece together and read me those batman comics haha well at least I know you're gonna be happy and safe after I'm gone you where a true friend in this life I was given a real shitty hand but at least I can rest now

3rd person pov:just like that Francisco Gonzalez took his final breath but little did he k ow this was not his end this would be the gate way to his second chance

Later in a hospital in a private facility hidden in Los Angeles California a couple was welcoming a new life into the world

And it's a boy the doctor says who is an Asian man and the Father a Latino Man Rugged masculine facial features Copper-brown skintone bronze-brown eye's 5'10 muscular build easily over 225lbs of muscle this man's name was Rigoberto Nazario the father of the newly born boy who is obvious is his son and he just smiles at his new born son as he Kisses his wife who just gave birth and his Wife is Isabella Nazario a beautiful woman with a figure that most women would kill for

Rigoberto pov:esta perfect mi amor he says as he looks at his son with pride

Isabella pov:lo se mi amor the beautiful woman says as she gently smiles at her new born son as she does she says nuestro pequeño y perfecto Rayó Nazario

3rd person pov:and just like that Francisco Gonzalez was now Rayó Nazario he was reborn into a world of super-powered beings,magic and extreme danger and this is the story how he saved the world

ok guys try not to be to hard on me i mean it's my fisrt story but feedback will be appreciated so dont sugar coat ether

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